They nerfed that fight in a recent patch.
It's a horrendous boss. Possibly even worse than Bed of Chaos.
I didn´t find Bed of Chaos particulary hard to beat (actually i found it pretty easy). Maneater in Demons Souls in the other hand...
They nerfed that fight in a recent patch.
It's a horrendous boss. Possibly even worse than Bed of Chaos.
They nerfed that fight in a recent patch.
It's a horrendous boss. Possibly even worse than Bed of Chaos.
Nah, at leastis still a boss fight in its essence, BoC is a fucking horrible gimmick battle.RRA
What did they nerf? It's "easy" if you start withOther than that, it kind of sucked ass.a Halberd, or any 360 type weapon, or Flame Swathe.
I haven't played enough to make a final judgement (and I'd wait a few months with that anyway), but yeah, so far I do think the improvements outweigh the drawbacks.Am I the only one liking this game a LOT more than Dark Souls 1? And I loved that game a lot. I'm just not seeing the flaws I saw in DS1. 20 hours in and every area still feels crazily well-designed with interesting stuff happening around every corner. The only thing that's bothering me is that the bosses are a bit on the easy side, but that might just me my Souls series experience being a factor.
I am playing in the champion covenant as well, so yeah...
Aren't the?little brown things rats
friend just told me how to use the boss souls for weapons, I would NEVER figure it out on my own, I assumed we would make them like in DS1. Now to rememeber how to go back to the dude I need (ive been at him too and had no idea what it was) >_<
How is KB/M this time?
Awesome, thanks a bunch. Luckily I'm not using GeDoSaTo so it should work fine.
How do I get this ENB?
DoF is a little bit too much, but I love the colors and lighting
Care to share your settings? I need to get into this ENB business it seems
Post ini plz
Wait now I'm confused can you give me a hint? I thought it'd be like DS1.
Lots of detail on the armor seems to be lost.
BTW Anyone else getting horrible stutter using SLi? Nvidia has a profile but its performance is kinda shit in some areas.
Guys in new game plus, how does Soul Memory and Soul Level work? People keep saying that PvP and Coop is great in New Game plus due NG+ but I dont understand, are the restrictions removed?
Tried that fight once and said nope. Hate that kind of boss design
Spent way too much time trying to get this
Am I the only one liking this game a LOT more than Dark Souls 1? And I loved that game a lot. I'm just not seeing the flaws I saw in DS1. 20 hours in and every area still feels crazily well-designed with interesting stuff happening around every corner. The only thing that's bothering me is that the bosses are a bit on the easy side, but that might just me my Souls series experience being a factor.
I am playing in the champion covenant as well, so yeah...
Maybe it's just me but so far all the ENB shots have looked kind of crappy. Blown out and ridiculous DoF.
But then 99% of Skyrim ENB configs are like that as well. Can't argue about taste I guess.
edit: Also, does the game have a divine weapon upgrade path? Haven't seen any yet, so just wondering.
Is the mace that you start with as a Cleric a good weapon to upgrade? I have been enjoying the weapon so far and have no real complaints. I am new to the series and want to make sure I am not screwing myself by upgrading. I am leaning towards creating a strength/faith build if that matters.
Bed of Chaos at least looked cool visually. This other one is ugly in every conceivable way. Awful aesthetic and ill-conceived as an actual fight.
Sorry for the bombardment of questions: But Shrine of Winter opened, and I'm pretty sure it shouldn't have. Is Shrine of Winter open for everyone in the PC or what? (Everything I read says it requires 4 Grand Souls)
Sorry for the bombardment of questions: But Shrine of Winter opened, and I'm pretty sure it shouldn't have. Is Shrine of Winter open for everyone in the PC or what? (Everything I read says it requires 4 Grand Souls)
And yeah, Bed of Chaos will eternally be the lamest fight in the Souls series. Thecome close on the bad list, though.Prowling Magus and Congregation
So when I get to Majula, where do I find a Mace?
Is the mace that you start with as a Cleric a good weapon to upgrade? I have been enjoying the weapon so far and have no real complaints. I am new to the series and want to make sure I am not screwing myself by upgrading. I am leaning towards creating a strength/faith build if that matters.
That's aheide knight, who drops a pretty good sword. In NG+, they drop pieces of their armor.
He's depressed that his linkin park collection sank into the ocean with Heide![]()
Do people actually play with those ridiculous DoF settings?
I thought this shot I took to illustrate the Bokeh DoF was already way too much for playing the game:
I've been avoiding this thread due to fear of spoilers.
I'm just gonna say that GETTING A BOW in a Souls game is the best goddamn thing you can do to better tackle the challenges of the game.
I know it sounds obvious but many people actually don't use bows because they are "meele or magic only" or something like that.
But my god, it's just so useful * . *
you're supposed to go to belfry luna before going to sinner's rise, you get a key that let you skip the gate in the water in the lower part of sinner's rise (with those annoying exploding zombies) and you can turn on 2 fires to have some light while you fight the sinner, so you don't lose the target.
It's rather surprising that he did one at all, considering what he thinks about the games themselves. I'd be super shocked if he actually worked on it more.The problem when doing an ENB for DS2 is that each level in the game has a completely different lighting hue.
What looks great in one area will look terrible in another. We need Boris to do a decent ENB with each level taken into consideration, similar to the way Skyrim worked with its weather system ENB,
Do people actually play with those ridiculous DoF settings?
I thought this shot I took to illustrate the Bokeh DoF was already way too much for playing the game:
Or a million+ in your soul memory bank.
If your soul memory is high enough, it will open. This happened to me on the PS3 as well even though I only had 3 out of 4 great souls.
So after playing the game with no problems for 3 days I'm crashing on start-up.