I don't understand why I should have been aiming for 1) when I didn't trust CzarTim or AbsolutBro? I can't say for sure that Despair would target me over the other PRs, but it was enough of a possibility and I don't exactly want to be like: "Oh, here's why Despair is going to target me" because that might also give them ideas if they haven't actually thought of it.Pau I think you've partially misunderstood me, you're point 1 should have been what you were aiming for, if my understanding is correct. Instead you acted to avoid it, and now you're acting like Despair would have targeted you despite this without giving a good reason why.
For the record, I think Ty is more likely to be the evil one, hard to be sure though without knowing who has been leading on certain ideas.
And you had some minor daytime heat, not "significant danger". Crab survived a duel and more without ever even hinting at his role. If you though you needed to role claim then to avoid being voted out, you were panicking.
Zipped, I specifically said not to respond to that, if you're Hope you might be giving Despair ideas, if you're Despair you're probably misleading Hope. That's lose-lose for us
Can't help that, it's just the game we were dealt. I think redacted is terrabyte, rest, or Goshujinsama. This assumes that Sawneeks only moved slightly to the left night one and didn't see them move to the left. If redacted really didn't move night 1 then it opens up to include TL.
Then what do you interpret his role claim and Fight Club reveal to be then? If he really wanted to stay alive he really could have just kept quiet.
Also that is odd because I suspect 2 out of the 3 on that list to be Despair. I'm thankful I'm still here so I can keep playing but it's weird.
I think redacted is terrabyte, rest, or Goshujinsama.
How did she spot CzarTim?
See, could we please just not do this unless we
a) run in danger that we lose the information who redacted is (That means two of Pau, Ty4on and AB are dead) or
b) we are sure that redacted is Despair.
I know I'm kind of phishing for information on this too, but I never wanted actual names. And I don't think in the current situation the name of redacted helps us in a big way. This may change after the next NK but until then I'm against revealing or openly speculating about the identity of redacting.
There's a vote on ZippedPinhead and CornBurrito has said he's not opposed to adding another one. There's momentum.How so? Zipped has posted more than a few other players so far and while his theories are strange, it's more than others can boast.
If you're simply putting this on 'expend-ability' than TL21xx should be up there on your list. Low post count, not much contribution, could be Despair or a quiet Hope. For all intents and purposes, he is 'expendable'. So why Zipped over him?
There's a vote on ZippedPinhead and CornBurrito has said he's not opposed to adding another one. There's momentum.
Then his one shot cop cover would be blown if anyone from the bottom row spoke up.Since czartim went to francorp's room he could have moved top or bottom row, the only way Sawneeks and that happened is if he moved the whole way across the bottom.
I was only aware of one vote for each, plus your potential vote. I could go with either.Even with my vote switching, there'd still be an equal amount of votes for Tl21xx and Zipped. Both have momentum.
But it's such a fun word![]()
I think he role claimed in such a showy fashion for two reasons.
A. If he had survived that day, Despair would have been in a very good position imo.
B. Lulz. I imagine Czar had a shitload of fun doing it.
There's a vote on ZippedPinhead and CornBurrito has said he's not opposed to adding another one. There's momentum.
Literally no reason. I said when I voted it's pure bandwagon.We only use wholesome, family-friendly language here god damn it. So watch your mouth.
Sure? Sure. It feels flimsy to me but I can see where you're coming from.
Bandwagon-y but, sure, I guess. But I'm asking you, regardless of where the vote count even is, as to why Zipped over TL21.
Sure? Sure. It feels flimsy to me but I can see where you're coming from.
Literally no reason. I said when I voted it's pure bandwagon.
He was proactive on the whole fight club thing and could steer the conversation away from him instead of suddenly having it focused on him.
Then his one shot cop cover would be blown if anyone from the bottom row spoke up.
Please tell me this vote isn't because you think I'm redacted...*splinter, Being called a chucklefuck was uncalled for. This is a friendly game, and while the dramatic license when you are making accusations is appreciated and in the spirit of things, that really wasn't nice.
Personally, I hate how widespread the fight club mechanic is, and it makes me feel like I'm only playing half of this game. With this many people having access to it (and potentially more people having access to it with however despair moves) it's very disheartening.
Can't help that, it's just the game we were dealt. I think redacted is terrabyte, rest, or Goshujinsama. This assumes that Sawneeks only moved slightly to the left night one and didn't see them move to the left. If redacted really didn't move night 1 then it opens up to include TL. Combine this with traditional scum hunting (which you love so much) means that the most sketchy and least posting on these would be more suspect. This leaves rest (who loved jumping on my bandwagon) and terrabyte (who is playing a completely different game than last time which sets off my scum radar). Of these two if'm more likely to vote terrabyte than rest (even though he has bandwagoned me) but they both set off my scum radar. This is mostly based on the fact that czartim voted and kept his vote on rest day1.
