Smough armor 4 LYFE~
seriously though Smough armor is so, so ugly
seriously though Smough armor is so, so ugly
the road to Smelter Demon 2.0 can kiss my white ass.
The Ornstein set was a thing of beauty. The armor in DS2 never reached the same heights, i feel.
quantity over quality.
Quite possibly the best DPS weapon of the game.So i've been rolling with this weapon and it totally wrecks faces.
Agreed. DS2 is the best for Fashion Souls, for sure.I actually think that the best looking armour sets for the entire series are the ones you can get in DSII.
So i've been rolling with this weapon and it totally wrecks faces.
Ah, good call with the asectic, I'll try that. I'm on NG+3 though.Are you on NG+ or NG? I found it very slow when I did it on NG, but after popping an ascetic, bringing the area up to NG+, I found they dropped a lot faster.
Also, it's much better to farm before you beat the boss, so you can still use the Loyce knights and summons as helpers to make things go quicker. So if you already beat the boss, popping an ascetic is worth it just to re-spawn the boss.
Nothing is worse than the route to the kings pets.the road to Smelter Demon 2.0 can kiss my white ass.
So i've been rolling with this weapon and it totally wrecks faces.
What's that one called?
Decided to finally buy the DLC pack for PS3. Very excited.
Anything I should keep in mind before starting them?
Don't feel obliged to solo everything. From designed a lot of these areas for co-op.
It's probably that and Yorgh's spear.Quite possibly the best DPS weapon of the game.
That will probably happen.Fume Knight will laugh
Just wondering if anyone know the differences between dx9 and dx11? It's prob extremely similar to running DS2 with GeDoSaTo I want to assume, but I am just curious right now.
My favorite PvP weapon. I use it to boost my morale when I've been getting my ass kicked. Great combo with ring of blades +2 and stone ring.So i've been rolling with this weapon and it totally wrecks faces.
In game? better lighting, more particles and colors, just that.
And yes the game is pretty similar to the old game but without mods and stuff.
The improved AI is not really related to the DX11
They are, however, still soloable, for the masochists.
I did the first DLC solo. When I was done I asked myself "Why?", because it simply wasn't fun. I won't repeat that for subsequent DLC. I hear the second and third have even worse optional bosses.
.........As I said in (I believe) the previous page: I think they nerfed the gank squad guys, with the proper rings I beat them with the help of the 2 NPCs
Unless you get overjoyed by mostly novelty items.With no reward at all.
Or accounting for a increase in general ability plus equipment improvements..........
(That's not solo.)
The Red Iron Winblade.
So i've been rolling with this weapon and it totally wrecks faces.
There's some similarity but there's really not much in common with the aesthetics of the pair:
I did the first DLC solo. When I was done I asked myself "Why?", because it simply wasn't fun. I won't repeat that for subsequent DLC. I hear the second and third have even worse optional bosses.
That's odd. I've been reading that most people summon for the 2nd DLC because of its difficulty. I'll be wrapping up DS2 with it this weekend.I actually really enjoyed the 2nd DLC solo. It was the only one out of the three where I didn't feel that I was at a severe disadvantage playing solo.
I did the dlc on ng+++. Was an exercise in masochism.
Well, this is really interesting:
(Scholar of the First Sin ending spoilers)
EDIT: Also,somebody pointed out that the pillars on the walkway to the Throne of Want look an *awful* lot like decapitated DS1 serpents. Go and watch the DS1 Dark Lord ending and then the new DS2 Scholar of the First Sin ending. Pretty sure that has to be intentional. Especially since it fits with the decapitated serpent shrines. It also fits that you would be walking past statues of decapitated serpents, since this new ending is about finding a new path, and NOT the same Light/Dark choice (the choice given to you by the serpents) from DS1.
I think you are giving too much credit to the new cutscene
Mmm the snakes represent the kings, while the pillars are just pillars which reacts to your brand new great soul but then it fades to the dark since you didnt control the throne.
I did the first DLC solo. When I was done I asked myself "Why?", because it simply wasn't fun. I won't repeat that for subsequent DLC. I hear the second and third have even worse optional bosses.
I dunno, they're the right size, shape, color, and in the correct positions (while you do pretty much the exact same thing).
(Not putting the images inline because of spoilers.)
Seems at least symbolic to me. The shrines may be unrelated, but at least to me the symbolism with the pillars seems pretty clear.
(That's not solo.)
So I'm at Nashandra and haven't bought the DLC yet. I know the series is all about multiple playthroughs, but I'm not sure I want to commit my time to that at the moment.
I would like to play the DLC though. Should I stop before beating Nashandra and then play all 3 DLCs before beating her? Or is the DLC accessible in newgame+ without having to get through an inordinate amount of the base game first?
You don't go straight to NG+ after beating Nashandra. It is an option at the bonfire to do so.
In the approximately the last 11 months since you first did it, your character has not changed at all?Lol, of course it's not I'm just saying the fight is easier now. When I fought the gank squad for the first time the 2 NPCs would die almost instantly, they were not helping at all, I needed the help of a real player to be able to beat the gank squad. This time though, we destroyed them easily.
In the approximately the last 11 months since you first did it, your character has not changed at all?
Well yes other wise I wouldn't have asked. Did you do one before patch 1.06 and the other after by any chance?Do you honestly believe that I wouldn't take that into account?
That is only for the Co-op area with zud and the other ice tiger thing.So in Crown of the Ivory King I'm at the pointCan my friend who doesn't own the DLC accompany me or is that only for Aava?where everything thaws and you can back through the first area.