I'm not sure what you're asking for here. You just need to obtain 20 Dragon Scales, then you turn them into the Dragon Remnants covenant leader for two non-consumable items that, when used, put a set of Black Dragon armor on your body, temporarily replacing what you were previously wearing. One of the items is for the helm, the other is for the other three pieces. The armor is not removable except upon death. It is also non-upgradeable.
As for getting the 20 Dragon Scales:
a) PVP while a member of the Dragon Remnants and putting down the Eye of Sauron summon thingy
b) ascetic on the second Aldia bonfire to fight Guardian Dragon, then getting the Scale after the boss room
c) ascetic on Dragon Shrine and farming them from Black Dragon warriors on the long staircase
I was basically just looking for the best place to get Dragon Scales. I've been farming that warriors on the long staircase and have yet to get a dragon scale. Probably close to reaching no-spawn territory.