man, it's kinda crazy we already know who's going to win next year's oscar for best actor, isn't it?
Except that he might not win precisely BECAUSE he'll be the obvious choice. The Academy will give it to whoever will get them the most buzz.
It would give them the most buzz as well. If DDL wins he'll be the first ever three-time best actor oscar winner.
The eventual emancipation of eastern European countries largely came about through the fall of the Soviet Union, so it's not exactly the greatest example to support the proposition that peaceful movements can end tyrannical regimes.I recommend reading up on Hungary in 1956.
The most difficult task of the screenplay is to condense all of the events into something film-able. I can only guess at what they might include...the Lincoln-Douglas debates, the Republican nomination, the mix-up involving Fort Sumter, Lincoln's skillful manipulation of his cabinet, the emancipation proclamation...I don't know how it's going to handle everything. Seward, Chase, and Stanton aren't very well known, but they are some of the most distinctive figures in American history, so it's going to be interesting to see how they are handled.The thing that most got me excited about this film was the re-teaming of Spielberg with Tony Kushner. And by all reports the script for the film is phenomenal. DDL is just fucking awesome icing on the cake.
So...any reason for the lack of trailer? It's out in a few months and there hasn't even been a teaser for it yet.
Hell, are there any promo pics of DDL as Lincoln?
War Horse trailer didn't hit until August last year. I wouldn't expect it until then, even if this is getting released a month earlier.
War Horse trailer didn't hit until August last year. I wouldn't expect it until then, even if this is getting released a month earlier.
Should have been Idris Elba.
JGL would have been better.
he should play both thoughJGL is playing Lincoln's son in this.
Speaking of this, I rewatched TWBB last night and I CANNOT FUCKING WAIT to see DDL knock this shit out of the park.
I seriously need to see that movie...
I hope Linkin Park gets to appear on the soundtrack
JGL is playing Lincoln's son in this.
Speaking of this, I rewatched TWBB last night and I CANNOT FUCKING WAIT to see DDL knock this shit out of the park.
Really going to be pissed if this is PG-13 typical pandering Spielberg BS.
Really going to be pissed if this is PG-13 typical pandering Spielberg BS.
Really going to be pissed if this is PG-13 typical pandering Spielberg BS.
A Stephen Spielberg film, about America's arguably most-important President, rated "R" and eliminating at least half its potential audience? lol.
Really going to be pissed if this is PG-13 typical pandering Spielberg BS.
The rating has little to do with it being the typical Spielberg Oscar bait. You can make an edgy PG-13 film obviously. But Spielberg is incapable of that at this point
Why are we assuming this will be a) PG-13 and b) suck because of it?
He's only made 3 movies since. None were supposed to be "edgy" or anything more than family fare.
He has made one good film since 2003 (Munich), how long can people use it to defend him?
Lincoln could be very good, or it could be very sentimental and average. We'll see
Samuel L Jackson as Lincoln is the only logical step forward."Four motherfuckin' score, and seven motherfuckin' years ago...."
If it covers the civil war then well...that part. PG-13 war films are just lol.What the hell in Lincoln's story could not be done in a PG-13 film?
Do the Civil War battles need to have Zack Snyder slow-mo as cannonballs disintegrate a Union soldiers limbs?
If it covers the civil war then well...that part. PG-13 war films are just lol.
But what does Konex think?