Is it worth investing anything in DEX for a cleric? It starts me with 5, and the weapons I have that require it pretty much start at 10. It seems like all those weapons are slicing/stabbing weapons, whereas the STR ones are just blunt. It's going to cost me a lot of souls to get DEX up to 10, but then I'm scared I'll just be stuck again when the next better weapon needs DEX at 15...
Also my Stamina is really crap... it starts at 3-4. As a cleric I need to be rolling around a lot, don't I? Should I be dumping into Stamina as well? Is that what VGR controls?
The moveset is horrible though. Very annoying to hit enemies once pushback kicks in.Heide Knight Sword +5 is like fucking easy mode for early game everything.
Cuts through enemies and bosses like butter.
You probably need a better weapon. Try upgrading the ones you have.
Oh and you can mostly fight them one at a time sans a couple of them. If you want you can just run past them to one of the bosses lol
Where you were invaded?I don't even have a covenant afaik. Why would they be grey just because of that though? Aren't players just red when they invade another player as a hostile enemy?
Try theI'm rocking the+3 right now. That seems better than the Heide's sword. Any good spots to grind early?fire longsword
Not in Dark Souls 2. There are black phantoms, red phantoms, grey phantoms, all sorts. Different colors for different covenants.
Where you were invaded?
i should feel bad for summoning people who put there signs down in obscure places so they can coop with their buddies, but i don't. That 10 seconds of wondering wtf is going before they use the black separation crystal lol.
I don't even have a covenant afaik. Why would they be grey just because of that though? Aren't players just red when they invade another player as a hostile enemy?
i know what I'm doing, spent 300 hours in dark souls. there are more than enough fights where you can't avoid fighting 3 enemies at once in the forest of fallen giants.
belfry luna or whatever it's called
In Belfry Luna you can get invaded by the members of the Bell Covenant. They're grey. If you are in that covenant and you wear the Bell Ring, you automatically get summoned as a grey spirit to fight other players that enter the area.Aha, thx for that clarification.
belfry luna or whatever it's called
Aha, thx for that clarification.
More questions though. Just got invaded by another grey person. And he was able to run straight to me, even though I decided to stand behind a wall that allowed me to be hidden from sight until another player would practially be in melee range of me. However the person that invaded seemed to know exactly where I was despite of this, he just ran straight to me, even though there was no way he could have actually seen me with the line of sight he had, wtf is up with that? Sheer luck or are the ones invading given some kind of indicator of where the people they want to kill are? Seems unfair if that's the case.
Also. These 2 encounters are the first ones I've had since I started playing some 12 hours ago. And they started happening the moment I entered the belfry luna area. Is this some kind of special pvp area? Seems really odd that I get 2 pvp encounter within 3 minutes of each other in a new area, after not getting a single one in the previous 12 hours of play.
belfry luna or whatever it's called
Okay. I went out and bought a gamepad because I just didnt dig the PC controls after playing Demon and DS1 on PS3.
How the F do I swap the Left Analog and DPad functions? Left analog is set to swap inv items, and dpad is to move. That is annoying.
Logitech F310 btw.
Is this legal?Steam Achievement Manager
Any way to reset your Steam achievements?
So is there an agreement on what class is the best for beginners?
I want a fast, agile, melee character that may or may not use a shield. I started the game up last night and picked a knight, but didn't do anything really. Is that my best option?
Where do i find my pre-order dlc within the game? I just arrived to the first settlement and got some flask from a girl.
Also, how do i level up in this game? Sorry, total noob here.
I am not a fan of it at all because the better I get, the more I'll have to be conscious of not completely breaking my weapons. Especially good ones. I hope durability increases as you improve them? It feels like a punishment because when I'm out on the field I have to rest at bonfires to repair, for the most part; resting respawns enemies (which is fine until it starts hindering progress). If I constantly have to do this to make sure I have weapons to progress it will be very infuriating. It feels like a complete regression compared to both games. They had a perfect system.
Probably Knight. You start with a good sword and a decent amount of HP. The other option would be bandit if you arent sure about going STR or DEX
My items automatically popped into my inventory when I started the game. You level up by talking to the girl near the bonfire.
Is this legal?
Played 4 hours yesterday!
Nvidia 670 GTX and the game runs perfectly at 60fps 1080p with everything maxed out. I could probably even downsample but I don't notice the aliasing due to the distance I'm at.
I asked because I want to play it over again and "gain" the achievements from scratch.Is this why you were asking?
Played 4 hours yesterday!
Nvidia 670 GTX and the game runs perfectly at 60fps 1080p with everything maxed out. I could probably even downsample but I don't notice the aliasing due to the distance I'm at. Also the game never crashed or gave me any problems fortunately, but my feelings go to those that are having issuesI hope they patch it soon!)
Got me some nicearmor now. Shit is super heavy. Time to go back to Heide's and see how it goes.Drangelic
Damn,was brutal. I had only died a couple of times before falling over and over to him, I can only imagine how a complete newcomer to the series must have felt. Who said this game was easier than Dark Souls again? Was I even supposed to fight him at that point anyway?Pursuerwas kind of kicking my ass after that anyway, so I headed to Heide's Tower instead, where I easily got rid of theLost Bastillebosses. Speaking of which,two, isn't he?the Old Dragonslayer is obviously Ornstein
I hope I'm heading the right way, this game is even more vague than its predecessor when it comes to instructions, and that's no easy task really.
Oh, and by the way when am I going to be able to upgrade? I suppose I need the key for the blacksmith in Majula?