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Dark Souls GFWL to Steamworks Migration is now live.


Someone is saying that summons and invasions don't work at the moment. Is it true? I haven't seen any complaints about it here.

People have been complaining that it is inconsistent.

Some have no problems at all, some can't connect at all, some start off in one state and progress to another as they play. Some people have found luck by changing their steam download region to Finland and others have not.


At best it is much more populous than the game under GFWL
At worst it is the exact same or in some cases even crashes when trying to connect.

I haven't really dug into it so can't say what my experience has been :\
I have had the most luck by leaving my download region to what I had it set to before all this Finland business started. When I switch the region I get zero online interactions; No messages, ghosts, bloodstains or signs. All my invasions so far have been with the default download region settings.

So far I've only been invaded three times (twice by the same person) and summoned for co-op once. None of my invasion attempts have worked. I got invaded by someone who didn't have a name and I was freaked out at first because I thought they might be a cheater. Turns out that their Steam name was just very long and I guess Dark Souls doesn't display the name if it's too long. They had an awesome Ciaran cosplay and wore the Fog Ring as they approached me so I didn't even see them until they got quite close. The latency has been great in all three of my fights so far, so hopefully once the region locking stuff gets sorted out I'll be able to get another 150-200 hours of PVP out of the Forest :p

Edit: Now it just crashed as soon as I stepped off of the stairs into the forest after becoming human.


So, I've started as a Pyromancer, but I liking more using my melee weapons, shield and roll. I think it would be better in the long run if I start over now, right? This is my first playthrough.


So, I've started as a Pyromancer, but I liking more using my melee weapons, shield and roll. I think it would be better in the long run if I start over now, right? This is my first playthrough.
It just depends on how much points you already wasted in useless stats.
Otherwise a Pyromancer can be molded in whatever you like.


So, I've started as a Pyromancer, but I liking more using my melee weapons, shield and roll. I think it would be better in the long run if I start over now, right? This is my first playthrough.

While all classes can be customized however you want (starting as a warrior does not stop you from becoming a thief or sorcerer, for example), I feel that Pyromancer is the one of the most customization character classes in the game since their level starts so low...this means that it costs next to nothing to get those first few levelups compared to other classes.
So, I've started as a Pyromancer, but I liking more using my melee weapons, shield and roll. I think it would be better in the long run if I start over now, right? This is my first playthrough.

Pyro is more or less independent of your stats. So unless you managed to pump a shit ton of points into Resistance or INT or Faith etc (which would be a waste if you are fighting sword and shield) you are ok.

Just start allocating points to the weapon that works best for you. STR or DEX etc.


It just depends on how much points you already wasted in useless stats.
Otherwise a Pyromancer can be molded in whatever you like.

Pyro is more or less independent of your stats. So unless you managed to pump a shit ton of points into Resistance or INT or Faith etc (which would be a waste if you are fighting sword and shield) you are ok.

Just start allocating points to the weapon that works best for you. STR or DEX etc.

I'm only level 3, and I just upgraded vitality and endurance. So I guess I'm good to go either continuing or starting over.


Got everything up and running at 60fps with the new fix. Durante you are a golden god! It'll be really nice to revisit it before Bloodborne.


I downloaded the latest version of DSFix last night. Unless he released a newer version. I don't think I had FPS unlock turned on. We can run this at 60 frames now?


Gold Member
I'm only level 3, and I just upgraded vitality and endurance. So I guess I'm good to go either continuing or starting over.

You leveled a total of two times, upgrading two of the most useful stats in the game. There's no reason at all to start over.

If you plan on pursuing a melee-oriented path, make sure to check what stat, Strength/Dexterity/Intelligence/Faith, your weapon best scales with (S/A being the best scaling, E or nothing being the worst) and level that up. You don't need to do it immediately, but stat scaling will grant you a nice damage boost on top of upgrading your weapon.


I downloaded the latest version of DSFix last night. Unless he released a newer version. I don't think I had FPS unlock turned on. We can run this at 60 frames now?

My memory might be hazy but I think that was added in one of the very first releases.
Man, this loves to crash when nothing is happening. I'm just standing there in the forest waiting to be invaded and it'll crash in the background while I'm reading GAF.
Is it true that increasing DEX improves the casting speed of pyro spells? What about range?

Is there a better, more current DS thread to ask these questions?

Does 30fps make you want to cry tears of pain, while glorious 60fps makes you want to cry tears of unbridled pleasure?

Do you see your character through the semitransparent task bar, slightly moving as you type, when boarderless fullscreen is doing its thing?

Please respond.

Praise the Sun.

Thank you.

...carry on.


I downloaded the latest version of DSFix last night. Unless he released a newer version. I don't think I had FPS unlock turned on. We can run this at 60 frames now?

I think it's on by default- I had to switch it to a 1 in the file, after having it unlocked before. But it's working for me- just forced VSync on, and it's back to goodness without GFWL.

boowoo90 + Durante for the dream team!
I'm only level 3, and I just upgraded vitality and endurance. So I guess I'm good to go either continuing or starting over.

Dude, 2 levels dont even matter at all. Neither does the starting class in the game. You are absolutely fine.

Find a weapon you like and smash something with it till it dies. :D


I upgraded to steamworks. Got Durantes fix and try to unlock 60fps but when i try and start the game it gives me an error it says the executable has stopped working. Any help with this? i tried enabling vsync in the nvidia control panel and still nothing. any help thanks?
I upgraded to steamworks. Got Durantes fix and try to unlock 60fps but when i try and start the game it gives me an error it says the executable has stopped working. Any help with this? i tried enabling vsync in the nvidia control panel and still nothing. any help thanks?

