Yeah. My jaw pretty much dropped. I was like "why is he bothering with a bow? Taking the time to equip it?" Then saw him do that. Wow.
The first time I saw speed runners parry and ballista the pursuer ranks up there too. And watching the dragonrider go down the hole was an "ah ha" moment for me too lol. I pretty much fought all the bosses straight up (except the Sentinels. I cheesed the hell out of that). Didn't even know you could do this stuff.
Yeah how he beats Pursuer is beautiful. Haven't tried the Dragonrider trick yet, not like he's very difficult anyway
Saw this in the Funny thread OT.
Dark Souls 2 Trolling.
That is hilarious. And a ingenious idea.
There's a funny thread OT? Wut?
I finally got around to trying out the twinblade - started a new character, got it asap and leveled up to use (I've never put so many points into STR/DEX before, lol). Aaaaand, I hate it. I had to use 3 repair powders in between Undead Lockaway bonfire and the Skeleton Lords. So, yeah back to anything other than the twinblade. Yuck.
Can you believe that the twinblade's durability was also buffed in a recent patch?
Well, I can finally announce that I've joined the Platinum club! Dark Souls 1 on Steam not included but all achievements there as well.
Finished my NG++ no bonfire run today, that was a piece of cake, really. I intended to be a SunBro to more easily find coop partners, but I forgot about it and a bit too hastily jumped into NG++ slightly unprepared item wise. But I decided to go with Way of Blue instead since I wanted to play online. I think I died maybe 15 times in total, a couple of times in pvp but blue Sentinels saved me at least five times which was awesome to experience. I also noticed that there's really no point in NOT activating every bonfire you come across, especially online. Why? Because even if you screw up in like the Aerie or Undead Crypt, the Aged Feather will always teleport you to Things Betwixt, making backtracking quite easy. Seems Things Betwixt act as a freely activated "bonfire" as long as you don't sit at any other sites. I did screw up by going to the Memory of Jeigh before I remembered I had to go to Aldia's -> Dragon Shrine to get the heart, but I managed to beat the Giant Lord on my first try thanks to GRS and a couple of speed running tricks from yesterday's video

Unfortunately I made the stupid decision to not use the silver serpent ring+2, as I thought I'd get my 2M for Shrine of Winter fairly quickly anyway. But nope, I ended up speeed running for all grand souls and still found myself a few 100k short. So I think the ring is useful if anyone wants to try this and be done quickly. But a few grand souls you still need to get, so you'll find souls to begin with. Having coop partners sure helped a ton, but also drained away 25% from each boss fight I suppose.
I used around 30 amber herbs in total. Mostly because I wanted the Dark Weapon buff on my Santier's Spear. Buying 99 is a good idea, but not really needed I think. Perhaps if you're pure spells. 99 repair powders was a really bad investment, because of the spear :lol Only used 2 or 3 for the other equipments.