Someone please tell me a Zweihander is somewhere fairly early in the game, it's my favorite sword by far.
It's not.Someone please tell me a Zweihander is somewhere fairly early in the game, it's my favorite sword by far.
And... uninstalled.
I knew I was buying into the GAF hype and I can see how the game would be great if you're into that kind of thing but this really confirms these series is not for me. I find the gameplay way too archaic and tedious.
On the plus side this seems to be a good pc port, I didn't run into any issues at all.
UseIf someone doesn't mind answering this in a spoiler tag, but how do you regain health you've lost when you die?
If someone doesn't mind answering this in a spoiler tag, but how do you regain health you've lost when you die?
If someone doesn't mind answering this in a spoiler tag, but how do you regain health you've lost when you die?
Use a human effigy. Like really use it like a normal item, not burning it at a bonfire
Sad face, though to each their own. I'd suggest getting into a covenant, but my gut says that's likely not going to address your feelings on the game.
If you wanted your hopes crushed, you shoulda visited the critique- thread earlier![]()
If you are used to modern games doing it for you then I can see how Dark Souls can be seen as 'archiac' in a way.
You hear the same thing when people go back and play System Shock 2 and other similar games. The NPCs tell you where you need to go, but not how to get there. It's up to the player to devise a plan, and without an arrow over your head and linear hallways to push the player in the right direction, it can get overwhelming.
Modern games are designed in such a way that anyone can beat it. Dark Souls isn't.
If someone doesn't mind answering this in a spoiler tag, but how do you regain health you've lost when you die?
If someone doesn't mind answering this in a spoiler tag, but how do you regain health you've lost when you die?
I know nothing and have nowhere else to ask, so forgive me, but is Sorcerer a viable choice? I always try casters or ranged first in Rpgs and often it's just weak and not balanced the right way.
Pretty much, though the most important thing to consider with weapons is the moveset.
It is however all kinds of dumb that merchants don't give you stat differences based on what you're currently wearing when you can get precisely that information from your own inventory screen.
It's not.
I know nothing and have nowhere else to ask, so forgive me, but is Sorcerer a viable choice? I always try casters or ranged first in Rpgs and often it's just weak and not balanced the right way.
Same happened to me in the first Dark SoulsI wasted one doing that early on last night, but that is how you learn in Souls.
Like, it's not in early, or not at all?
I suppose I'll stick with shortswords and halberds then.
In the Lost Bastille, how do i?unpetrify the woman blocking access to a bonfire? And also, there was another bonfire that I couldn't access because the door to it was locked, anyone know where you get the key for that
Plenty in here seem to be having "showstopper" bugs and can't play. But if you can, and you've got a 360 pad, you'll have no issues and it's honestly one of the best-optimized clients I've seen. No joke.So how's the PC version guys? I plan on picking up this version soon. Any problems so far
Could someone explain to me why I'm fat rolling, but still running like a champ? What stat contributes to rolling speed, and also running speed?
Not in early, you'll have to venture through some zones to get it.
There's big sword - though not ultra greatsword, normal moveset - early to get your giant dad fix, at least.Like, it's not in early, or not at all?
I suppose I'll stick with shortswords and halberds then.
I'm playing a Sorcerer and so far so good.
PVE is quite week early/mid game, then sorcerer become the hearld of doom.
When you seeThis game is now about megoing on a quest to save the Zweihander.
There's big sword - though not ultra greatsword, normal moveset - early to get your giant dad fix, at least.
It most definitely is. I would however highly recommend leveling your strength up to around 9 as fast as you can just so you can have.a decent backup weapon in close quarters.I know nothing and have nowhere else to ask, so forgive me, but is Sorcerer a viable choice? I always try casters or ranged first in Rpgs and often it's just weak and not balanced the right way.
having owned dark souls one (and even demon souls) and not REALLY playing them, should I just play Dark Souls 1 and go to 2 at a later date? or forgo playing 1 and just get 2?
It most definitely is. I would however highly recommend leveling your strength up to around 9 as fast as you can just so you can have.a decent backup weapon in close quarters.
Usehuman effigy or put down a white soapstone sign to be summoned into someone's world and help them. Use the small with soapstone and all you have to do is kill a few enemies and you should get your human form back. Basically, you need to be in human form for full health.
In addition to the already mentioned effigies you can also do coop, if successful you get your humanity restored.
I'd recommend playing Dark Souls 1 first, it's still an excellent game.having owned dark souls one (and even demon souls) and not REALLY playing them, should I just play Dark Souls 1 and go to 2 at a later date? or forgo playing 1 and just get 2?
Oops, didnt mean to squash the 2 together.
The aspect ratio fix is coming from FlawlessWidescreen fixer, he posted the picture
to say that he is done with the fix and its currently putting it in the last version of Flawless Widescreen.
This has nothing to do with GeDoSaTo.
Is there a way to remove those black bars and get full resolution with this aspect ratio?
early in the game and haven't gotten to first boss yet. What weapon should I upgrade. Just got a titanite shard...
Yellow quartz longsword
heide knight sword (the one with lightning dmg)
The one with Youtube links? I didn't see the vids, probably will check it out but yeah I really tried to like the game, it's just not for me.
I admit I felt disoriented at first being new to Souls games.But I'm not complaning about not having hand holding or quest markers, or stuff like that.
Combat is kinda old school in the way you position yourself to not take the hits, etc.. Doesn't feel really dynamic and I got a couple cheap deaths due to me trying to position myself correctly to hit the mobs but fell to my death lol. I also found it tedious having to repair my broadsword who broke every 10 mobs or so, maybe I didn't get the mechanics, but it ended up with situations where I had to run from rats cause I was doing close to no dmg to them (they eventually followed me everywhere so I dispatched them with some patience).