wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Maybe you can make that jump, but you don't have to.
Mind blown. Yeah you can make it. But now I need to go look for that secret...
Maybe you can make that jump, but you don't have to.
Am I a retard or what? I'm right clicking on DarkSoulsII(.exe) in the Dark Souls > Game-folder. Checking the "Run as administrator" and then apply. Then double click the .exe and nothing happens.
edit: do I need to have the GeDoSaTo-program in the background? The Whitelist/Blacklist-program?
There is a hidden door on the ground floor of that room. Run around the walls and mash A.
Uh yeah so is there a reason I'm being constantly invaded right before theboss? And sometimes by more than 1 person?!gargoyles
Uh yeah so is there a reason I'm being constantly invaded right before theboss? And sometimes by more than 1 person?!gargoyles
That's how that area is supposed to be. Anyone in thewill be summoned (from just about anywhere) to stop you from reaching the boss.Bell Keeper covenant
Yeah it has to do with a particular covenant. That's why they are of a certain color.
Well damn that kinda sucks lol
It's a bit "woah, wtf?" at first, but in 200+ hours I didn't outright break my weapon more than three or four times. You'll adjust quickly.That's my biggest annoyance with the game so far.
And my game seems to tear a lot. Any way of solving this?
Uh yeah so is there a reason I'm being constantly invaded right before theboss? And sometimes by more than 1 person?!gargoyles
Do I force it with Durantes mod or is that in the Nvidia settings?Force triple buffered v-sync and make sure you are able to hold a solid 60 FPS.
Can you blame them? It looks amazing on Dark Souls II.
Be wary of Guts
That's a hard fight for almost everyone. Has nothing to do with weapon choice. Phantoms and hosts alike die like fuckng crazy there.GREATSWORD SCRUBS EVERYWHERE.
One guy 2-handing a greatsword against smelter. Gets dominated in 2 seconds. Just going to use the seperation crystal next time
Allow me to show you, with ENB.
Do I force it with Durantes mod or is that in the Nvidia settings?
One guy 2-handing a greatsword against smelter. Gets dominated in 2 seconds. Just going to use the seperation crystal next time
same shit on the ps3. symbol of scrubdom 0 gamesense.
Optional boss, only an achievement is at stake by missing. NG+ might be a bear though, best to give it a shot before moving on.
Stat requirements are a bit harsher at first. You'll need a few sLvls before using basic stuff.Why do I keep getting this with most weapons I try to equip? We're talking just basic swords here...
so does Durante (spelling sorry) need to touch this game at all?
is there anything that could be better game performance wise
orSinners RiseafterHunter's Corpseguys? logic would sayLost Bastillesince its basically a continuation ofSinner's Rise, but someone was saying I should have doneBastillealready earlier?Hunter's Corpse
orSinners RiseafterHunter's Corpseguys? logic would sayLost Bastillesince its basically a continuation ofSinner's Rise, but someone was saying I should have doneBastillealready earlier?Hunter's Corpse
Why do I keep getting this with most weapons I try to equip? We're talking just basic swords here...
Allow me to show you, with ENB.
That's a hard fight for almost everyone. Has nothing to do with weapon choice. Phantoms and hosts alike die like fuckng crazy there.
Stat requirements are a bit harsher at first. You'll need a few sLvls before using basic stuff.
Do you have the strength/dexterity required?
Let's just say I can max it out at 1080p on my old DualCore CPU with a few minor dips here and there. It runs great![]()
Thanks! I did it with Nvidia setting and it works flawlessly!Both are possible
Go to the equipment screen, select an item slot and hover over the weapon you want to use, on the bottom left it'll tell you the stat requirements and the stat scaling.Is there a way I can tell what level I should be at to be able to use these?
Is there a way I can tell what level I should be at to be able to use these?
Sorry if its been debated to death but is adaptability worth it or not? Just started the game and primarily plan on going melee. Mostly used swords and spears in Demon Souls and Dark Souls if it makes a difference.
Started with a knight but might reroll if it is a worthless stat. Thanks.
orSinners RiseafterHunter's Corpseguys? logic would sayLost Bastillesince its basically a continuation ofSinner's Rise, but someone was saying I should have doneBastillealready earlier?Hunter's Corpse