In a game with so much incredible attention to detail, there are some puzzling omissions I'd like to see adressed in future games.
Animation on NPC characters. Lip syncing middleware is available, please use it. Rosabeth's first dialogues are comical when she just stands there, completely motionless while the voice actress is coughing her lungs out. :lol
Infusing weapons should have visible effects on the weapons. They don't have to be as pronounced as the resin/ooze effect, but they should be there. If I find a Fire Longsword, I fucking want a Longsword that's on fire.
I understand what you are saying and agree in spirit, though I'm pretty tired of seeing Great Resonant Soul being cast for an hour. The "regular" speedrun strat in Dark Souls 2 is so boring that I'll take whatever else is on offer.
binoboost + dual mace strat is pretty fun
Generally, I agree that the community has found abusable strategies much faster than before. The fast travel mechanic also took some of the fun out of the route-finding in DS1. It's still fun to watch, though!
Just started playing again for the first time since launch. Where can I get some arrows? I just met Pate but got killed by swarm outside of the cross bow trap area.
I miss DS1's glossyness as it made the undead burg and surrounding areas of a similar look as Forest of the Giants seem more dank and atmosoheric as opposed to the shadowless/lightless look here in DS2. But the cloth physics!
Also, a while back I burned a human effigy thinking it was the only way to reverse hollow and it voided invasions. I want to reverse this but that bone thing isn't working. How do I use that?
The blacksmith in Majula sells arrows.
If you want a more dank and atmospheric glossy look, there are ENB presets for that.
I think 90% of players burn an effigy by accident the first time because the game does such a poor job of explaining the difference.

There's no way to reverse it, but it should dissipate after an hour of in-game time, I think.