Trying to melee a salamander... shit is kind of ridiculous lol.
The only thing that seems to work well against them is poison arrows. Otherwise I hate them with a passion.
Trying to melee a salamander... shit is kind of ridiculous lol.
I usually:
1. bait the laser
2. run to the other end and get two hits in on the other face.
3. Immediately roll out of the way.
4. Position myself right in front of Freja at the right distance to trigger the laser.
5. Repeat.
And I was able to take a hit from its arms without dying in one hit. Although I was wearing +9 Alonne Knight Armor with +9 Manikin boots and some light gloves.
If you get hit with the sticky web attack you're pretty much dead though.
I just beat Freja at SL1 like this last night. Although it admittedly took quite a few attempts.
Finally got it down... The trick seems to be to dodge in different directions while it is barraging. Also don't get stuck to the wall lolThe only thing that seems to work well against them is poison arrows. Otherwise I hate them with a passion.
We can't get the stains out either.NOT NOW SWEETIE
The only thing that seems to work well against them is poison arrows. Otherwise I hate them with a passion.
Fire salamanders can drop cracked red eye orbs.
So, what are some good Miracles to learn? And how many of them should we equip at the same time?
Uh I need a bit of help. I am close to endgame, just took the king ring, and trying to go through Aldia Fortress but I am having a hard time.
Here's my stats:
My equipment is Claymore+8, two dragons large shield, Elite kinght set (+5 helmet, +7 armor, +4 gloves, +5 trousers) and some tings (protection, link...)
So what I like to do when playing Dark Souls is a mix of shielding and rolls, and I really like the claymore since DS1 as it's versatile with great range (I used the elite knight set then the black iron set in DS1). Most of the people I see playing armor/shield are with very heavy sets like havel, and very big sword/hammers, and I don't like them has mobility is not that great.
I'm not sure if I should restat my character, finish to upgrade my equipment, put magic on the sword, upgrade the shield or change it... What would you do if you were me ? I didn't used any boss souls so I have a stock I can use for equipment and levelup.
Upgrade the claymore to +10 you may also wish to upgrade the twin dragon shield also. Equipment wise look for royal soldier rings and dragoncrest rings to raise your equipment load.Snip
Don't care much for them. Now if they dropped some sort of unique weapon...
Dark Orb for life.
Speaking of which, what the odds that From will fix that system in the next patch and revert it back a Soul Level based system?
You know, so I don't have to make a new character every other week to PvP.
No, just your SM is nearly at the end-game for NG. I was like 2.1m or so and getting signs at the end game areas this past weekend.
You do seem a little bit over leveled for having not done Shaded Woods yet Mauricio, but not drastically so. You may have just hit a cut off at 1m SM.
So who's ready for a Pudge voice pack and Pudge model remake?
I really hope he's not on the vote for the model remake, that'd be stupid. I'd say limit it to heroes who aren't cosmetic ready, but that means Slardar has to sit the vote out, so I don't know.
Pudge doesn't need a remake. And by pudge I assume you mean Artificial Undead. Because this is the Dark Souls 2 thread :lol
Thanks, I'll stop worrying about it then.
Things I wish they change in the next patch/balance:
- Make scaling calculated off the current upgrade level rather than base level (some weapons eventually need to have scaling readjust)
- Decrease the medium roll to 50% equip load and the others to 35%, 25%...
- Power stance Avelyn no more/increase the time necessary to reload bolts.
- Nerf the Monastery Scimitar
- Make repairing cost for the rings of protection scale with your level
and of course remove SM matchmaking, at least from NG+ onward.
Other less priority changes:
- Fix the BK weapons. That BK Great Axe goddammit u_u
- Remove the possibility of healing through items in the arenas
- Make slash weapons effective against more enemies
- Show weapons/armor stat and bonus gained from scaling in the item container/menu/blacksmith
And above 50%?- Decrease the medium roll to 50% equip load and the others to 35%, 25%...
And above 50%?
I like this a lot; I actually think a fixed percentage of your current souls held could also work, because you can stop leveling and start hoarding like crazy whenever you wish. If you want to both carry around and nullify the loss of a sizable amount of souls, you should have to pony up a sizable amount of souls when shit hits the fan.
I realize this has been discussed to death, but I want to address Soul Memory for a minute.
Soul Memory seems like a classic over-reaction to a simple problem. Namely: Invaders having much better gear than their intended victims. With the way Dark Souls 2 works as it already is, invasions in NG are almost non existent. While this is only from my personal experience, I have only been invaded by a Red in NG twice and both times were at a high SM. I did witness a low SM invasion as a White.
