The things we do for chunks. It's dirty.
I think the only other miracle I want at all is Emit Force. It seems like Targray only sells Force and not Emit Force, though? Am I missing something?
I am but only seemed to spot Force, but oh well, I'll take the free, thank you!There's a free copy in no-man's wharf, Targray does sell Emit Force too iirc if you're in the covenant
Going into memories right now. The first Giant I went to didn't have (he was closest to the last bonfire in Forest of the Giants), the second one did have a memory I could enter.
Am I on the right path? Or did I miss something with the first giant?
The things we do for chunks. It's dirty.
I am but only seemed to spot Force, but oh well, I'll take the free, thank you!![]()
Think, he's talking about the first boss in Shaded Forest.
Bone staff. I do 34 dmg against the mobs witht he giant axe and shield even from behind and using dark magic. =_=
Going into memories right now. The first Giant I went to didn't have (he was closest to the last bonfire in Forest of the Giants), the second one did have a memory I could enter.
Am I on the right path? Or did I miss something with the first giant?
Yeeep I'm definitely thinking of Licia. Still free is better than not-free![]()
Bleh on having to get my faith to 20 for it. Seems worth it though
So many ninja turtles in Iron Keep ;_;
and is their big overhead unblockable? Had I fire jet behind me so I couldn't move and ended up eating two of them with my shield up
So many ninja turtles in Iron Keep ;_;
and is their big overhead unblockable? Had I fire jet behind me so I couldn't move and ended up eating two of them with my shield up
Easiest builds through the game imo:
1. Faith Knight with a (lightning) mace and shield. (Just easy and safe, and good damage).
The first lightning spear spell requires 22FTH. It's found early in the game atafter theHeide's Tower of Flameboss fight.Dragonrider
Getting STR/DEX up for weapon requirements and VIG/END/ADP are safe upgrades for now.
So many ninja turtles in Iron Keep ;_;
and is their big overhead unblockable? Had I fire jet behind me so I couldn't move and ended up eating two of them with my shield up
I've played DeS, DkS before. I've started 3 characters to see which way I want to go for my first play through of DkS2. Have a pure caster, pure melee (think I went warrior) and then a hybrid caster/melee. Just been running around for the most part exploring. Can't figure which I like more, ._.
Does ringing the bells in Belfry Luna and Sol make anything happen or is it just a reference to the previous game?
I wish the giant stone axe did more damage. I like the move set (seems unique for a greataxe?) and it looks awesome. But it takes more stamina than the Lion Greataxe and it translates into just being a worse weapon.
same here, the giant stone axe looks amazing and the moveset is great, but it's not very good overal... I made a +10 wyrm great hammer instead and stunlock pretty much everything
Just farmed for that last night. It's pretty beastly. I am whiffing attacks constantly in PVP with it though.
I've been having the most luck with Lion Greataxe or Mastadon Greatsword in PVP with this guy.
Like paladin leeroy it's hybrid build that allows you to deal melee damage as well as faith in the form of lighting. A heide straight sword is great for it.Would someone expand on this, please?
Look for a ladder
Just out of interest why are you after one? The drake keeper one seems better than it.This is a long shot, but I really don't want to go knocking D. Shrine up in the NG+'s to get this shield. Has anybody got a Greatshield of Glory they're willing to part with? I'm SL152 / SM 1.9m
Just out of interest why are you after one? The drake keeper one seems better than it.
What mod/tweak combination gives the best visual experience atm? 780 overclocked user, I'm playing 1080p.
I've been using HBAO+ and SGSSAA X4 forced with Nvidia Inspector (like described here), rendered in 1080p (no downsampling) but after adding GEM-ENB for better colors, everything is veeery blurry and GPU usage increased a lot.
My gpu is too weak to downsample but I rock the dof/AO combo. And someone already did a nice mod of the Drangleic set that made it black with a red cape and changed the skirt to a chain mail. As for ENB stuff, I've found some good settings for darkness/contrast just messing with my monitor and in-game brightness since again, my gpu would take a hit using it.
My only complaint is I'd like to get rid of the mouse cursor. Is there a mod for that?
Follow up question: I'm as computer illiterate as they come. If such a mod does exist, how do I download it and run it?
I really suck at downloading mods, so I usually don't bother, but I hate that mouse cursor
Keep in mind you don't have to downsample from accepted resolutions. I downsample from 1296p, which allows me to get the effect on a slightly older system.
Can you alt+tab / alt+f4 / use steam overlay with GeDoSaTo yet?
How do I use theI went down to the heated rocks and it still took chunks off my life. Is there something else I'm supposed to do?water correctly in Iron Keep? I used the Pharos Lock and stood in the water.
How do I use theI went down to the heated rocks and it still took chunks off my life. Is there something else I'm supposed to do?water correctly in Iron Keep? I used the Pharos Lock and stood in the water.
Steam Overlay: Yes.
Alt-Tab: No, but only when downsampling using the application.
I downsample through drivers so I don't have any issues.
How do I use theI went down to the heated rocks and it still took chunks off my life. Is there something else I'm supposed to do?water correctly in Iron Keep? I used the Pharos Lock and stood in the water.
In my experience the water from the Pharros copntraption never works. I always hit one of the water urns to get wet. Make sure you're actually wet by checking for footprints.
I've reached DAeragonand was wondering if there's a point of no return in the game? Does the game tell me when it happens since I got the feeling I'm getting near the end.rie
How do I use theI went down to the heated rocks and it still took chunks off my life. Is there something else I'm supposed to do?water correctly in Iron Keep? I used the Pharos Lock and stood in the water.
Is nothing resistant to strike damage or is the starting mace just incredible? This thing is doing some really good damage and I've yet to upgrade it at all.
Yay, i killedon the first try!the Sentinels
I was pretty scared by this fight, but it was actually relatively easy, especially compared to.the Pursuer
Gotta say, the only easiest boss i fought so far was(despite getting killed by him once for a stupid mistake).Ornstein
Question: How do i get that object on the terrace, infight room? Tried to jump, but i can't make it.the Sentinels