WELP 40 fucking tries in and im DONE fuck this shit taking a good brake from this game this is rediculious the regular SD is fucking CAKE. FUCK those npc summons they are fucking useless... I tried a few times by myself also and I just dont understand I guess I just fucking suck at this game :********(
I even vessaled to this and 20 more tires nope got to 1/4 inch of health ownt....
NEVER had to take this many tries for any boss in a souls game before..lol hell the way to get to him isnt even hard I just fucking run all the way their hell the "the short cut" is harder
I just dont understand..
Fuck the Flamelurker though![]()
I solo'd every single boss in all Souls games, including Manus and Kalameet and Artorias at SL1, but I can't seem to beat the Fume Knight.I tried Steelheart Ellie and she's pretty much useless, she buffs his defense so hard that even the distraction isn't enough.
I wish Fume Knight was like Flamelurker. At least his attacks don't clip me through my rolls...
Maybe I'm just not remembering but there didn't seem to be any Red Phantom additions for NG+ in the Sunken Crown DLC, but there are numerous in the Old Iron King. Seems kind of odd.
Here's hoping Ivory King is better. Please no more Ambushes and Gauntlets.
I solo'd every single boss in all Souls games, including Manus and Kalameet and Artorias at SL1, but I can't seem to beat the Fume Knight.I tried Steelheart Ellie and she's pretty much useless, she buffs his defense so hard that even the distraction isn't enough.
I wish Fume Knight was like Flamelurker. At least his attacks don't clip me through my rolls...
I really hope From doesn't do anymoreoutnumbering fights, whether they be summons, red phantoms, minions, or 3 bosses it's all just irritating. Multiple common enemies I have no problem dealing with, however, when it comes to a boss I want some 1 on 1 awesome battle going. I have faith in them, of all the Dragons I've fought in Dark Souls, Sinh is the only one I feel like it was my fault that I died, not any artificial difficulty crap. I found Kalameet, Hellkite(technically he's a drake, but still he's a descendant the dragons) and Ancient to be all artificial, mainly due to their OHK AoEs.
The road tois really annoying, need to coop just for reaching the area to fight him.Blue Smelter
he's the first boss of the DLC I'm going to face (even though I already defeated him while helping another guy), but I'll have to do it tomorrow in my game since I need to wake up early tomorrow for my job =/
That phantom-going-away-and-healing thingie never happened to me.
I am still surprised they didn't put a phantom in one of the chains.
Maybe in NG+
To make me feel even more inferior I just watched some dude roll him on ng+7 solo with no damage or shield.
I am ok with multiple enemies/bosses.
Helped so many people with NG+ Lost Sinner in consoles, before the patches. It was one of the greatest fights in the game. Everything could go so fucking wrong, it was really really fun.
I was NG+ and I was like "WTF? Why is he running away?" and I was Human and couldn't get down there without getting cursed. I couldn't get away to use a Bonfire either. First and only time I've seen a Phantom run away and then refuse to come back out and fight you while you remain in the same spot where he spawned.
I needed help with her on NG+.I couldn't do it on NG+ alone9Plus I also wanted the lucitel achievement). I would use GLS and the pyromancer would just live slightly, then I'd get pelted with pyormancies and The Sinner. I would have preferred they just nerf the health of the pyromancers, that would have been sufficient. Nerfing the boss itself was overkill.
I can't wait for the speedrunners to blow us away with crazy maneuvers on the dlc. Should be a lot of fun.
I needed help with her on NG+.I couldn't do it on NG+ alone9Plus I also wanted the lucitel achievement). I would use GLS and the pyromancer would just live slightly, then I'd get pelted with pyormancies and The Sinner. I would have preferred they just nerf the health of the pyromancers, that would have been sufficient. Nerfing the boss itself was overkill.
Did they nerf him recently? I didn't notice when I first played it on PC on launch. My strategy for Lost Sinner in NG+ is to just focus on him with your shield up and continue to strafe around him. The pyromancers don't deal a lot of damage and the lingering flame is easily dodged/blocked. Just focus on him and kill the Sinner and then go after the pyromancers.
My advice is to strip yourself of all armor and use flynns ring. Also focus everything on the attack, full scale. If you have ring of blades, use it. If you have ring of strengh, use it as well. Also, have at least 105 agility so you can roll out of his attacks with a good frame window.
When the battle starts, put some pressure on him and keep circling all the time behind him.
I hope my video helps
I've died a lot on this bastard, but was able to finish it by doing this.
I did something like that haha. I didn't strip the armour, but I replaced my brace knuckles ring+2 with the ring of blades+1 (I use two powerstanced Old Whip which degrade blazingly fast), respecced to 105 agility, removed all other equipment to stay beneath 30%, then I wailed L2s on him like I did but more aggressively, and he barely had time to buff, he had very little health left when he did so I finished him pretty quick. I actually spent my remaining souls on lightning resin but didn't even end up using it, lol. Also, I only used 3 estus the whole fight, where previously, by trying to be too careful, I sometimes used all 12 and he still had 30% of his HP left. This boss really punishes slow or passive players.
