Fuckk I just killedI'm guessing I'm fucked because I killed him at his first location.Ornifex when i swung at a ballisik. Killed him in one hit.
Really? I honestly really really like it. Having to manage durability (using rings, making repair powder more useful...) adds a very fun spin to it, and totally justifies repairing being automatic at bonfires. It also incentives variety to the same character (along with the 3 weapons slots and items that are a lot more useful).
I only bought Homeward Bones in the first game, but now I'm always buying knives and shit becauase they're really good. Always have my bow equipped too.
This was one of the things I thought they really got completely right.
Finally beat thePursuer by cheesing it and using one of the ballistas, then I went to this nest and an bird took me to this other area, which is hard as hell. Made it to what I assume is the Boss, three tall knights that have been kicking my ass non-stop for the past 1.5 hours. I'm beginning to feel this boss is O&S + 1.
Finally beat thePursuer by cheesing it and using one of the ballistas, then I went to this nest and an bird took me to this other area, which is hard as hell. Made it to what I assume is the Boss, three tall knights that have been kicking my ass non-stop for the past 1.5 hours. I'm beginning to feel this boss is O&S + 1.
Finally beat thePursuer by cheesing it and using one of the ballistas, then I went to this nest and an bird took me to this other area, which is hard as hell. Made it to what I assume is the Boss, three tall knights that have been kicking my ass non-stop for the past 1.5 hours. I'm beginning to feel this boss is O&S + 1.
What area is that? I went through Bastille and am now at Sinners' Rise and the boss there is fucking ridiculous. Can't even attempt it without dying instantly due to the speed at which he swings.Come back later, there is another area adjacent to Majula that is worth going through before the Bastille.
Got a good 1H recommendation for theruined sentinels? I've been 2H Demons Great Hammer up to this point and used it on all the other bosses, but a shield seems like a must for this one. Is it worthwhile to level up the craftsman hammer I got from the Lost Bastille smith? I'm thinking a strike weapon would be best, I tried to 1H a greatsword but it's damage was unimpressive against them (it isn't buffed at all though, it just looked like the "best" weapon I could 1H).
Man, didn't get a chance at all today to play this
Maybe I can squeeze in an hour before bed..
I woke up at 6 AM to play today, I may do the same tomorrow.
What area is that? I went through Bastille and am now at Sinners' Rise and the boss there is fucking ridiculous. Can't even attempt it without dying instantly due to the speed at which he swings.
Is there no way to configure the controls on a gamepad? The in-game configuration only has kb/m. I want to reverse the RB/LB controls to RT/LT.
Are the Item discovery effects of different armor parts stackable?
I got the soldier key, where do I go now?
Do NPC invaders still invade you if you didn't kill them but already killed the boss of the area in NG?
Really have enjoyed the game, no real complaints other than soul memory which is a huge bummer later in NG. Though, I guess it could possibly be my soul level putting me out of co-op reach.
What do you mean by "soul memory" if you don't mind me asking?
Guys, I've been having a really tough time here....
I'm been in the Forest of Giants for like 4 hours now making barely any progress and the game is kicking my ass.
Then I realized...I haven't been able to level up or anything?
Is there supposed to be a Woman next to the fire in Mejula? Because she is nowhere to be found in my game.
Anybody know what's up? PLEASE HELP
Guys, I've been having a really tough time here....
I'm been in the Forest of Giants for like 4 hours now making barely any progress and the game is kicking my ass.
Then I realized...I haven't been able to level up or anything?
Is there supposed to be a Woman next to the fire in Mejula? Because she is nowhere to be found in my game.
Anybody know what's up? PLEASE HELP
If you get through the boss fog wall the invader is sent to its world. But you can still be invaded in an area with the boss dead.
she should be near the bonfire in majula. look around a bit and try to exhaust her dialogue options. You won't be able to level up until you do so.
I fell into one of those ragefest downward spirals there. It's one of those things where you get killed repeatedly due to impatience until the entire beginning of the zone is dead and non-respawning anymore, and yet you haven't made any progress.Man thearea is dark souls 2's version of "the real dark souls begins here".Shrine of Amana
Guys, I've been having a really tough time here....
I'm been in the Forest of Giants for like 4 hours now making barely any progress and the game is kicking my ass.
Then I realized...I haven't been able to level up or anything?
Is there supposed to be a Woman next to the fire in Mejula? Because she is nowhere to be found in my game.
Anybody know what's up? PLEASE HELP
I fell into one of those ragefest downward spirals there. It's one of those things where you get killed repeatedly due to impatience until the entire beginning of the zone is dead and non-respawning anymore, and yet you haven't made any progress.
I should have pulled out my bow right off the bat. Lesson learned.
Found out how to burn the windmill in Earthen Peak. Didn't take long once you guys hinted at it, and there was a helpful note as well.
I can't figure out how to get to this item though!
Couldn't you just use x360ce or something?
Is theafterShrine of WinterDrangelic Castle?
When you first arrive at, about how far % wise into the game would you say I am. I know I've killedDrangleic Castleso far.about 17-21 bosses / mini-bosses