Think about what the covenant does.
How would he know that, the guy doesn't explain it to you until after you join.
Think about what the covenant does.
Transient isn't a hint at the item required?
That's great and all but it has nothing to do with FROM's effort.
How would he know that, the guy doesn't explain it to you until after you join.
the bosses are so-so, yeah.
Need more hints on this
'Transient being, you would never make a Knight of the Blue.'
Transient: lasting only for a short time; impermanent.
This "one guy" I capable of killing him with my base Knight?
Does resting at bonfire repair all weapons or just equipped ones?
Im not that far in but yeah, so far these bosses haven't been on the scale of the big epic bosses of DS1 (only finished the forest and heikei so far)
How much downsampling is this?
That DoF
Holy fuck. Never used ENB, how do I make the game look like that?
well i'm using a "so-so" dark souls scale, they're still good but nothing that make me say "holy fuck this boss"
Man, these summons I continue to get near the door to this triple boss fight in The Lost Bastille fucking suck. I've lost 50K souls now. The frustation is through the roof but I want to keep trying until I beat them. Maybe I shouldn't be here for level 38.
Praise the Son!
Why the fuck do weapons break so fucking fast?
Why the fuck do weapons break so fucking fast?
So what the fuck is going on with the coop ? I know there's the whole 'soul memory' mechanic in the background but why am I being summoned into a game (like I want to, at the start of the area) and I then kill a few enemies and it goes 'Duty Fulfilled' and turfs me out. It's irritating as I want to help them all the way to the boss and kick its ass but unless you drop your white stone just before the boss area you never get it.
Why the fuck do weapons break so fucking fast?
So what the fuck is going on with the coop ? I know there's the whole 'soul memory' mechanic in the background but why am I being summoned into a game (like I want to, at the start of the area) and I then kill a few enemies and it goes 'Duty Fulfilled' and turfs me out. It's irritating as I want to help them all the way to the boss and kick its ass but unless you drop your white stone just before the boss area you never get it.
So what the fuck is going on with the coop ? I know there's the whole 'soul memory' mechanic in the background but why am I being summoned into a game (like I want to, at the start of the area) and I then kill a few enemies and it goes 'Duty Fulfilled' and turfs me out. It's irritating as I want to help them all the way to the boss and kick its ass but unless you drop your white stone just before the boss area you never get it.
There's a time limit, like 5 mins for small soapstone, 30 mins for white. I think killing enemies makes it go down faster.
That happens with the small soapstone. Use the large stone to stay longer.
you're using the small white soap stone. Its set on a timer but nets you refilled flasks, hp and durability when you're done. The large one is like the old one and lets you stay til the boss dies
Uncomment the downsampling res. When you enter the game, just set it to 1080p instead of the higher res. And it will be fine
That tomb you lay in in Things Betwixt.. What did that just do to me? HAHA
Thank you, I'm an idiot as I don't think I have it yet or just missed it. Off I go!
Not feeling any of the bosses so far
Awesome, thanks a bunch. Luckily I'm not using GeDoSaTo so it should work fine.1: Download this:!12370
2: Extract it to the Steam\steamapps\common\DarkSoulsII\Game (Where the actual DarkSoulsII.exe is.
3: Done, just load the game and you're ready to go. Just be aware that this is incompatible with Durantes GSTDO and will make you crash on startup.
Note: Don't be alarmed by the 5-10 second white screen on startup, it just does that and if you alt+tab, but it won't crash and it's not freezing or anything.
Hmm, trying to get GeDoSaTo to work... I've extracted everything in Steamapps>Common>Dark Souls II and toyed with the .ini and I'm not noticing any graphics change.
Hmm, trying to get GeDoSaTo to work... I've extracted everything in Steamapps>Common>Dark Souls II and toyed with the .ini and I'm not noticing any graphics change.
I metat Lost Bastille, can i get the item he requests now or do i have to wait for further areas?the blacksmith
anyone know how to get the item on? I cant make the jump no matter whatthe body in the balcony where the ruin sentinels were
I metat Lost Bastille, can i get the item he requests now or do i have to wait for further areas?the blacksmith
anyone know how to get the item on? I cant make the jump no matter whatthe body in the balcony where the ruin sentinels were
There is a hidden door on the ground floor of that room. Run around the walls and mash A.
What? I sure didn't have to do that. You're talking about the boss area, correct? Huh....