It's so great absolutely smoking people who try to spawn kill you with excessive magic spamming. This guy seemed like he was firing off Great Resonant Soul before I even got there, just spamming the shit out of it. Backstabbed him and then slashed him right as he was about to heal.
I've been to a dozen different areas and fought as many bosses in my 24 hours of playing this and I still won't be able to enchant weapons until later? That's a little disappointing.
And about that pyromancy flame hand?
Nice, managed to take downon my first tryFlexile SentryNo Man's Wharf was pretty cool.
Hard to give hints but let me try:
The Ember for McDuff is in a hot placeThe Pyromancy Flame is on a ship
If both of these don't ring a bell you need to explore a bit more still.
Aw, I thought I combed all of No-mans Wharf already. Thanks.
Aw, I thought I combed all of No-mans Wharf already. Thanks.
I just killed that fireworm that guards the firesword. Is there a way to jump over that ledge that leads up to him? He dropped an item and I don't want to lose it.
I just killed that fireworm that guards the firesword. Is there a way to jump over that ledge that leads up to him? He dropped an item and I don't want to lose it.
I just killed that fireworm that guards the firesword. Is there a way to jump over that ledge that leads up to him? He dropped an item and I don't want to lose it.
Ha. Nearly reached my quitting point in.Iron Keep approaching the Old Iron King. Took the advice I read here to try a boss as a summon first, and three of us beat him with ease, then tried myself with two helpers and I fell into the lava :|. Hadn't realised there was a closer bonfire, so I was making a horrible trek from the smelter bonfire several times before discovering it, losing at least 60k souls in the process.
I think 20 is a soft cap for i-frames, then you hit diminishing returns.
I was watching an ENB video and he capped it at 20. I did the same thing and there is no going back now.
I just killed that fireworm that guards the firesword. Is there a way to jump over that ledge that leads up to him? He dropped an item and I don't want to lose it.
Ha. Nearly reached my quitting point in.Iron Keep approaching the Old Iron King. Took the advice I read here to try a boss as a summon first, and three of us beat him with ease, then tried myself with two helpers and I fell into the lava :|. Hadn't realised there was a closer bonfire, so I was making a horrible trek from the smelter bonfire several times before discovering it, losing at least 60k souls in the process.
if I use HBAO+ should I disable SSAO in GeDoSaTo?
I love this game, it's hilarious how a boss that I find impossibly hard to beat , is so easy for other peopleyet bosses that give others an impossibly hard time I can kill without worrying at allSmelter DemonJust shows that certain builds have advantages and disadvantages.Lost Sinner
Drangelic Castle - I got so lucky finding this one
It seems to me that the biggest difference comes from one group of people prefering dodges, the other likes to tank with a shield.
Shields are great vs.but don't work well againstSinnerand the other way around for dodging.Smelter
Nah, Gyrm Greatshield pretty much makes Smelter a cakewalk.
Faith destroys most enemies except for a few, from my experience. Pyro was so much better before the nerf.
Drangelic Castle - I got so lucky finding this one
Of course it does. But not everyone has it at this point or even knows that it exists. Every boss is easy if you know everything about the game.
No it doesn't, I'm just really good.
What. Hadn't found that one, gotta go check it out.
My point is there's a shield that is perfect against Smelter. Not whether people know or have it.
I just killed that fireworm that guardifferent the firesword. Is there a way to jump over that ledge that leads up to him? He dropped an item and I don't want to lose it.
Missed the ladder eh
She didn't cry when I whipped her to death such a shame.Every time you equip a Greatshield, Priscilla cries.
And my point was that people who fight these bosses for the very first time have problems because of different playstyles.
She didn't cry when I whipped her to death such a shame.
Earthen Peak
This level did not need three bonfires, in fact I think it only needed one (the middle one). It removes so much of the tension when the trek to each bonfire is so short.
Shield of any kind works fine against him anyway. I beat him with just the Drangleic shield even tho you take a bit more damage with the flames. Same can be said for Lost Sinner who can be beaten without a shield. Whatever works.
Accidentally stumbled across a shortcut just as I was reading a message on how to access it. From has gotten a lot more creative between games...
Also, a question, SoulsGAF: What ability/spell is that Zeus lightning bolt throw that a lot of invaders seem to use & what damage type does it deal?
Accidentally stumbled across a shortcut just as I was reading a message on how to access it. From has gotten a lot more creative between games...
Also, a question, SoulsGAF: What ability/spell is that Zeus lightning bolt throw that a lot of invaders seem to use & what damage type does it deal?
Spoilerish gif: Cathedral of Blue boss battle.
Nothing hard to pull off, but man does this kind of thing make you feel good when you get it right. That's why pure gameplay is always better than cutscenes and QTE. And that's why I love this series.
It is possible to jump, but p hard.
Spoilerish gif: Cathedral of Blue boss battle.
Nothing hard to pull off, but man does this kind of thing make you feel good when you get it right. That's why pure gameplay is always better than cutscenes and QTE. And that's why I love this series.
Nothing I just used a maxed notched whip and she bled to death. Effective if I say so myself.What's wrong with you?