I could tell you how they are both related if you want?she has a bunch of connections to the actual lore, and the fact that she looks likemakes it more odd.Nashandra
I could tell you how they are both related if you want?she has a bunch of connections to the actual lore, and the fact that she looks likemakes it more odd.Nashandra
I could tell you how they are both related if you want?
I could tell you how they are both related if you want?
I'd like to know.
No one asked about it. I would of got round to mentioning it at some point anyway probably... maybe...would you kindly... tell me about it? I have been reading the Lore thread but didn't read anything regarding that, perhaps in past pages, hopefully it's not something silly, I haven't read the description of her weapon, I mean, I assume that you can forge one with her soul lol
Love that fight personally.
Crazy talk, it's fucking amazing. Beat it on second attempt on Ng+.
You're actually having a hard time and not being able to easily beat enemies =/= "B-Team". Get Gud, sir.
Would you guess that we'll seeNo one asked about it. I would of got round to mentioning it at some point anyway probably... maybe...
But here you go both Eaena and Nashandra areparts of Manus. They were born from fragments of it. As the smallest fragments are the first to reform hence the pair of them. They are in different locations because they spread across the land/realm, (It uses both terms so I'm not sure if one supersedes another plus that's a whole other debate) the form that both of the queens took is the truest form of humanities nature. Both yearn for things Elana wants revenge whilst Nashandra lusts for strength. So in a sense both are children of darkness it's mentioned explicitly for Elana but it's kinda a given for Nashandra.
Amazing what you can do with item descriptions isn't it?
Come one Jaeger its just reskinned models. but slower and cheap tactics
The bad thing about that is the current especulations about why FROM used those models on them.
No one asked about it. I would of got round to mentioning it at some point anyway probably... maybe...
But here you go both Eaena and Nashandra areparts of Manus. They were born from fragments of it. As the smallest fragments are the first to reform hence the pair of them. They are in different locations because they spread across the land/realm, (It uses both terms so I'm not sure if one supersedes another plus that's a whole other debate) the form that both of the queens took is the truest form of humanities nature. Both yearn for things Elana wants revenge whilst Nashandra lusts for strength. So in a sense both are children of darkness it's mentioned explicitly for Elana but it's kinda a given for Nashandra.
Amazing what you can do with item descriptions isn't it?
^Thanks, Storm. As per usual.
Finally got the DLC to dig up the lore so I will check that connection
Still is not a a excuse for a reskin
Get Elana's soul, wrathful axe along with scythe of want and the chime of wants descriptions. It's all there if you look.Finally got the DLC to dig up the lore so I will check that connection
Speaking of the next dlc crown of the iron king there's this I wrote up yesterday. Which should give some context to what the Smelter demon and the old iron king itself is. As for the question probably not as that's going to get old fast most likely to have them all popping up all of a sudden. I doubt it will have many more. Especially in the Iron king one given what we know about him.Would you guess that we'll seeDLC?a new piece of Manus in each
But, if they behave differently, and do not share the same model or bones, how could it be a reskin?
Or is that a generalization?
You ever stop to think there may be story reasons for these characters to be similar? I'm sure that they aren't literally "New characters, copy-paste". Yes they are similar, but despite that the boss battles are fundamentally different.
And no, Velstadt is different. He runs at you the entire time. No breaks. That's different.
There would only be one left after the next 2 DLCs if they're all at primal bonfires.I wonder if they'll do a Season 2 for the DLC? They could do it, especially to appease the PC userbase with Bloodborne being a PS4 exclusive. There's at least 2 more Primal Bonfires when they're done with this season of DLC.
There would only be one left after the next 2 DLCs if they're all at primal bonfires.
I know there are story reasons, but the concept of cycles introduced in DaS 2, with the time distorsion already introduced in DaS, shouldn't become an excuse to recycle old models and ideas. It damages the gameplay (I want to fight/see new stuff) and even the lore itself. The idea, it becomes a lazy excuse and nothing more. Maybe I'm wrong and in the great scheme of things everything will work out fine, but for now I'm wary of what they're doing with this particular aspect of the game. I liked the DLC overall, the new areas are very good, but some of the choices they've made regarding the bosses worries me.of the fragments of Manus is really good on paper, but if it means that I'll have to fight many variations of the same zombish queen with dark related powers many times over
Did they at some point change it so that helping someone on a boss always makes you human? Haven't played in awhile and it wasn't like this before.
Both have the same bones and modeldragon
shouldn't become an excuse to recycle old models
No one asked about it. I would of got round to mentioning it at some point anyway probably... maybe...
But here you go both Eaena and Nashandra areparts of Manus. They were born from fragments of it. As the smallest fragments are the first to reform hence the pair of them. They are in different locations because they spread across the land/realm, (It uses both terms so I'm not sure if one supersedes another plus that's a whole other debate) the form that both of the queens took is the truest form of humanities nature. Both yearn for things Elana wants revenge whilst Nashandra lusts for strength. So in a sense both are children of darkness it's mentioned explicitly for Elana but it's kinda a given for Nashandra.
Amazing what you can do with item descriptions isn't it?
It's always been that way.
How many bosses are there in the dlc? I have only ran into one so far and was promptly beaten. I haven't beaten it yet (plan to tomorrow).
Two main bosses, one optional "boss"
Two main bosses, one optional "boss"
What's with the scare quotes? This is the hardest boss of the game IMO. xD S&O have nothing on these assholes.
Areoptional? I walked in there and got destroyed which was funny, but the run back is super annoying.the three dudes that gang up on you
Question: where can I find Havel's Armor or any armor that prevents me from having my attacks interrupted?
Infinite Dragon Bone and Twinkling discovered in DLC.
Wat? How? Spill it all.Infinite Dragon Bone and Twinkling discovered in DLC.
Infinite Dragon Bone and Twinkling discovered in DLC.
How so, good sir? I have a lot of magic fashion soul gear I need to upgrade
Wat? How? Spill it all.
oh my... how?
There are plenty of other places also to bonfire ascetic to get loot, no? This is infinite coz u find a bonfire ascetic too. But ascetic isn't hard to find.
You can find the armor on the gutter but you need a key from the giants hidding on the dark gutter (the next area of the gutter) then return to the gutter and open the door to your right after the first gutter bonfire.
Can someone explain what the final text caption which appears after you get the Crown, it says something on the lines of."its got some faint power"
KayPlays Demon SoulsAlso, I'll ask here. What are some of the best LP's on Demon's Souls? I've seen the DON'T Play but I'm curious to see how the game is actually played.