Well depends, I guess I felt it was cheap since I died twice cause I couldn't control my character the way I wanted, the mobs didn't push me to my death, I did. Other deaths were cause I got my ass jumped when I didn't expect it but guess I should have read each message on the floor
I realized you could auto repair when I resting at a bonfire yes, but it also respawned the mobs so basically it ended up the same for me (I had other weapons in my inventory but I didn't meet the requirements to use them properly.My bonfire was in that tower, then you take a ladder down and you have to go through some skeletons that eventually lead to a roof area with a boss fight, and downstairs an area with a turtle like mob, to get me through all that my sword constantly broke, i'm not joking)
There's a shortcut that leads back to that bonfire so you don't constantly have to go down that ladder.
To open it:
From the bonfire, go down the ladder, kill the two dudes, take the door on the left, kill the guy sleeping on the right, walk outside and up the giant tree branch, and get yourself onto the top of the wall. Kill the two soldiers here, and I recommend killing the soldier throwing bombs from the top of the roof. You will see barrels lined up against a wall. These are explosive barrels. Blow them up to reveal the shortcut back into the bonfire room.