Hmm, I guess you know when you've been playing too much when you go to make a build and can't find a single weapon you want to use that you haven't used recently. I wanted to make a faith build to see how badly it would get nerfed after the calibrations, but I can'd find a weapon to use. My last three characters were strength so I wanted to go dex, but I already used Falchion and all the Katanas to death. Any other interesting/fun dex options (no puzzling sword, only have DLC on PC playing on PS3 for a change)? Want to go faith/dex so I'd prefer more dex oriented and less quality oriented, and I don't like whips at all.
Either way it is odd that you noted Smelter as an example, because with how that Reddit article read it seemed armor provides a flat damage reduction, so it should be much stronger against fast hitting low damage strikes than single big hits like Smelter does.