
You should go get a roaring halberd then if you want a dark weapon it's got the halberd moveset with low requirements at max it's a 310/210 split with A/C scaling. You'd only need to raise DEX 1 point to use it. Plus it already got dark naturally so it will scale with your stats nicely.
Get fire seeds for your pyromancy glove and get the dull ember so you can infuse stuff.Yeah I just got it and I dig this. I'm also now wearing Licia's set. Feeling pretty good about it right now! I'm also using Archdrake Staff and Licia's Chime. What's the next upgrade to my gear I should strive for?
Finished SL1 run last night.
My first time attempting this in a Souls game.
I don't really feel like it's that hard. I guess some people just like to limit themselves?
It got very boring just using the mace the entire game.
Just beat the Lords last night and was wondering what to do with the soul. I'll go for this one, thanks.
Edit: Holy crap. You can drop Smoothstones to the Crows one by one without exiting your inventory to pick them up in between drops. Goddammit. That blew my mind.
Is Lightning Spear still not fixed?
Just figured this out this week as well, saw it in Kay's LP actually.
You didn't know you could do that?Holy crap. You can drop Smoothstones to the Crows one by one without exiting your inventory to pick them up in between drops. Goddammit. That blew my mind.
Yes the 26th.Dlc still set to hit next week?
Did you already went to the Bastille? there is a vendor who sells various important spells for bosses souls.
You didn't know you could do that?
I know, when I said "I was wondering" I meant "what item should I trade it for"Straid![]()
I know, when I said "I was wondering" I meant "what item should I trade it for"Straid![]()
A scythe which they made or you can consume it for a meager 6000 souls.I think the lords souls is for a Hexe spell or a scythe
I do it with all of them it's so much easier than having to listen to those crows like 15 or 20 times when I go pay them a visit.I was firmly set in my DkS1 mindset, so it didn't even occur to me to test it. I feel so dumb right now.
I've decided to try a melee centric build this time, since I've already got a str/fth/int build on my NG++ character.The STR/INT/FTH with the crypt black sword. Or just pure STR.
I've decided to try a melee centric build this time, since I've already got a str/fth/int build on my NG++ character.
That said, I would like to have a ranged weapon to mix up the combat some and aggro enemies. Is the avelyn still the best crossbow in the game? I heard they nerfed mundane...
Yeah this is going to be a PvE focused build in preparation for the DLC.Avelyn is still strong, if you hit with all three bolts. But you have to be really lucky to hit with all of the bolts and the individual bolts aren't especially strong. Plus it's slow. Light Crossbow and Sanctum Crossbow are good, but they're more for plinking your opponent when they get too far. They have quite good recovery speed though.
That mostly applies to PVP tho'. PVE Avelyn is still good.
Yeah this is going to be a PvE focused build in preparation for the DLC.
If you're going the ranged option you could do no worse than an Alonne greatbow very useful in PvE. Quite damaging too if you know what you're doing.That said, I would like to have a ranged weapon to mix up the combat some and aggro enemies. Is the avelyn still the best crossbow in the game? I heard they nerfed mundane...
Yeah it's a nice feature. The first time I traded with them I was used to the quitting and loading back in, like in the first one. Then When I dropped a second one, I was like hmmm I wonder if they made it so we don't need to quit out. So glad I tried heh. I found out about the multi drop from my friend though.Try with no upgrades next. It does get dreadfully boring swinging the mace after a while. You can spice it up by using the +Int/Faith Rings and Southern Ritual Band. Can actually cast some spells that way, if you invest in some Incense.
The only real difficulty in SL1 is the lack of a good dodgeroll. If you've gotten used to a really good Agility, and the roll it brings, trying to roll through attacks and subsequently getting hit can be frustrating. It was easier in DkS1.
Edit: Holy crap. You can drop Smoothstones to the Crows one by one without exiting your inventory to pick them up in between drops. Goddammit. That blew my mind.
