This doesn't answer my question. Most of my attacks only take off 1-2 durability off of the total 60 or 70, but occasionally one attack will take off seemingly 15-20 durability.
Defeated theon my first try... How is that even possible?Lost Sinner
Either I sucked big time when I was playing the PS3 version or the added frames made the difference.
So I've heard this bit of contextless advice from a couple places, that you shouldn'tMy question is,pull the lever.and my mind needs peace.which lever is it? It's had me avoiding the multiple ones I've seen through the game
Itll be very obvious.
Is it the Belfry one? If so, then oops :|.
The correct answer my friend is Llewelyn.
So I've heard this bit of contextless advice from a couple places, that you shouldn'tMy question is,pull the lever.and my mind needs peace.which lever is it? It's had me avoiding the multiple ones I've seen through the game
Never used ENB before, so a couple questions:
1.) Is it easy to install/setup, or pro gamers only?
2.) Can it run concurrently with Durante's program, or will I have to disable one or the other?
Is it the Belfry one? If so, then oops :|.
I really hope the bosses get challenging soon, as the difficulty seems a bit reduced from DS1. (Funnily enough, some of the normal mobs seem less merciful as well.) I'm starting to get worried.was a joke in comparison to theLost Sinner. I seem to be using the same strategy for most bosses, as well.Ruin Sentinels
This really makes me want to avoid leveling up all together despite advice to the contrary.
No not that one, that one justopened the door to the boss there.
Ah ok, I wasn't sure if that was the cause of me getting invaded constantly while trying to get to the top and kill the optional boss of that area. I don't even know why I bothered; I don't think I got any significant reward afterwards other than another way to get to the Bastille, after I had already finished that area.You will receive lots of warning messages, prompting to turn back from the switch. You won't miss it.
Itll be very obvious.
Alrighty, thanks.You will know.
So uhdudes getting to him were harder then he was.dragonrider
Hopefully my lucky streak will end.There are some tough one's ahead, but if you are breezing through now, there probably won't be too many that get you outside of some gimmicks.
He would have been even easier if youSo uhdudes getting to him were harder then he was.dragonrider
Yeah, you really have to play it safe. Dodge the attacks and then attack him immediately after (once or twice only) in that downtime before he starts up again. Patience and coordination.All those guys are good practice if you don't use a shield. Tbh I feel gimped without a shield on some fights, I can't beat.. only tried twice but got destroyed. (i'm dual wielding swords)The Pursuer
In this area
How do I do a damn thing without getting poisoned?
I feel helpless in this game at times. In some areas the enemies are too easy. Others I get destroyed and I know I'm not powerful enough just yet...
So lost at times.
In this area
How do I do a damn thing without getting poisoned?
I feel helpless in this game at times. In some areas the enemies are too easy. Others I get destroyed and I know I'm not powerful enough just yet...
So lost at times.
You get poisoned...
In this area
How do I do a damn thing without getting poisoned?
I feel helpless in this game at times. In some areas the enemies are too easy. Others I get destroyed and I know I'm not powerful enough just yet...
So lost at times.
Get the latest version of DS4 tool, start it before launching steam, check "hide DS4"
In this area
How do I do a damn thing without getting poisoned?
I feel helpless in this game at times. In some areas the enemies are too easy. Others I get destroyed and I know I'm not powerful enough just yet...
So lost at times.
That's what I asked about in an earlier post since the difficulty of all the bosses I encountered so far seem to be significantly nerf'd.Not to take the wind out of your sails, but From apparently nerfed the fight's difficulty. But existing experience and an actual good framerate should benefit you in every encounter.
It's pretty short and linear (for the most part), so it doesn't leave a strong impression. But it had some beautiful visuals in points, and I liked the theme of it. At least it gave the torch an actual function, as one of those good but horribly executed areas.No Man's Wharf
You can avoid most of the poison if you ignore most of the loot, but if you wanna grab stuff, then just use Lifegems to counteract the damage over time of the poison. Poison hurts a little more than Lifegems heal, but you will still do alright if you just pop 2 lifegems for every full poison bar. Lifegems are also much cheaper than Poison Moss, so if you are low on Moss, just go buy some Lifegems from Hag Melentia and you'll do fine.
So uhdudes getting to him were harder then he was.dragonrider
Did I just play with NeoGAF mod Aenea who promptly rolled off a cliff seconds after welcoming me?
Anyway, need tips on dual wielding, anyone using it?
Currently learning theboss fight. Fun and no risk!Chariot
just created my first sorceror/magic user ever in the dark souls series.
what should i put my points into?
is the loot worth it? lol
I thought DEX wasn't that viable? I'm rolling through enemies with Rapiers.