Trying to beat this game again but pushing through it. The problem here is I'm uninterested. I got the platinum trophy on the PS3 version weeks before the PC game came out. Took me about 3 or 4 playthroughs to get everything sans the two invisible weapon rings. As you can tell, I'm wore out.
I don't mind how I can beat the game in a day without trying on a weekend. However, and this may be me beating the snot out of DS2, are the areas too easy to breeze past enemies? Perhaps the bosses are too close to where you can reach them. Sure, in all the Souls games, a player got good at beelining past traps, enemies, etc. However in DS2, I felt it took less time to do so with or without shortcuts and definitely ignoring how enemies can stop spawning. This is an odd complaint because I think the enemy combat in DS2 is the best in the series with how aggressive foes are. Again, I can marathon DS2 even after putting the game down for a few months. The areas doesn't put a lot in your path to try and stop you.
Another letdown I have is how the game never nests me in Drangelic. I never felt I was learning about the land and the world's origins throughout the game itself except for when I read item descriptions. This isn't as big of a criticism as how easy it is to skip enemies, but for as much as the Drangelic is subtly hinted at being Lordran (or across the sea or something from it), the closest I ever felt like I was a stranger venturing in a strange land or feeling small in the world was when I went into the big well in Majula or visited the Dragon Shrine. In the previous Souls games, visiting the areas linked to the Nexus succeeded in showing me I'm in the arguably safest area in the world. For Dark Souls 1, key moments were discovering Ash Lake and the everlasting dragon, going into the painted world, descending to kill the Bed of Chaos, and finally encountering the final boss.
Despite all this, I do think DS2 is just as good as its predecessors and I think everyone should play it who's even slightly interested. Though, I may end up getting the dlc on the ps3 and call it a day. I'm pissed there's no PS3 save file converter.