The third option kinda makes sense as nothing would change regarding CzarTim's kill and potential attacks on me or Pau, but would be a big disadvantage to Despair.
I'm not seeing your correlation between who I saw on Night 1 and how it pertains to the death on Night 2. Could you explain a bit more?
Also you're leaving out some possibilities:
1. Ninja. Could be anyone and would not be seen if they went and made the kill
2. The killer could be anyone not in the path of Pau/AB/you as no one else walked that path except for SalvaPot and, as he is dead, he couldn't say who he saw that night anyway. Meaning the possible killers are Royal_Flush, Swamped, KingKitty, CornBurrito, Zippedpinhead, Christina, CzarTim, Makai, or Goshujinsama.
Also not sure how this leaves Redacted free from being the possible killer.
Sure thing. I forget shit all the time and often am too lazy to search.
Kalor, ViviOggi, and Zipped hammered 3 votes in quick succession for CzarTim. These 3 votes (and Zips specifically) pushed Czar as the majority, I fully believe that Despair would have wanted to keep Czar alive. Regardless of whether or not Sawneeks is Despair or Hope. Thus I don't think Kalor or Vivi are Despair. And whoever replaced Vivi naturally.
As for Zipped, idk why he doesn't ping my hope sensor, but he doesn't ping my Despair one either. And I don't have enough reasons to think him Despair.
Mind if I ask why? I'm pinging Zipped as Despair because of some of his voting/posting habits, especially Day 3's. Well, that and how most of his posts 'go with the crowd' and are generally reposts of ideas that aren't too radical.