When you first arrive at, about how far % wise into the game would you say I am. I know I've killedDrangleic Castleso far.about 17-21 bosses / mini-bosses
So, I just got to. I have a feeling I'm close to the end; can anyone tell me if I am or not without spoilers? =DThe Shrine of Amana//
Is theafterShrine of WinterDrangelic Castle?
I've been sailing along today. Now I have a ton of souls but I don't know if it's a good idea to keep leveling. I don't want to over level myself but I'm running around with 60K souls and nothing else to really spend them on. I'm playing a pure melee character so I have no need for miracles and spells.
Ahhh,From Majula, there should be another hallway behind the Cat's house. It goes into the sewers and ends up in a new area.
Anyone wanna dowith me?The Rotten
Yeah, when I finally cleared through to the fog gate, that exact thought crossed my mind and I wondered why I didn't do that. One of those things where rage and frustration cloud your judgement.I got through it pretty quickly just by equippingand running through. I'm sure I missed some stuff, but shit was not worth the time it's asking for.magic resistant armor
I'm about 120 now, not sure if that would work with the weird SL requirements for coop. We can try the ring. Add me on Steam,.VictorM
Okay I need a hint on how to get to, searched all over..Belfry Luna
No such thing as over-leveling for multiplayer, if that's what you're worried about. If you're just trying to keep things challenging, maybe spend them on upgrade stones or buffing items?
Okay I need a hint on how to get to, searched all over..Belfry Luna
Go to Servant's Quarter bonfire in The Lost Bastille. Climb down the ladder. Use Pharros Lockstone on the wall.
Actually, there is one more item I can't quite figure out how to get to in Earthen Peak.
A beautiful man that goes by the name Mcfist just helped me take down.Lost Sinner
I love this game.
Actually, there is one more item I can't quite figure out how to get to in Earthen Peak.
Grave Warden Agdayne will only appear to you if hollow. Just figured that out![]()
Can anyone tell me how the online component works? I am in China, but have a german version, so it means I only see German people? I ask, because everytime I see some of the "help runes" on the ground, I click it and it shows "connection failed" or something like that.
I'm about 120 now, not sure if that would work with the weird SL requirements for coop. We can try the ring. Add me on Steam,.VictorM
Stefan;109757512 said:I think (late boss/area spoiler)is probably my favourite moment in the Soul series.encountering King Vendrick for the first time
IDK man after playing this for like 6 hours so far it doesn't feel like Dark Souls as much. The game play doesn't seem as smooth as Demon's Souls or Dark Souls. Your character just seems a lot slower, or has more weight to it, or something. I'm not exactly sure how to describe it. Just give me all the content in DS2 and have it play exactly like the other 2 games.
What's with all the black ghosting around objects? it's really distracting
So many sexist messages next to female NPCs... It's one thing when they're actually kinda clever, but things like "Woman ahead therefore weakness: tight spot" getting 100+ votes is a bit depressing.
Man thearea is dark souls 2's version of "the real dark souls begins here".Shrine of Amana
Found out how to burn the windmill in Earthen Peak. Didn't take long once you guys hinted at it, and there was a helpful note as well.
I can't figure out how to get to this item though!
I've just found thezone and I don't "get" it, much like the forest in DS1. Practically as soon as I enter it's a 2v1 PVP with enemy NPC's to boot, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to make any progress in the area without just going offline.Belfry Luna
All these peeps sayingis hard...Shrine of Amana
Should had seen it before it was nerfed. It was HELL ON EARTH.
What's with the big difficulty spike atIron Keep? Had to skip the Smelter Demon, and the whole area ahead is a bunch of archers with lightsabers and turtle dudes. I've lost like 50k souls to this area, and the fact that souls aren't an unlimited resource in this game is making me anxious.
And is this game way less flexible than Dark Souls? I played the first game like an action game, but Dark Souls II basically wants you to play it slow and with a shield. In fact, this feels more like Demons' Souls 2, since so few elements of Dark Souls have even been incorporated into it.
Lol. That was quite the experience in the area I was trying to get to earlier.
I was not expecting a boss!
"Oh SHIT gargoyles."
"Wow these things are way weaker than before"
*Kills Two*
"Holy shit there's more than two"
*Nearly dies*
But I was victorious
And Finally I have the Bastille Key!
boss fight was cool as fuck.Looking Glass Knight
Not particularly difficult, but definitely one of my favorites so far.
Nice, beating that on the first try is impressive. According to stats, that is the 2nd leading killer in the game as far as bosses go.
Ha, I thought you were the one that really despised this game? I do think this game is gonna hold up a lot in the months and years to come. I just realized the shortcut inthat basically lets you skipLost Bastille... Some crazy crap in this game.Run Sentinels
Immediately before/on the way to.
What's with the big difficulty spike atIron Keep? Had to skip the Smelter Demon, and the whole area ahead is a bunch of archers with lightsabers and turtle dudes. I've lost like 50k souls to this area, and the fact that souls aren't an unlimited resource in this game is making me anxious.
And is this game way less flexible than Dark Souls? I played the first game like an action game, but Dark Souls II basically wants you to play it slow and with a shield. In fact, this feels more like Demons' Souls 2, since so few elements of Dark Souls have even been incorporated into it.
Nice, beating that on the first try is impressive. According to stats, that is the 2nd leading killer in the game as far as bosses go.
On it!
Thanks, but what I meant to ask is if theis afterShrine of ArmanaDrangelic Castle.
I've been playing duel wielding bastard swords, shield definitely isn't required. Gotta get them rolls.
Where do you get those stats from?
Where do you get those stats from?
I beat em on the first try too.