-regulation ver.1.04 note-
PS3 -April 8th
XBOX-To be announced
-Item Corrosive Urn Strength reduced
-Weapon Category Twinblade Durability increased
-WeaponMoonlight Greatsword Made so that this weapon cannot be Enchanted,
and slowed down the motion of the weapon
-Armor Gyrm Warrior Greathelm Wieght, Poise, Defense Increased
-RingRing of Thorns Damage reduced
-RingOld Sun Ring Damage reduced
-SorcerySoul Spear and Crystal Soul Spear This spell will now pierce
through enemies and is able to cause damage to more than just one enemy
-Sorcery Soul Greatsword Time spell takes to take effect adjusted
-Sorcery Homing Soulmass and Homing Crystal Soulmass, Hex Affinity
Now take less stamina and move faster
-Sorcery Soul Geyser Damage reduced
-Recovery spell motions are now slower
-Miracle Wrath of the Gods Time to determine damage reduced
-Pyromancy Firestorm, Fire Tempest,Chaos Storm,Flame Swathe,
Forbidden Sun Damage reduced
-Pyromancy Firestorm,Fire Tempest,Chaos Storm Time to
activation made longer
-NPC Lucatiel of Mirrah, Pilgrim Bellclaire, Benhart of Jugo,
Manscorpion Tark Defense increased
-Enemy Rupturing Hollow HP reduced
-Enemies Hollow Mage, Amana Priestess Reduced ability to chase user
-Enemy Hammersmith Reduced the length of vibrations after striking ground
-Area Boss The Last Giant Reduced damage
-Area Boss The Lost Sinner HP and damage reduced
-Area Boss Royal Rat Authority Damage reduced
-Area Boss The Duke's Dear Freja Damage reduced
-Area Boss The Lost Sinner (2nd time through) sinner in jail who appears
- HP and damage reduced
-Area Boss Flexile Sentry (2nd time through) Nimble Shadow who appears
- HP and damage reduced