crap monkey
How the fuck do I get this item?
It's annoying the crap out of me.

It's annoying the crap out of me.
It's behind the big black door that requires you to produce the symbol of the king.How the fuck do I get this item?
It's annoying the crap out of me.
How the fuck do I get this item?
It's annoying the crap out of me.
Glad I not the only OCD person about itemsHow the fuck do I get this item?
It's annoying the crap out of me.
Was there a stealth patch or something? I got summoned as a shade and couldn't heal at all :/
It's behind the big black door that requires you to produce the symbol of the king.
Thanks. I assumed it was beyond a doorway in the salamander pit so when I finally come back and go down there only to find out there's no doorway I got super frustrated.
Also, what's up with all the Pharros doors inI assume that most of them don't do anything and just waste your locks?Grave of Saints?
Thanks. I assumed it was beyond a doorway in the salamander pit so when I finally come back and go down there only to find out there's no doorway I got super frustrated.
Also, what's up with all the Pharros doors inI assume that most of them don't do anything and just waste your locks?Grave of Saints?
Was there a stealth patch or something? I got summoned as a shade and couldn't heal at all :/
Same here, bastards just run away and heal while slowing taking you down.
A lot of them are traps. I was summoned a lot by the covenant members and always had to avoid them all to get to the host.
Blech, do you even get enough keys to open all those doors? I thought the keys were limited items.
I mean for co-op. I've always been able to use estus and lifegems as a co-op shade or phantom but suddenly they're greyed out.
I'm about one hour into this game and it already pisses me off in a way none of the other games did.
Who in their right fucking mind thought that it was a good idea to quit spawning enemies after X number of times???
Goddamn stupidest fucking decision they could of made.
I'm struggling to beat enemies in a certain area so I try and boost a couple stats by grabbing some souls but because I am weak I end up dying. I then end up dying before I can recollect my souls and low and behold the enemies disappear and now I have to delve further into the level, still under prepared and now fighting even tougher enemies and in tougher situations.
If my particular approach to a difficult situation is trying to improve my player why am I punished for that style of play?
The brilliance behind the game was the strategy you could develop on your own to defeat enemies, the adaption to new scenarios, surviving the environment of the levels, the multiplayer and multitude of ways you could approach the situations. As of now this game seems to ignore that in favor of just trying to be hard for hardnesses sake and not understanding that complexities and balance of what makes the souls series great.
I hope I'm missing something with my early impression because as of right now I am regretting spending $49 on this game.
Any reason not to murder every npc before starting NG+? I'm still a long way from it but was wondering
I'm about three hours into this game and it already pisses me off in a way none of the other games did.
Who in their right fucking mind thought that it was a good idea to quit spawning enemies after X number of times???
Goddamn stupidest fucking decision they could of made.
Any reason not to murder every npc before starting NG+? I'm still a long way from it but was wondering
I'm about three hours into this game and it already pisses me off in a way none of the other games did.
Who in their right fucking mind thought that it was a good idea to quit spawning enemies after X number of times???
Goddamn stupidest fucking decision they could of made.
I'm struggling to beat enemies in a certain area so I try and boost a couple stats by grabbing some souls but because I am weak I end up dying. I then end up dying before I can recollect my souls and low and behold the enemies disappear and now I have to delve further into the level, still under prepared and now fighting even tougher enemies and in tougher situations.
If my particular approach to a difficult situation is trying to improve my player why am I punished for that style of play?
The brilliance behind the game was the strategy you could develop on your own to defeat enemies, the adaption to new scenarios, surviving the environment of the levels, the openness of your exploration, the multiplayer and multitude of ways you could approach the situations. The difficulty of the game was a product of that, not the starting point and only focal point. As of now this game seems to ignore most of that in favor of just trying to be hard for hardnesses sake and not understanding that complexities and balance of what makes the souls series great.
I hope I'm missing something with my early impression because as of right now I am regretting spending $49 on this game.
Regular enemies aren't worth killing for souls. Put down your summon sign, help someone beat a boss, and get a big soul pay day for almost no work.I hope I'm missing something with my early impression because as of right now I am regretting spending $49 on this game.
I came across a big assin the Shaded Woods. what do I do to have him talk to me and what does he do? I forgot to go back after killing the area boss.scorpion man NPC
Another primal bonfire lit. Is there still a sizable portion of game after defeating thefour old ones?
These bosses have been really easy so far.
I don't mind the despawning enemies to be honest. That soul memory bull shit makes it so I want as few souls as possible for anything. Wish there was a ring that cut back on souls gained.
Another primal bonfire lit. Is there still a sizable portion of game after defeating thefour old ones?
These bosses have been really easy so far.
Another primal bonfire lit. Is there still a sizable portion of game after defeating thefour old ones?
These bosses have been really easy so far.
I don't mind the despawning enemies to be honest. That soul memory bull shit makes it so I want as few souls as possible for anything. Wish there was a ring that cut back on souls gained.
You'll need to get the Ring of Whispers
from Shalquoir the cat in Majula.
I feel like my pace is starting to speed up. Just finishedalthough I've got to go back to get the lava treasure (*sigh*). I think that was my favorite level so far. Real cool trappy feel, another one that felt a little like a Zelda temple to me, which is good because I always wanted the first game to have more areas that felt like that. Boss was kind of underwhelming though.Iron Keep,
Unfortunately most of the bosses in DkS2 seems to fall under three categories:
1) Big versions of little monsters
2) Horde battles
3) Bullshit
or even all of the above. It's a shame because in DkS1 I felt almost every boss was an awesome hurdle to overcome.
It's funny, because I thought Demon's had better bosses overall than Dark. It just keeps going down!I did really like the Chariot though. Unique concept, felt really cool. Shame about the glitched hiding place.
I'm about three hours into this game and it already pisses me off in a way none of the other games did.
Who in their right fucking mind thought that it was a good idea to quit spawning enemies after X number of times???
Goddamn stupidest fucking decision they could of made.
I'm struggling to beat enemies in a certain area so I try and boost a couple stats by grabbing some souls but because I am weak I end up dying. I then end up dying before I can recollect my souls and low and behold the enemies disappear and now I have to delve further into the level, still under prepared and now fighting even tougher enemies and in tougher situations.
If my particular approach to a difficult situation is trying to improve my player why am I punished for that style of play?
The brilliance behind the game was the strategy you could develop on your own to defeat enemies, the adaption to new scenarios, surviving the environment of the levels, the openness of your exploration, the multiplayer and multitude of ways you could approach the situations. The difficulty of the game was a product of that, not the starting point and only focal point. As of now this game seems to ignore most of that in favor of just trying to be hard for hardnesses sake and not understanding that complexities and balance of what makes the souls series great.
I hope I'm missing something with my early impression because as of right now I am regretting spending $49 on this game.
I'm only as far as Harvest Valley (I'm thinking that it leads to the Iron Keep I hear so much about) but so far most of the bosses are a disappointment.
Good thing the game itself is so good! Also,can go fuck itself.Royal Rat Authority
I'm pretty deep into the game and I agree that the bosses have been disappointing.
I've noticed spawns stop in both the Bastille and the Iron Keep. Both started occurring as I failed some platforming over and over![]()
The effect carries over to NG+, so use carefully.