I've never gotten the pig spawn before.
The rampart golem set is pretty decent set once you've upgraded it. It takes twinkling though to do so however but it's still fine at base level.Finally got this set.
It's either the pigs, skeletons, and or veldstadt she summons.Didn't even know it was possible.
I've got an outfit for just that somewhere I'll try to find it. Weapon wise though a bandit greataxe or giant warrior club maybe I can think of a few others though that'll work depends how big you want it.Going to start a new character. Pure STR build. Character archetype is "barbarian warlord". I want to make a scantily-clad mountain of meat wielding colossal, primitive-looking weapons. Gear suggestions?
Going to start a new character. Pure STR build. Character archetype is "barbarian warlord". I want to make a scantily-clad mountain of meat wielding colossal, primitive-looking weapons. Gear suggestions?
Some massive club and loincloth only.
I'm thinking Executioner's set, possibly Lion Warrior set. Of course I'll be mixing stuff around. Fashion Souls is my top priority.
Get the reskinned great club in the Majula chest while it's there, it has blood on it, looks fearsome.Going to start a new character. Pure STR build. Character archetype is "barbarian warlord". I want to make a scantily-clad mountain of meat wielding colossal, primitive-looking weapons. Gear suggestions?
Damn straight.I'm thinking Executioner's set, possibly Lion Warrior set. Of course I'll be mixing stuff around. Fashion Souls is my top priority.
Great recommendations. Thanks very much for the reskinned Great Club rec, I wasn't aware of that.Get the reskinned great club in the Majula chest while it's there, it has blood on it, looks fearsome.
For Fashion Souls, if you don't mind a bit of farming, the lion warrior set should look badass. The headpice in particular looks pretty barbaric/shamanic (don't worry, the male version isn't a bra, lol, it's a fur cape with an exposed chest, can't find a good pic, here's a shitty one). Or you could use the chest and leg pieces of the Executioner set. Maybe with a Gyrm helm, or the felyne flying boots?
Damn straight.
Speaking of Fashion Souls, I'm currently progressing with a friend for a PS3 coop run, and I made a hexer. She's an old white-haired woman with yellow eyes and I want her to look kinda like a pagan druid/witch kind of thing. Right now she's wearing the pyromancer robe and boots/skirt and lion mage bracers and no helmet (I probably won't give her any as I like showing the face). But I'm open to suggestions. I tried the hexer robes, white priest robe, archdrake robe, and lion mage set, but I'm not entirely satisfied with them.
I haven't played since the new patch. Are all our saves intact? Do we get to choose whether we play with the old enemy placement, or is it automatically pushed to the new setup?
White hollow mage robe with archdrake boots and gloves?But I'm open to suggestions. I tried the hexer robes, white priest robe, archdrake robe, and lion mage set, but I'm not entirely satisfied with them.
Well here's what it looks like:Hmm maybe. Gonna need to farm those annoying mages though, urgh.
New enemy placement is only in Scholar of the First Sin, which is a separate purchase. All saves are still compatible in the base game.
I never think about using alluring skulls. Will definitely try that next time.
Only works on them and the pigs in the fight but it's better than nothing. You need a fair few of them though.
I have tried to follow but it is still confusing. There is still a new NPC and boss in the "old" version though?
I never think about using alluring skulls. Will definitely try that next time.
Only works on them and the pigs in the fight but it's better than nothing. You need a fair few of them though.
I think they're both easier on NG+ just because you have the chance to be higher level, do prep, upgrade everything, buy consumables etc before hand. It's also a lot safer imo to ascetic one of the big bosses over and over and then pop the souls in NG+ to have immediate access to Shrine of Winter, cutting out half of the game, it's a very quick playthrough to get the rings.Probably. Is it best to do it on say ng+2, or just a ng?
It does work if you've got that instead of alluring skulls.I'm assuming Yearn also works?
I only have DS2 and none of the DLC. Haven't played it in over half a year but keen to get back into it. Should I wait for Scholar of the First Sin or wat.
PC version.
So do we know howended up looking like a maple?Aldia
Man, Vendrick's blessing sure is great for the frozen outskirts. that fucking place.
Man, Vendrick's blessing sure is great for the frozen outskirts. that fucking place.
Well, some item descriptions talked about how Aldia screwed up his form as a result of the experiments he was doing to cure the curse. (Stuff like putting giant souls in things, creating the Ancient Dragon and possibly Shanollette, etc.)
As for looking like a tree, I always assumed it must have something to do with Chaos. "Sin" is often associated with the Witch of Izalith, i.e., the Bed of Chaos. The fact that he's basically a tree that shoots fireballs definitely seems to indicate to me that he was consumed by Chaos during his experiments.
So do we know howended up looking like a maple?Aldia
Didn't want to make a new thread, but I'm assuming there are long time From Software fans here...
Are Eternal Ring, Evergrace and Shadow Tower worth playing? Okay, I'm pretty sure I'm going to play Shadow Tower(already played Kingsfield IV) but the other two look pretty janky and light on the horror, yet still interesting enough. Evergrace almost looks like a Souls game even.
Crit damage is still so confusing in this game. I'll do anything from 300 to 1300 on a backstab (NG+2) regardless of the armour my opponent is wearing. In fact, the ones wearing lighter armour seem to take way less crit damage than those in heavier stuff. It's kind of demoralising when you land a potentially life saving parry and the riposte only does 400 damage.
You can farm them yourself just by feathering out once the boss arrives, if you've already killed him I believe the spawn rate lowers on the knights(?) and the drop rate for the souls is higher for phantoms too I've read. So co-op really is the quickest way unfortunately. On the upside it's only something you have to do once on a character not every NG cycle since you keep the loyce souls in your inventory even after you get to 50 and speak to queen whatsherface.Anyone knows a good way to farm Loyce souls? Coop isn't biting and getting to 50 for the Eleum Loyce seems like a fool's errand.
Fume Knight is something else. :/
Cool looking boss. Hopefully you can get his armor.
Might just be the quality, but that looks very similar to Orns setFinally got this set.
There's some similarity but there's really not much in common with the aesthetics of the pair:Might just be the quality, but that looks very similar to Orns set. I want it.
Finally managed to beat the 2 tigers boss. Fucking gauntlet to the boss was actually harder than the actual boss, I fucked up so many times I despawned all the fucking ponies.
Anyone knows a good way to farm Loyce souls? Coop isn't biting and getting to 50 for the Eleum Loyce seems like a fool's errand.
the road to Smelter Demon 2.0 can kiss my white ass.
the road to Smelter Demon 2.0 can kiss my white ass.
There's some similarity but there's really not much in common with the aesthetics of the pair:
Yeah I got really good getting to the boss that fucker took me 48 tries @_@ never aGAINthe road to Smelter Demon 2.0 can kiss my white ass.
Doesn't defense automatically raise by 1 point at every level or something? Maybe your opponents just vary a lot in level, since matchmaking is all SM anyway.
I remember people figuring out that the framerate had an effect on the backstab/riposte damage. Higher framerate meant worse damage?
Not even the Alonne knight's and their captain's set?The Ornstein set was a thing of beauty. The armor in DS2 never reached the same heights, i feel.