I'll respond more properly to CornBurrito once he gets people's reads on me without a defense, but for now, here are my (generic) reads on others. Sorry y'all I don't have new and exciting information and perspectives.
Rest: Voted for him on Day 1 instead of Hagi. I still think he's regular Hope but it's not like we've had any new material.
kgtrep: I think he's Hope or Neutral and wasted his power today.

The power itself seems unnecessary for Despair.
kingkitty: I still don't know what to make of him making himself such a target Day 1.
CornBurrito Out of us newbies, he's trying the hardest I think. Probably Town. Too bad he picks on his own teammates.
Crab: Talked about him before. If we're going by the litmus that if you lie at all, then you must be Despair, then yeah, he's said himself that he's withheld information/put on attitudes, etc. If he's Despair, today's the best day to get him. I'm not convinced, but I won't lose sleep over him dying either. I really don't like his attitude, but I'm wondering why Despair would do something like that or maybe he really is that abrasive when he plays. SalvaPot, I actually don't see the soft role-claim unless you're talking him (jokingly?) saying that he'll role-claim before being lynched?
swamped: Backed off after an aggressive start. Might be Hope trying not to become a target?
CzarTim: Despite posting so much Day 1, he kind of flew below my radar. (There were other folks to focus on, I guess.) He's on the aggressive side which as I've said before, I don't like but then again I'm a baby with thin skin. I'm not convinced he's Hope, but other than high activity I don't see any redflags yet. Except that he seems like a Chuck Palahniuk fan in which case eww.
Makai: Not convinced he's Hope. Like I've asked before (although maybe people don't hear me and that's why they think I'm quiet?), how long are we going to wait for him to be left alive by Despair before we do something about him ourselves?
goshujinsama Most probably Town.
So, in my head I'm thinking of these folks as Hope: goshujinsama, Rest, CornBurrito, swamped, Crab. (In order of most likely to least likely.)
People on my suspicious list: Makai, kgtrep (if it's a neutral power), kingkitty