Did you get the new DSFix?

Some HUD bugs. Are these to be expected? It happens for every boss.

Yes. No. The difference was massive pre-patch, but IIRC they reduced the effect somewhat.

I had those with the original release and DSFix, I think its an issue with the hud mod in DSFix.


I downloaded the latest version of DSFix last night. Unless he released a newer version. I don't think I had FPS unlock turned on. We can run this at 60 frames now?

Apparently since the migration the unlock was causing the game to crash. Dreamfall said it was working at 60 frames. Unless he's using GFWL still.

The unlock has been fine, some people may be experiencing issues however.

I would just turn off the HUD during boss fights.


I played a bunch yesterday, zero problems or crashes. Rang the top bell.

Though regional matchmaking thing is definitely making the game feel a lot emptier than before, barely any ghosts/phantoms/whatever you call them and floor writings. Got invaded once, put my summon sign before the
but nothing came of it. Didn't bother to wait all that long though. Summon and invasion smoothness of DaS2 has spoiled me on that aspect.

I forget which is it (maybe both), but dsfix hud scaling or hud transparency is the issue.
Hrm. I haven't launched the game in a long time...

And now when I attempt to, it just hangs at the 'Preparing to Launch Dark Souls' steam window.... Hmmmm..

edit: nevermind, just Steam being steam

For users who purchased a Game for Windows live version from Steam:
1) Launch the game and connect to Games for Windows Live.
2) Run the game (only the currently signed-on user’s progress can be transferred to Steam).
3) Close Games for Windows Live
4) Right click on your game in the Steam Library, go into Properties, check that the BETA tab is set to “dsptde-2.0-“
5) Launch Dark Souls™ Prepare To Die Edition v2.0 from Steam
6) Sign in using the same live profile used in step-2 to import your Save Data and Achievements from the Games for Windows Live version to the Steam version for the same profile (gamertag)
7) The game will look for previous Save Data and Achievements. If they are detected on your computer, you should be able to continue your progress in the game and achievements should be unlocked in Steam.

I don't understand this part. Game is running. I'm signed into Games for Windows Live.
How exactly does one Close GFWL?? While the game's running? And I right click and set beta tab in games library while the game is still running? And I launch the game AGAIN while the game is still running?

Hrm. I haven't launched the game in a long time...

And now when I attempt to, it just hangs at the 'Preparing to Launch Dark Souls' steam window.... Hmmmm..

edit: nevermind, just Steam being steam

I don't understand this part. Game is running. I'm signed into Games for Windows Live.
How exactly does one Close GFWL?? While the game's running? And I right click and set beta tab in games library while the game is still running? And I launch the game AGAIN while the game is still running?


When it says "Close Games for Windows Live," it means close the GFWL version of the game.


For those who know: would overclocking the CPU help keep this at 60fps in all areas or is it just poorly optimized? I have an i7 4770k currently at stock.
Yea i figured it out. I read through the readme file and got it working. Also is nobody on NG+? If not then I guess I will start all over.

Hey you,

Dark Souls doesn't discriminate. All players, within level range, can interact. There's no new game restriction as far as I'm aware.
For those who know: would overclocking the CPU help keep this at 60fps in all areas or is it just poorly optimized? I have an i7 4770k currently at stock.

No rig can maintain 60fps in this game because it is essentially a hack, so you gotta deal with 20fps dropping fog gates and looking at certain directions in Blighttown.

Still though, it works %95 of time which makes it more than worth it.
No rig can maintain 60fps in this game because it is essentially a hack, so you gotta deal with 20fps dropping fog gates and looking at certain directions in Blighttown.

Still though, it works %95 of time which makes it more than worth it.

Err, that's not true. On a 680 I get 0 frame drops even when downsampling from 1620p. I don't use any AA or AO though. Going to 4k gives me the drops you're talking about at fog gates and at the base of Blighttown. If you have a more modern card I doubt you'd get drops anywhere even at 4k.


I tried to play it yesterday and I couldn't get into it after playing DS2. Anyone else feeling the same?

Working great!

If it's harder to get back into, it's just because I've put over 250 hours into it and there's not much for me to do except go through it again.

Love the traction and weight of the player character.. Dark Souls 2 is awful in this regard.

Still wish Demon's Souls was on PC. Best game.
I did a playthrough of DS1 a few months ago after playing DS2 for ~400 hours. On the contrary, playing Dark Souls 1 again made me realize just how far Dark Souls 2 fell short.

I agree DS2 fell short in some areas compared to DS but pvp is not one of them. I guess you guys don't pvp.


My game just keeps crashing and not responding at start up. I've used GeDoSaTo for DS2 early this year but I've not tried it with DS yet, I think it's still using the old DsFix. Anyone else had a similar issue or should I just reinstall it?


Err, that's not true. On a 680 I get 0 frame drops even when downsampling from 1620p. I don't use any AA or AO though. Going to 4k gives me the drops you're talking about at fog gates and at the base of Blighttown. If you have a more modern card I doubt you'd get drops anywhere even at 4k.

Well I'm playing in 1080p, no AA or AO on a 770 and my frames dive to 36fps looking in certain directions in Demon Ruins (where I was at when I made my post). I haven't played Blighttown yet since I'm way past that area.

I know this is a hack and I don't expect it to be perfect, I was just curious if there's something I can do. At the very least I know I can never go back to 30fps for this game, and I used to cry tears of joy that it was a locked to 30 in the first place!
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