Hmm, is the Executioners Lance any good?
For stun lock is a beast and its more strength oriented rather than dex.
You can do that trick to kill the dragon rider boss outside the boss room too
Hmm, is the Executioners Lance any good?
I do that trick all the time now, once I saw it from a YouTuber, I'm like lol never going through that whole place again. However I'm slightly disappointedSeeing as how this is Dark Souls I was hoping for you to get backstabbed by an enemy while waiting for it to come. Sadly, it never occurred.
My main piece of advice from someone who also came from Dark Souls 1 and Demon's Souls is give up on backstabbing, at least for a while. Enemies spin like tops in this game, so if you try to use the old "circle around them and backstab" method you will rarely succeed. Rolling through as they attack and backstabbing still works, but is generally not worth it, you are almost always better off in PvE just walking away from their attacks and attacking in turn. Combat definitely feels different from DkS 1 and DeS.
Hitbox problems are not as present early on, mostly a problem for me with specific enemies and bosses that you haven't gotten to yet. Also was a bigger problem for me with the PC version because of halved roll iframes at 60 FPS. There are definitely more groups of enemies as opposed to single enemies, but I think it has to do with game differences, like having unlimited uses of healing via lifegems.
And yes the game is harder compared to the learning curve in DS1, the bad thing is the hardest diffilculty you will find after surviving no man wharf which is a early zone then the game keeps of sending you swarms of enemies to make the impression the game becomes harder.
If you want to use a lance a grand lance would probably be your best choice.Hmm, is the Executioners Lance any good?
Too bad you still need to sprint past Gavlaan's place to make the jump to the other side.. If you could make the jump somewhere much earlier, it'd be so much more useful.
Yea I was just thinking that this is pretty awesome except it doesn't really allow you to skip much.
Yea, you can physically hit the bell with an arrow from much further but it doesn't actually ring, was a little disappointing. Now if we are talking awesome shortcuts, the gutter zipline is my personal pick. I can get from the first gutter bonfire to the black gulch bonfire in about 3 minutes using it.
http://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls2/mods/25/?Thought I'd ask: what are the best mods that try to restore the old lighting engine? I want to run that for my NG++ run.
I have no idea what zipline you are talking about. The only one I've found in the Gutter is the one you find after finding the pot with the Pyromancer armorset. And that only leads you backwards.
I have no idea what zipline you are talking about. The only one I've found in the Gutter is the one you find after finding the pot with the Pyromancer armorset. And that only leads you backwards.
I have no idea what zipline you are talking about. The only one I've found in the Gutter is the one you find after finding the pot with the Pyromancer armorset. And that only leads you backwards.
It scales reasonably well with INT/FTH giving you a nice boost to pyromancy and fire weapons. It soft caps at 60 combined INT/FTH so 30/30 or 25/35 for example. If you invest in it you can use fire infusions on your STR weapon to make use of your stats more effectively.So a pure strength build using pyromancy on the side - is it worth investing in faith or intelligence at all? How much does pyro even scale? Not sure if that was ever changed in any recent updates.
So a pure strength build using pyromancy on the side - is it worth investing in faith or intelligence at all? How much does pyro even scale? Not sure if that was ever changed in any recent updates.
Pyromancies don't have requirements other than the glove itself.Most of the pyro spells requires more int requirements rather that faith and it scales wonderful with fire element weaponry and it sinergy more with light armor
Pyromancies don't have requirements other than the glove itself.
The zipline part seems the most out of the way part of that run between the bonfires. Instead of dropping off after the first bridge, go right, climb that ladder and run across the second bridge which takes you to where the zipline drops you off.Here's my video showing the Gutter shortcut. Did it as fast as possible, sorry for the crappy quality. I think it is very useful to know about though! Don't need the torch, but it made it easier to see what was going on so I used it.
Here's my video showing the Gutter shortcut. Did it as fast as possible, sorry for the crappy quality. I think it is very useful to know about though! Don't need the torch, but it made it easier to see what was going on so I used it.
As an aside, Nvida shadow play works surprisingly well to record this game. Not even the slightest performance hit. Big difference from when I tried to use FRAPS to record WoW back in 2009.
I'm now dual wielding Homonculas Mace+5 with Mace+4, no Titanite left!A mace you can by from Lenigrast for 1200 souls it's cheap to buy and upgrades via titanite. Morning stars are a lot more potent post patch as they are not only A scaling STR weapons at max they also inflict bleed. Although you might find as they're strike damage you kill things before that happens often times.
Morning stars are inferior to maces or Homoculus maces in terms of damage however so it's better to upgrade and use them instead.
I was thinking VIT + 2, END + 1 and ADP +1
Good Plan?
Pretty much what I was going to suggest yes. You should be alright maybe... probably...II was thinking VIT + 2, END + 1 and ADP +1
Good Plan?
It ain't much of an issue it's pretty much identical except the great axe is more preferable.I think I upgraded the wrong Wrym Axe, I upgrade the normal one then I found out there is a great grym axe on my sorcerer inventory
There are worse ones. There's a ring later in the game that gives you damage in proportion to how low your Vit is, so if you want to use that, don't put too much into Vit (the max damage the ring gives is 50 at 14 Vit, or 10 Vit with Third Dragon Ring). If you just want big armor 'n stuff, it's all good.
Pretty much what I was going to suggest yes. You should be alright maybe... probably...
There are no certainties in Soul Worlds![]()
You can just climb back in and swap back. Not really sure what the point of the coffin is since you can't pick customization options so it always seemed pretty pointless to me.
Yeah I turned into the ugliest girl I had ever seen.
Hnh. Invaded someone on the IK Bridge called imreallygudhonest or something like that wearing TurtleHavelGreatGyrm and a Shadow dagger with a Monastery Scim. He buffed everything, and then proceeded to do nothing but Monastery Parries in my face.
Silly man, you can't parry a toxic cloud.
No you do not need to. It doesn't count as a key so it is not taken away from you.So do you have to rebuy the red soupstone in a new play-through?
No you do not need to. It doesn't count as a key so it is not taken away from you.
Does anyone have a good recommendation on a pure STR build? I just want to wield heavy weapons and heavy armor. Thanks in advance.
What point of the game are you?Does anyone have a good recommendation on a pure STR build? I just want to wield heavy weapons and heavy armor. Thanks in advance.
For weapons
-Bastard Sword
-Grym Axe
-Red twin Blade
-Dragon Tooth
-Red Iron weapons
What point of the game are you?
If your early then old kinght set and maces if you're later on drakekeeper or gyrm set with any A or above scaling great hammer, great axe or ultra greatsword. There's a few excepetions but that's the general rule.
Funnily enough I do this is my general great hammer build. Done from a knight default with either a giant warrior club, gyrm great hammer or dragon tooth in mind. Means that you don't have to put any points in DEX other than 2.I was gonna reset my build and start with it from NG+. Do you have a general build stat-wise if I want to use dragon tooth?
Funnily enough I do this is my general great hammer build. Done from a knight default with either a giant warrior club, gyrm great hammer or dragon tooth in mind. Means that you don't have to put any points in DEX other than 2.
At SL150:
VIG: 40
END: 40
VIT: 30
STR: 50
DEX: 10
ADP: 20
Although it's based of soul memory now so you very well may not be facing SL150 players at all.
Hey guys, I've just reached Drangleic Castle!
I am level 111 now, I am running a Boxer build and have upgraded my right handed Caestus +10 and my left handed to +8.
Two questions:
1. Should I go farm some Titanite Chunks to finish upgrading my Left Handed?
2. How do I get inside? The Gates are closed, and there seem to be a never ending supply of Soldiers.