I just checked your video and it amazes me how his greatsword sweep doesn't hit you, Vendrick style. Perhaps it's the distance you are at, but if I didn't roll in time for that it would always clip me. Weird.
Now I'm confused though. I got thebut somehow missed a boss, I know there are 3. Hmmmmm... thought I'd explored everything too.crown![]()
They nerfed her damage and health, I think her movement was also nerfed. Not sure how drastically she was nerfed though. Was nerfed a while back though, like end of April I think
I'm not liking the sound of some of these impressions, haven't had a chance to play the dlc yet myself.
this fume knight just doesn't sound fair, how difficult is it to get these idols I hear about? A regenerating boss to me doesn't seem fair.
Sounds shorter tooSounds like a step back from the last dlc :/only one mandatory area and boss am I right?
Interesting. I didn't fight her until the end of my first playthrough but I don't remember any kind of significant patch before I fought her. Interesting thing, even though she is guardaing a Primal Bonfire you don't in fact need to beat her in order to beat the game. She's completely skippable.
I'm not liking the sound of some of these impressions, haven't had a chance to play the dlc yet myself.
this fume knight just doesn't sound fair, how difficult is it to get these idols I hear about? A regenerating boss to me doesn't seem fair.
Sounds shorter tooSounds like a step back from the last dlc :/only one mandatory area and boss am I right?
Interesting. I didn't fight her until the end of my first playthrough but I don't remember any kind of significant patch before I fought her. Interesting thing, even though she is guardaing a Primal Bonfire you don't in fact need to beat her in order to beat the game. She's completely skippable.
another is required for other reasons related to the boss souls
Interesting, can you elaborate on this one?
I like to go into my Dark Souls adventures a little self aware![]()
22 tries jesus lol. Just do the fight alone, stay really close to him at all times, then if he does the plunge AOE thing toxic / poison and repeat.
Also look it's neo0mj fighting a boss heh heh
http://a.pomf.se/njwdzq. webm
Sure thing. In this DLC,the "boss soul" for the Child of Dark (ala Nashandra and Elana) is split into 12 pieces and you have to find all the pieces before the real soul is formed. One of the 12 pieces can only be accessed after killing a boss that isn't required for just getting the crown. Then you can trade it with Ornifex, etc. I thought it was a nice twist on what I was expecting going into it after the Nash and Elana fights.
Edited for clarity.
..Gyrm Greatshield +10
..Espada Ropera +10
..Any catalyst for casting sorceries
..Leo's Ring (for counter damage)
..Baneful Bird Ring (for low stamina draining shield blocks)
..Flynn's Ring (for a bit of damage)
..Ring of Blades +2 (for a bit of damage)
..Strong Magic Shield
I had very high success with the above strategy as a phantom, Soul Memory around 8 Million..Before Fume Knight buffs his ultra greatsword
..block hits with the Gyrm Greatshield
..hit with Espada Ropera, aiming for count damage only
.while/after Fume Knight buffs his ultra greatsword
..cast Strong Magic Shield on the Grym Greatshield
..block hits with the buffed Grym Greatshield
.With the buffed shield, I can damn tank Fume Knight's AOE head on with a small portion of damage
After a lot of tries on how to successfully help (as a phantom) against the hardest bossin the DLC, I finally optimized my gear and gameplay.Fume Knight
My Gear
My Strategy
I had very high success with the above strategy as a phantom, Soul Memory around 8 Million.
So I got invaded in the [2nd DLC]with some guy using an extremely long katana. I bowed to him, he bowed back, cool, a non-douchey invader right? I killed him with my dual whips. Then I get a message: "I see your name again I go tryhard, good luck".Memory of the Old Iron King
Who here sends complimentary messages to other players?
No-one on the PC, I can tell you that much.
Another possible strategy tweak to that would be to swap out one of the rings for the Red Eye ring, keep the boss's attention and tank everything while the host whales on him.
Can't even give out a "gg" in gaming utopia, eh? Sad state of affairs... XD
Alternatively, I tried the Ninja way too
.Sim's Ringpleton
.other weapons
But it really requires one to keep rolling and time it right, risky and damn painful to keep doing it (as compared to bit of leniency when you can just tap BLOCK with a shield and wait for the weapon hit to register, then reinstate block again)
I'm finding this DLC very tedious. I'm not really having fun... I liked the first one though :/
First you find the last player you played with in Steam, then you send them a friend request, then wait until they accept it, and then send them a message and block them forever.
Very simple, so quick.
Has anyone found theOutcry pyromancy yet? Or is it a boss-soul item?