Is this for me or Corn? Because I'm in the mindset that Czar's whole gambit was to get himself lynched, use his power, and kill off someone else. Czar's actions back this up.
He had a huge amount of chances to steer himself clear of the firing line on Day 3 but he kept putting himself there. And I'm going to assume Czar is a good enough Mafia player to realize that trying the reverse psychology 'kill me!' trick wasn't going to work for a 3rd time. Especially not since he advocated for it pretty hard while Makai/Crab used the same trick and then moved on while Czar didn't.
Updated OP with a player count, removed the players that were replaced, striked out dead players.
Happy Sorian?
CzarTim is still alive?
Terrabyte claimed ordinary student when I pressed him. If people saw him wandering the halls, somebody would have outed him. Liars are lynched.*splinter, Being called a chucklefuck was uncalled for. This is a friendly game, and while the dramatic license when you are making accusations is appreciated and in the spirit of things, that really wasn't nice.
Personally, I hate how widespread the fight club mechanic is, and it makes me feel like I'm only playing half of this game. With this many people having access to it (and potentially more people having access to it with however despair moves) it's very disheartening.
Can't help that, it's just the game we were dealt. I think redacted is terrabyte, rest, or Goshujinsama. This assumes that Sawneeks only moved slightly to the left night one and didn't see them move to the left. If redacted really didn't move night 1 then it opens up to include TL. Combine this with traditional scum hunting (which you love so much) means that the most sketchy and least posting on these would be more suspect. This leaves rest (who loved jumping on my bandwagon) and terrabyte (who is playing a completely different game than last time which sets off my scum radar). Of these two if'm more likely to vote terrabyte than rest (even though he has bandwagoned me) but they both set off my scum radar. This is mostly based on the fact that czartim voted and kept his vote on rest day1.
Updated OP with a player count, removed the players that were replaced, striked out dead players.
Happy Sorian?
Please tell me this vote isn't because you think I'm redacted...
Err... that's an extremely dumb plan though. Czar didnt need to get himself lynched D3 to use his power. He could have simply coasted through the game for as long as possible UNTIL he was naturally voted out.
Instead he played a risky game, and had he not been voted out on D3 and forced into using his role, I imagine he'd still be with us here on D5.
He went there night one, night two he went to salvapot, which means he went left and was only seen from people who went all the way left (to the workshop and that other facility) day 3 he didn't go anywhere (didn't need to, didn't feel like it, wanted to give one last shot to his "one shot ability", I don't know). Either way by night 3 he was figured out and cover blown so it didn't matter.
As we discussed yesterday the one shot cop play only words because no one saw him night 2 and likely despair agreed that someone else should carry out kills for a while.
Terrabyte claimed ordinary student when I pressed him. If people saw him wandering the halls, somebody would have outed him. Liars are lynched.
It's actually a really, really smart play. Everyone focus on CzarTim and AB for an entire Day. Day ends, CzarTim uses his power and kills another, leaving everyone confused and with a wasted Day. The following Day is also spent in waste as it leaves us with only one really viable option: lynch Czar. That's TWO days with no good Lynches that provided new results that help Town.
But going for your reasoning why would he draw so much attention to himself? I know it's the whole reverse psychology thing but he was very adamant about it, more so than Makai/Crab when they pulled the same thing. It doesn't make sense.
I feel like we keep talking in circles, and we just will not agree on why Czar did what he did.
I'm probably not going to change my mind unless Zipped flips as Despair.
I do think it helped more than harmed. Whether that was intentional or not, I'm not sure.It's actually a really, really smart play. Everyone focus on CzarTim and AB for an entire Day. Day ends, CzarTim uses his power and kills another, leaving everyone confused and with a wasted Day. The following Day is also spent in waste as it leaves us with only one really viable option: lynch Czar. That's TWO days with no good Lynches that provided new results that help Town.
But going for your reasoning why would he draw so much attention to himself? I know it's the whole reverse psychology thing but he was very adamant about it, more so than Makai/Crab when they pulled the same thing. It doesn't make sense.
So your mind flips If I AM despair or if I am NOT despair? Just want to see where your head is
If Czar went the bottom path N1 it would be very likely that someone who saw him knew what path he had to have taken and could have countered his claim to targeting AB N1. Instead I believe he would have said something like he targeted me or Sawneeks if he took the bottom path to make it consistent.
