Yesterday saw a SunBro Sister running around in some short miniskirt and a what looked like a bikini top, she and I had been summoned to some elite knight's Bastille Boss run, and she does look nice all glowing gold, etc. So the host knight starts harassing her! He gets on one knee and does all sorts of gestures and running into her, and she's swiping at him with her club, and I'm saying into the mic "Am I going to have to report someone for assault?" And he won't stop, so we start running towards enemies, and there are none. He's killed them all before us. So its her and me running down empty corridors, trying to get away from Sir Sexual Harassment. Since we're just trying to get our requirement rewards, he corners us at the boss fog, and won't go in until she starts gesturing no and pointing away. So he goes in to face the Three Sentinels, and kinda dies before we can get there.
I was cracking up into the mic the whole time.