My solution to this, though it has some drawbacks, is to just disallow invasions on NG. You can still duel and summon Reds. Just no cracked eye orbs in NG. NPC invasions can stay. This gives new players a chance to experience invasions without tackling a more experienced opponent.
From NG+ and onward the game could work based on Soul Level and everyone would have had a chance to gear up, and be better equipped. Thus a lower SL invader would not have an unfair benefit of late game equipment.
An added benefit of this is if a player never wants to PVP they can chose to stay away from NG+. PvP players on the other hand can move on to NG+ and can chose any level to stop at.
Is this as simple as it seems to me? Am I missing something?
The lack of NG invasions is already bumming me out, would be horrible to remove al together.
I don't want to take every character to NG+ to do some PVP.
The problem is that From probably wants invasions to be part of the game. It's one of the things that makes the Souls series what it is, and a vast majority of people stop playing a game once they've seen the credits, which means a vast majority of their players would never experience invasions.
I didn't jump into NG+ on my first character, but to be fair I'm still playing, I just made a new character to try some new things and keep my SL:SM ratio intact. Unfortunately I couldn't keep it at a perfect ratio because I died to the Gargoyle boss and then some turd invaded me and I got backstabbed when he was standing in front of me, losing about 12k souls.It was the only PvP invasion that I lost before I finally killed the Gargs again... took only 3 tries vs about 15 on my first playthrough :lol. My Dark Weapon'd Magic Mace +5 absolutely wrecks the fools at my SM (250k-ish). I got 2v1'd twice and my R2 swing mutilated the guy trying to flank me while I was targeting the main person. Feels like sweet revenge for the terrible ass-raping I was delivered in Luna on my first playthrough :lol
Agreed.I'm not even a big PvP player, but the lack of NG invasions is really hurting my enjoyment of this game.
I like making new charcters and specific builds for it, i don't like NG+ because you're already to strong really. The tension you had in DS that you could be invaded a lot even in NG made it a lot more exciting.
Running trough NG now is boring because you won't be invaded anyway.
I for one have been invaded a whole two times.
I have played through NG twice, one time with my melee build and once with my faith build.
Im kinda underwhelmed by the lack of invasions
On my first character i joined the bellbros and i got my share of PvP through levelling that to 3. On my second ive done Dragonbros, PvPing on bridge. I want to do bluebros and redbros too tho and if it wasnt for the lack of orbs i would roll a new character and do redbros with that.
Ah well..
Fat roll above 50% and rolling distance continues to decrease gradually until equip load reaches 100%.
Yep. Level and carried souls seems good to me. The higher level you are and/or the more souls you have, the more precious the ring.
Risk/reward, something gained, something lost.
Get to the end of NG and kill all the NPCs, then start NG+ and you'll get plentyinvasions. Also, you can purchase both red and blue orbs in NG+.(too many)
Things I wish they change in the next patch/balance:
- Make scaling calculated off the current upgrade level rather than base level (some weapons eventually need to have scaling readjust)
- Decrease the medium roll to 50% equip load and the others to 35%, 25%...
- Power stance Avelyn no more/increase the time necessary to reload bolts.
- Nerf the Monastery Scimitar
- Make repairing cost for the rings of protection scale with your level
and of course remove SM matchmaking, at least from NG+ onward.
Other less priority changes:
- Fix the BK weapons. That BK Great Axe goddammit u_u
- Remove the possibility of healing through items in the arenas
- Make slash weapons effective against more enemies
- Show weapons/armor stat and bonus gained from scaling in the item container/menu/blacksmith
Solution to the problem is devastatingly simple and was mentioned on last page, or this one idk.
NG+: SL roughly like in DkS1
One and done.
Problems with 60fps:
I actually did notice my demon great hammer running out of durability crazy fast, makes sense now. This seems like a really dumb oversight on From's part.
Ouchie. UC was the area I dreaded the most on my no death run.Fuck this game. I was carefully making my way through the undead crypt on my no death run. The end was getting near. Attacked a Leydia witch, she got knocked down to a lower level with barely any health, I couldn't see her, and next thing I know, fire pillars (firestorm spell?) came through the floor. I am dead. I have wasted to many runs and hours. Think, it's time to move onto my backlog games.
It's so ridiculously easy to fix this too.
Hey From, are you listening? I have a fool proof way to keep your Soul Memory system, that was designed to prevents twinks, but keep PvP players from dealing with your shit system that encourages havel wizards.
NG = Soul Memory.
NG+ = Soul Level.
Solution to the problem is devastatingly simple and was mentioned on last page, or this one idk.
NG+: SL roughly like in DkS1
One and done.
Fashion souls advice.
Which pants?: