Alright fixed it, had to restore file system and restore database. Haven't done it in the 5 years I've owned this PS3 lol. Time for some Dark Souls 2!
Glad you got it worked out. Enjoy.
Alright fixed it, had to restore file system and restore database. Haven't done it in the 5 years I've owned this PS3 lol. Time for some Dark Souls 2!
Curse sword is actually the DeS hex, and I keep on mentioning it, lol. And yes, I am dumb. I was wondering how I used to apply curse sword on my weapon in DeS, and after pondering for a good amount of time, I remembered. I was trying to apply a hex on a sheathed weaponCurse sword? What is that? You mean Dark Weapon? Based on those stat reqs, sounds like it...
LOL... geez, were you trying to buff your sword while it was sheathed? >_<
I wouldn't go nearly that far. He's tougher than almost any non-DLC boss, though he's the easiest of the three DLC bosses. He's very easy in coop (as are any almost any bosses to be honest), but he's no pushover when soloin'g + company of Champions. I thinkwas probably a bit harder, though, but that might be my recollection of my SL1 run talking. Certainly much harder to get theKalameetoff.tail
Smelter sword it's a powerhouse of an ultra greatsword in the right hands as demonstrated to you. 350/170 damage at max with C/D/C scaling.He had a smelter demon boss sword + some sort of extra fire damage. What is that exactly? He did a toooooooon of damage.
Just beat the main game. Again, I'm sure there's a bunch of stuff I didn't do.
The final boss was pretty disappointing.
Well did you found all the covenants?
Did you free Ornifex?
Did you visit the sol and luna bells ?
Did you fought ancient dragon and Darklurker?
Did you fought the rat boss on the pharros key?
Did you got the 13 estus fragment and the 5 ashes upgrade?
Did you helped the two warriors dilema?
Did you met vengar, the scorpion guy and the sin guy?
Shouldn't have killed papa drag.Kinda random but
Kinda random but
Kinda random but
God damn, why do I suck so badly at Pursuer. I picked up what was to be my no death character (that died on pursuer) a few days ago and finished the rest of the game without another death. And yet, the last four no death characters I have started all died to first pursuer fight. I have some kind of mental block with this fight when I know I need to not die. Maybe because I generally fight him using a parry strategy, but that is too risky for a no death run that early in the game. Ugh, so frustrating.
And I know I can technically skip the pursuer first fight, but I like having the antiquated key to skip Ruin Sentinels. Oh well, I should probably cut my losses and not do him next playthrough. Feels like giving up though..
Also, as an aside I think it is super dumb that you basically have to play offline to get the "no deaths" ring. I could get disqualifying you if you summoned people, but I always feel like I am doing something slightly shady when I pull my internet plug before starting the game so I can go into offline mode. If I was more confident in how burning effigies worked I would use that, but the last time I burned one on a no death character, I was invaded not 15 minutes later, so I clearly don't fully understand how that works.
I can't stop laughing. Thanks for sharing.Kinda random but
lol, the timing is perfect!Kinda random but
Kinda random but
Fashion Souls-ing it up with my Exiled Grave Warden build.
The Full Moon Sickle looks damn good and reaper weapons in general are under-used, so some opponents are caught off guard.
Smelter sword it's a powerhouse of an ultra greatsword in the right hands as demonstrated to you. 350/170 damage at max with C/D/C scaling.
Well did you found all the covenants?
Did you free Ornifex?
Did you visit the sol and luna bells ?
Did you fought ancient dragon and Darklurker?
Did you fought the rat boss on the pharros key?
Did you got the 13 estus fragment and the 5 ashes upgrade?
Did you helped the two warriors dilema?
Did you met vengar, the scorpion guy and the sin guy?
It can not be infused or enchanted that was probably what they had without knowing their stat's and Dragon rider's are weak to fire so that is why they did more damage then you.Currently, my curse sword does about 700-900 damage depending whether I have the curse or not, but he did even more damage than what I did.
Pate and Creighton's story and three different NPC's you can meet Vengarl, Manscorpion Tark and the pardoner.I actually did all of these things minus the last two, what are they exactly?
Tips foranyone? I've finished the game and DLC, and thought I'd go back to whichever one it is thatBelfry Sol and Lunaleads to, and nope, still getting destroyed byIron Keep.1 or 2 invaders
It can not be infused or enchanted that was probably what they had without knowing their stat's and Dragon rider's are weak to fire so that is why they did more damage then you.
Pate and Creighton's story and three different NPC's you can meet Vengarl, Manscorpion Tark and the pardoner.
Kinda random but
Estoc's is a STR weapon primarily with regards to scaling. So you can keep using it if you enjoy it it's a perfectly decent weapon. As DEX scaling isn't that good it's best to keep it at minimum requirements for a weapon or 1.5 the requirements to powerstance your weapons.So I just finished Last Giant last night, and I'm back in Majula. I have a questions regarding builds and weapons:
So I picked Swordsman as my starting class, and I guess I didn't realize that it was more of a starting point for a dex build. Not a huge fan of dex builds (always a fan of str builds in DS1) but I figured I might as well try it out, and I got used to it. I'm lvl 22 and I finally found a weapon I enjoyed using too, the Estoc (upgraded it to +1). It kinda feels as if the estoc is the best dex weapon at this early point in the game. The thrust animation set is extremely useful to poke with shield up, close distances, or keep away enemies, and the damage scaling is really good. Is it my best choice as a dex weapon in the early game?
I was also wondering about how I should level up stats as a dex build. I leveled up VIT and VIG to 8,STR to 14, and my DEX is currently 22, but I'm not really sure what stats are important for me. Should I be concentrating on dex now or are there other useful stats I should plunk down some souls for?
Kinda random but
Did you got the 13 estus fragment and the 5 ashes upgrade?
Did you met vengar, the scorpion guy and the sin guy?
Estoc's is a STR weapon primarily with regards to scaling. So you can keep using it if you enjoy it it's a perfectly decent weapon. As DEX scaling isn't that good it's best to keep it at minimum requirements for a weapon or 1.5 the requirements to powerstance your weapons.
You should place some levels in ADP to get agility to 90-110. STR would be a good place to put your levels along with END and VIG.
Currently, my curse sword does about 700-900 damage depending whether I have the curse or not, but he did even more damage than what I did.
I actually did all of these things minus the last two, what are they exactly?
? I can only upgrade it to13 fragmentsD:12
and what is thisyou talk about?sin guy?the guy who erase your sins
I have never made a dark or hex-using character before, maybe that's what I'll try next.
Kinda have a "cursed paladin" RP concept rolling around my head.
Suggestions for good dark weapons until I can get the Crypt Blacksword?
You can be absolved of you sins by Cromwell the pardoner in Tseldora.What is thisyou talk about?sin guy?the guy who erase your sins
A dark infused bastard sword or a claymore will work quite well both have C/D/B scaling with the claymore being stronger 203/203 at max compared to 196/196 both are available early on. There's also the silver back spear which has dark damage from default and benefits from infusion to boost the scaling to B for dark.Suggestions for good dark weapons until I can get the Crypt Blacksword?
You can be absolved of you sins by Cromwell the pardoner in Tseldora.
Is Soul Geyser still one of the most effective ways to take down bosses?
You can continue to collect shards in either NG+ or by using Bonfire Ascetics, but they can't be used to further upgrade your flask. 12 uses is the maximum amount.
The herald Max upgrade is to 12 estus but you can find a spare fragment out there (or maybe the spare estus fragment is the one on the water well?)
Thought I'd cruise through NG++, but it has proven to be a bit more difficult than I anticipated. The damn Belfry gargoyles are wrecking my shit like nothing else, goddamn.![]()
Incredible.Kinda random but
Is Soul Geyser still one of the most effective ways to take down bosses?
Someone please throw your summon sign down at Shrine of Armana first bonfire. I'm losing patience with the casters, blue phantoms and dark spirits that keep invading![]()
Someone will probably enjoy this. The bits at Luna and Drangelic castle are funny, well I think they are.
Someone will probably enjoy this. The bits at Luna and Drangelic castle are funny, well I think they are.
Someone will probably enjoy this. The bits at Luna and Drangelic castle are funny, well I think they are.