Yeah it's a nice feature. The first time I traded with them I was used to the quitting and loading back in, like in the first one. Then When I dropped a second one, I was like hmmm I wonder if they made it so we don't need to quit out. So glad I tried heh. I found out about the multi drop from my friend though.BTW if you don't know, petrified something gives the highest chances for rare items, although I have gotten a few Channlers Tridents from Small Smooth & Silky Stones.
Is there any good early game shield? I only found the buckler and it has a 13 DEX requirement. Urgh.
Drangelic Shield is 100% physical block and you can get it after the 2nd boss fight.Is there any good early game shield? I only found the buckler and it has a 13 DEX requirement. Urgh.
Old knight shield is the earliest 100% block shield followed by the drangleic shield. The first available from very early on.Is there any good early game shield? I only found the buckler and it has a 13 DEX requirement. Urgh.
Now if only I could drop a whole stack of them, instead of having to drop them one by one that would be the best, like what they did with using consumable souls. I always end up accidentally using one or two when trying to quickly exchange a bunch of them. Like when I farmed sunlight medals offline, I had close to 50 smooth and silky stones at the end. Still infinitely better than Snuggly trading in DkS 1 though. Another thing better in DkS 2, I can actually use the start button to skip through intro splash screens faster on PC, thank god. Made snuggly even worse on PC than PS3.
You can buy a shield off Maughlin in majula for 1500 souls with 90% physical defense that only requires you to have 10 str. Next best would be a blue wooden shield you can find after a while in forest of fallen giants with 85% physical reduction but only requires 6 str. 100% block shields are much rarer in this game than in DkS 1, especially early game.
I wish you could offer covenant items quickly like they did with souls items too. That shit takes so long still. I ended up getting DScFix and DSFix which allowed you to delete the intro screens, so you were at the start screen instantly.
Quick question. In NG++ are there more phantoms than in NG+? I assume more bosses will have Phantom assistance. Any other noticeable differences?
Gah that option existed with DSFix/DScFix? I tried googling for a way to make that happen but I didn't know how to phrase it well enough, that is so useful.
So am I "rude" for leveling my dude past 150? I had millions of souls so I went to level 218. Now when I duel or get invaded I win at least 2 out of 3 times. That said, I fight using only a Drakekeeper's Sword (straight sword), no spells, no buffs, no gimmicks, only medium armor.
On one hand I feel like I am just outmaneuvering and beating most people fair and square, on the other hand I am wondering if this is placebo effect since I have 40 str, 40 dex, 50 vigor.
So am I "rude" for leveling my dude past 150? I had millions of souls so I went to level 218. Now when I duel or get invaded I win at least 2 out of 3 times. That said, I fight using only a Drakekeeper's Sword (straight sword), no spells, no buffs, no gimmicks, only medium armor.
On one hand I feel like I am just outmaneuvering and beating most people fair and square, on the other hand I am wondering if this is placebo effect since I have 40 str, 40 dex, 50 vigor.
So am I "rude" for leveling my dude past 150? I had millions of souls so I went to level 218. Now when I duel or get invaded I win at least 2 out of 3 times. That said, I fight using only a Drakekeeper's Sword (straight sword), no spells, no buffs, no gimmicks, only medium armor.
On one hand I feel like I am just outmaneuvering and beating most people fair and square, on the other hand I am wondering if this is placebo effect since I have 40 str, 40 dex, 50 vigor.
I don't honestly think DSII has a "meta" range that the community as a whole has agreed on. SM means there's basically no point to trying to stay within a specific bracket for very long, unless I'm missing something.
Not an official one but 150 is where "mayority" goes to do pvp, the same happened in DS1's 120 sl.
I never understood that for PvP, I thought you invade infinitely up? So wouldn't you always be able to get invaded regardless of your level? You may not be able to invade as much since many people would likely not be very high, but by being a much higher level you'd have an advantage. Co-Op wise I can understand since it was like 10 +/- 10% or something along those lines. Now it's all SM which kinda sucks for the PvPers, but works nicely for us who engage in Jolly Cooperation!
No idea, I think the invaders are the ones who really have fun in that pvp area.
re: SM and matchmaking, all my friends use this mod called metacap that modifies your SM so you can be matched with people according to SL and not SM.