Ugh. Debating. Already played through on PS3. PC good enough to double dip?
Basically, here's my take on it.Ugh. Debating. Already played through on PS3. PC good enough to double dip?
There seems to be an item in thethat's at mid level of two cages that both pass by it. How do you get it?Lost Bastille
Ugh. Debating. Already played through on PS3. PC good enough to double dip?
As an Heavy Strength build, I'm pissed off that I haven't found a better set than the Drangleic armor set from the beginning of the game.
The shield and the armor are so good. I'm in Earthen Peak and still using it.
If a chest gets destroyed is that item gone for good? I just found out that enemies can break them, too.
It was a chest with two snipers in no mans wharf and a couple of dual wielders. Any idea what it contains?
Y=parryI just can't play this game until the HUD is improved for keyboard users.
The keybinding menu does not even explain what all these Xbox controller icons are supposed to correspond to.
As someone who's never liked the Xbox controllers, this unfortunately makes the game unplayable to me.
I'm currently using 0x02506405 with my 670s, you can try this one as well, 0x02004005.
Can I be summoned when hollow? Waiting for 10 minutes now in front of the first boss....
New to the series: any starting class recommendations or tips?
I noticed that some enemies dissappear when you killed them often enough.
Can I be summoned when hollow? Waiting for 10 minutes now in front of the first boss....
- I can't recommend playing each area with a guide enough. They'll point out items and secrets you might miss if you played blind.
I wish I could find the person who came up with the idea for thecovenant and strangle them.rat
playing this game with a guide defeats the purpose of this game. guides are for new game plus/achievements runs.
A good starting class is cleric.
- two handing weapons halves their requirements
- Go to Forest of Giants before Heide's Tower (lower level enemies)
- Don't worry too much about screwing up how you leveled up stats, you have a couple of resets throughout the game as long as you find the item
- I can't recommend playing each area with a guide enough. They'll point out items and secrets you might miss if you played blind.
I wish I could find the person who came up with the idea for thecovenant and strangle them.rat
Drangleic is not a bad set. You can access some other good armor right now, and better stuff will appear in time. The best heavy armor is theoretically accessible to you very early in the game, but it will probably be a while before you find it. Think of it as time to build up other stats and not worry so much about VIT.
One person I know I missed: Where is?snuggly
Come on. Spears in this game has been massively fucking nerfed. It's slow, takes a BUNCH of stamina and poise ruins the entire weapon because you can't infinity-hit enemies now.Spear seems a lot faster and more accurate that dark souls too.
I started as a cleric and wow they're really powerful. As soon as you get lightening spear most bosses I've hit will die to about 8 hits. Spear seems a lot faster and more accurate that dark souls too. Also man do silky smooth on PC. Load times are 3 seconds instead of 30 (on ps3 retail), and it needs to be said, online is so improved. Every summon sign I double hit a and it either starts summoning or tells me that persons summoned. Takes 15 seconds to get two people for a hard boss fight. Very impressed. None of this, wait... Wait... Wait.... ... Failed summoning.
In the tutorial area, if you follow the first path to the left all the way to the end you'll come right across the nest.
Come on. Spears in this game has been massively fucking nerfed. It's slow, takes a BUNCH of stamina and poise ruins the entire weapon because you can't infinity-hit enemies now.
edit: they can still be good though, not saying otherwise. Just saying compared to Demon's, they're shit.
I wish I could find the person who came up with the idea for thecovenant and strangle them.rat
Come on. Spears in this game has been massively fucking nerfed. It's slow, takes a BUNCH of stamina and poise ruins the entire weapon because you can't infinity-hit enemies now.
edit: they can still be good though, not saying otherwise. Just saying compared to Demon's, they're shit.
Come on. Spears in this game has been massively fucking nerfed. It's slow, takes a BUNCH of stamina and poise ruins the entire weapon because you can't infinity-hit enemies now.
edit: they can still be good though, not saying otherwise. Just saying compared to Demon's, they're shit.
Also, I've met twothat aren't hostile, I attacked and killed one. Good idea?solders in white
Yep.They are just normal enemies, but they don'tattack unless provoked. They drop gear and it do not count as a sin as far as I'm aware.
Near a lone r? I fought that but didn't see anythinghino-cyclops thing
Is it just me or is this game way harder than DS1? They start throwing the big enemies at you like right after the first stage
Also I'm a huge fan of DS1, and I'm enjoying this game, and I understand that the 'enemy respawn' is just a core mechanic (yes I know they despawn eventually) but man having to fight through like 10 of those giant guard guys and having to do it all over again when you die is just such a pain in the ass
I'm level 96 already. I have 20 VIT right now.
Which sets are you talking about?
Also, I've met twothat aren't hostile, I attacked and killed one. Good idea?solders in white
Why do the majority of summon signs I click on fail? Says some shit about the sign disappearing.
The gutter is the most annoying place to run out of anti-poison items.
Harder in the beginning than Demon's or Dark. Then it gets really easyIs it just me or is this game way harder than DS1? They start throwing the big enemies at you like right after the first stage
Also I'm a huge fan of DS1, and I'm enjoying this game, and I understand that the 'enemy respawn' is just a core mechanic (yes I know they despawn eventually) but man having to fight through like 10 of those giant guard guys and having to do it all over again when you die is just such a pain in the ass