It's because I think you COULD be redacted, but more imprortantly because you haven't provided good reads to me, you aren't acting like you were last game (when you were town, it's very hard to not play differently when you get a different alignment,) look at absolutebro and czartim for the different ways they played and try to remain consistent from game to game (I won't send you after me because I know I e played differently each game). You have switched gameplay dramatically and haven't provided reads that I found good. Potentially being redacted is just extra.
I keep saying this.
I have several assumptions running about what went down on D3. If those assumptions are correct, Despair wanted Sawneeks dead and not Czartim. This means that I have good reason to think that Kalor/Royals/Zipped are not Despair. Since they were 3 votes in quick succession that saved Sawneeks and got Czartim voted out.
If you flip Despair, that means my assumptions were wrong. This also means my reasons for trusting Kalor and Royals vanish. I have two more Despair suspects and two less people I feel comfortable trusting.
If you flip Hope, I'll be slightly more secure that my assumptions were correct. Not as definitive as I'd like, but its something. And I need any level of confirmation I can get.
You might ask: Why not Kalor/Royals? Why me as the target? And that's because even despite what I said, my gut just won't let me feel comfortable with thinking of you as Hope like it does for Kalor/Royals.
Okay, are we ignoring that Czar, a known Despair, had a chance to hammer home a vote on Sawneeks and chose not to. I'm almost positive it was that very action that convinced Crab that Czar was Despair, shortly before Czar ultimate debated him.
Is there a factor I'm missing here? Is there a good reason we don't suspect Sawneeks of being Despair? I mean, it's entirely possible I am missing something. It's an honest question.
Both CornBurrito and I had votes on Sawneeks. I don't know why heat on her evaporated. I'd rather vote for her than anyone else, but I'm not seeing a lot of fingers pointing her way.Okay, are we ignoring that Czar, a known Despair, had a chance to hammer home a vote on Sawneeks and chose not to. I'm almost positive it was that very action that convinced Crab that Czar was Despair, shortly before Czar ultimate debated him.
Is there a factor I'm missing here? Is there a good reason we don't suspect Sawneeks of being Despair? I mean, it's entirely possible I am missing something. It's an honest question.
Wait did CzarTim vote TL21xx or Sawneeks at the end? The spreadsheet has both down.Okay, are we ignoring that Czar, a known Despair, had a chance to hammer home a vote on Sawneeks and chose not to. I'm almost positive it was that very action that convinced Crab that Czar was Despair, shortly before Czar ultimate debated him.
Is there a factor I'm missing here? Is there a good reason we don't suspect Sawneeks of being Despair? I mean, it's entirely possible I am missing something. It's an honest question.
I actually DO suspect Sawneeks lol. I've said many times that she could very well also be Despair.
If Zipped flips Despair, we must keep in mind that he was ultimately the vote that sent Czartim packing. And then we need to ask ourselves why did Despair find it worthwhile keeping Sawneeks alive.
Wait did CzarTim vote TL21xx or Sawneeks at the end? The spreadsheet has both down.
It would have been suspicious when the role PM made it clear CzarTim would have seen her. I feel Czar wanted to be trusted, not just survive another day. He played very pro town by constantly steering people away from Pau and AB.
I asked him to get the record straight and he flat-out said he's an ordinary student.When you pushed him he claimed he wasn't your other lucky student, and when he asked if any fight club members ever saw him no one responded...
Neither make him a liar, and neither shows he claimed ordinary student...
Unless I'm missing a post, which is possible I did a search but I will admit I did not read every single one of his almost 200 posts
Do you go in the hallways? No, I just roleclaimed ordinary student.
I don't trust her completely, but I think she asks good questions (I said so before she was outed as a PR) and prefer her being alive for now.I 100% agree and am working under this assumption.
Pau, Typhon, can I ask what you two think of Sawneeks?
I feel like we keep talking in circles, and we just will not agree on why Czar did what he did.
I'm probably not going to change my mind unless Zipped flips as Despair.
Makes me think that Sawneeks is the next target, if she is not Despair or if Despair doesn't feel like going after Ty4on or me.
Sawneeks. Tl21xx was a super early vote from him. Around the same time I voted for Tl21xx.
Okay, so if this is the case, what do you mean that CzarTim chose not to hammer a vote home on Sawneeks? Didn't he vote for her?Okay, are we ignoring that Czar, a known Despair, had a chance to hammer home a vote on Sawneeks and chose not to. I'm almost positive it was that very action that convinced Crab that Czar was Despair, shortly before Czar ultimate debated him.
Is there a factor I'm missing here? Is there a good reason we don't suspect Sawneeks of being Despair? I mean, it's entirely possible I am missing something. It's an honest question.
I asked him to get the record straight and he flat-out said he's an ordinary student.