Just wondering. If say I can't get the katanas from the dudes in Iron Keep and they despawn, does that mean I'm screwed?
Yeah I did that as well as reboot my PC but it didn't work
I combed this page and didn't see anyone remarking that the servers are down. My bad.
Strike damage is friend they are really weak to it.made me rage so hard yesterday.The 3 Sentinels
You're one of us now, Dogg.
(area)? I've done that a few times to knock out the first few guys in that room.Lost Bastille
Shaded Ruins is messing my whole shit up. For some reason lion men and curse jars are more difficult than any scenario I've dealt with so far, despite my belief that I was over-leveled. I need to get the cursebite ring I guess.
Was very drunk last night and murdered a bunch of people in the bell towers. #nottherealme
If it's any consolation I woke up hungover and full of shame.
Can't connect to the game server; what to do?
what DOES curse do this time? on the few ocasions I fucked up and let it go all the way up...nothing happened
in fact, same for bleed, whats up with bleed?
what DOES curse do this time? on the few ocasions I fucked up and let it go all the way up...nothing happened
in fact, same for bleed, whats up with bleed?
play offline?
Is there a comparable weapon in DS2 to the Baldur Side Sword? That weapon completely spoiled me in DS1. I'm not very far into the game but none of the DLC weapons and none of the weapons I have found have a moveset that I just love.
Well yeah but I want play online
I'm in the EU - anybody experiencing a similar problem?
Dear customer,
Thank you for your message.
Currently, there seems to temporarily come to server problems,
You should wait a bit longer soon should the server be reached again.
We apologize for this fact.
Sincerely yours
Your Namco Bandai Partners Support Team
The server status on their site says that the servers are fine but it looks like they're actually down. :/
The server status on their site says that the servers are fine but it looks like they're actually down. :/
Shaded Ruins is messing my whole shit up. For some reason lion men and curse jars are more difficult than any scenario I've dealt with so far, despite my belief that I was over-leveled. I need to get the cursebite ring I guess.
I joined theCovenant last night and then entered BelfryBell-------thinking I'd be safe. Holy shit! First the scripted invasion, then one guy invades and I beat him off, but end up using most of my Estus. Within thirty seconds of defeating the first dude, another guy invades and tries to bullshit me with his CMW and typical mage arsenal so I beat him down, but he casts one of those AoE regeneration miracles and we fight over it for healing (I was down to using Lifegems). Dude runs off to the rooftop so I start clearing some of the AI and spot a Shade summoning sign. Grab the bro and just before he arrives, a second dude invades giving us a 2v2, but we proceed to wreck them both. Shade bro then helps me clear the rooftop before DUTY FULFILLED and I get my fat rewards at the end. So intense, I didn't even have my PvP spells attuned, but man, I found it way more fun than theSol -------Covenant stuff. Maybe it's cause I haven't gone to the second area for that yet. Definitely going to try and get some chunks though, I need them bad for my upgrades.Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
Same... well, I haven't run into the sunbros yet, but other than that.Well, I hope the servers are up and stable again when I get home for more sunbro action.
Hahaha well I'm going to have to play catch up pretty quick to join in the disco with you guys. Playing bloody golf tomorrow morning so might feign injury or hope it rains.
This is why the Estoc is so fucking awesome.The answer to practically every group encounter, if possible, is 'try eliminating one at a time'
Strike damage is friend they are really weak to it.
Oh god. Respecced to cleric last night. Feel so cheap against bosses. Lightning spear spam to victory.
Was very drunk last night and murdered a bunch of people in the bell towers. #nottherealme
If it's any consolation I woke up hungover and full of shame.
Oh god. Respecced to cleric last night. Feel so cheap against bosses. Lightning spear spam to victory.
Estoc is a pretty solid replacement, you can purchase it from the first blacksmith. Scales pretty decently with STR I believe.
i didnt mean to come off as a jerk, just you were panicking for no reason, online games go down all the time![]()
Made a Cleric as my second character. Can't wait to wreck shit.
This is mindboggling to me to even imagine. I truly can't wrap my mind out how it must feel on console in comparison. The fluidity of moving about the world rapidly and popping to Majula and back on finding a new bonfire is a trademark of the game from my perspective.I'm sure it's been said a million times, but after playing through the ps3 disc version a couple of times, it has been so much more enjoyable playing the PC version. Before I had to consider if I really wanted to sit through all the loading to go cash in the flask shard I just found, or lay my summon sign down to help someone. Now it loads so fast, I'm there and back in 15 seconds.
The first lightning spear spell requires 22FTH. It's found early in the game atAlright guys, hoping for a little advice on my first DS2 playthrough/build:
My ideal play-style would be strength/tanky melee with some Lightning Spear for range. I’m about to go up against, so I’m still pretty early in the game and I’ve mostly been dumping points into STR and DEX (for certain weps), with some additional points in VIG, END, and ADP. I’ve been holding off on building up FTH because I have no clue around when in the game I’ll be able to pick up Lightning Spear and other spells I’ll find useful for a predominantly melee build.The Pursuer
Any advice on progression, where I should be focusing? I spend more time staring at the Level Up screen worrying about where to invest my souls than I’d like to.
I feel like I'm doing something wrong with my magic. I was doing 6 dmg to the boss of the, that's bananas. It's literally impossible to beat the normal mobs unless I summon someone who can backstab.forest
Equip the beginning dagger and backstab trash mobs yourself. They die in 1 stab. Sucks using magic against them since they seem to have very high magic resist. For the boss, I summon a player and npc. One shot it. I am only Int magic user used vortex, spear and great heavy soul spells.I feel like I'm doing something wrong with my magic. I was doing 6 dmg to the boss of the, that's bananas. It's literally impossible to beat the normal mobs unless I summon someone who can backstab.forest
What spell / catalyst are you using? Starting sorcerer's soul arrow is decent enough against the mobs there.. as long as you're not hitting their shields every time.
Bone staff. I do 34 dmg against the mobs witht he giant axe and shield even from behind and using dark magic. =_=
Think, he's talking about the first boss in Shaded Forest.Bone staff... giant axe.. dark magic... first boss? What?
No, since the hits don't really do much damage and they scatter all over the place, not to mention you have to get ungodly close which is asking to either die to trash mobs or get backstabbed by an invaderIs Heavenly Thunder any good?
Are miracles better than sorceries this time around? I haven't really touched magic in either game.