Yes, that's exactly what I mean.
My extremely cursory thought is that you might need separate layers for your different angles of rotation.
Yes, that's exactly what I mean.
You could either:
Duplicate the layer, one layer for each frame, and edit each separate layer accordingly.
In the lower right hand corner-ish of the screen (default layout), in the Layers window there's a tick box for 'Propagate Frame'. Un-tick it, and that will allow you to reposition/rotate/resize a single layer multiple ways across multiple frames.
Also, CTRL-T is the 'Free Transform' shortcut, for rotating and resizing and stuff ;o
Oh shit. That crazy bear. We've been beaten. Ouro, do something!
Don't worry. We've still got the Danger Zone on our side.Oh shit. That crazy bear. We've been beaten. Ouro, do something!
Well, that didn't take long lol
Don't worry. We've still got the Danger Zone on our side.
Well, that didn't take long lol
Wowow!!! Even earlier start and awesome update to the OP!!! Very excited for y'all, pandaramas!! I'll go and sit at my box seat now and be quietly since your awesome game is about to start
Good luck and have fun!!!! 🎉
Good luck everyone! I'll get out of your thread now so that you can play, (aside from maaaaaybe the occasional popcorn gif?) but I'll be watching this one closely!
another map? kark helped you with this set up didn't he
bitches imma sneak to the cafeteria and eat alllll the hash browns
Danganronpa kitchen only has doughnuts though
The good news about being next to Barry is when he inevitably dies right away I can knock down the wall and put in a private kitchen.
Here's a cheap vita tv just In time. Might bite the bullet
Yeeeeaaaahhhh... Our game is clearrrlllyyy superior. You guys should just should just drop out of school and go find some pudding or something. Also, Vote Sawneeks.
Yeeeeaaaahhhh... Our game is clearrrlllyyy superior. You guys should just should just drop out of school and go find some pudding or something. Also, Vote Sawneeks.
Sup Dangan scrubs.
I anticipate this picture getting more mileage.
Whoa whoa, don't ice me 'cause of that guy. As long as you don't mind me blasting Metallica at 7:00 AM we can still be friends.I was gonna invite you and Rest to chill at my place when we had downtime, but nuts to that now.
Following the events of the previous days, you have shuffled off into your assigned dormitory. You werent sure what to think at this point. Everyone was tense, eyes shifting constantly among each other. If what the bear had said was true, was there any way you could trust each other?
You awaken to the sound of school announcement bells. A television in your dormitory displays the cursed bear, announcing that the day has begun and the current time. Please report to the gymnasium, Monokuma says, no change in his whimsical demeanor.
As you make your way out of your dormitory, you see the other students doing the same. You wait in the gymnasium until the other students have gathered. Still nauseous and uncertain, there isnt much conversation among them except for a casual exchange of pleasantries.
Once all the students had gathered, another announcement from Monokuma ushered you towards a red door off in the side of the gymnasium. Entering it, youre greeted with a bleak room and a service elevator. Hesitantly, you all board it. It creaks to life and begins descended for what feels like an eternity.
Finally, the elevator comes to a halt. You all exit the elevator and are greeted with what seems like a courtroom, only with 24 podiums in a circle, and one single high-chair placed outside of it.
You awkwardly find your place in the courtroom. Before you even realize it, the bear has taken his place in the high chair.
Alright bastards, time to find the mafia. upupupu
VOTE: AbsolutBro