So... my character is currently into fire and faith, with only 12/12 str/dex. Terrible idea for a character that relies a lot on melee? I'm currently using a Fire Estoc +10, with Flame Weapon and well... apparantely it's more amusing than deadly. Got invaded by a guy in the Abyss who I could barely scratch. After me wearing down my weapon *twice* while he was chugging estus he just gave up and turned his back to me and let me kill him, lol.
I've tried playing around with reallocating between str, dex and faith, but the overall damage doesn't really go up (~347 split evenly between physical and fire), and the bonus from attributes on the estoc isn't more than between 20 and 40 on either physical and fire anyway. Maybe fire just stinks? I didn't wanna do another lightning-chucking cleric, but decided to pop points into faith for the fire bonus.
This was the first guy I've had real problems dealing damage to though, and he wasn't haveling either. I'm at ~2.5K soul memory, still NG.