is kicking my little behind, goodness.Ancient Dragon
Hardest boss in the game, IMO. Annoyingly large HP pool and his
fire breath
is kicking my little behind, goodness.Ancient Dragon
Can you respec an unlimited amount of times? Also, is 30 considered the stopping point for useful stats or no?
Can you respec an unlimited amount of times? Also, is 30 considered the stopping point for useful stats or no?
Can you respec an unlimited amount of times? Also, is 30 considered the stopping point for useful stats or no?
I love END man, sky's the limit! I like it to be the same length as my health bar!
But really, if you're not happy with 20, 30 is the next logical stopping-point. 40 is getting a little nuts, even for someone like me.
30 it is, and I should still be under level 150!
Can you respec an unlimited amount of times? Also, is 30 considered the stopping point for useful stats or no?
Who the fuck heals during a duel? Summoned a Dragon invader and he fucking ran away to heal! Who does that? That's some scumbag shit right there. I understand Bell Bros and Rat Bros, but a straight up duel? Come on.
Anything below 70% load is fine right? No point staying under 50%?
you regain stamina a bit slower every 10% weight
something like 20-30% will allow you to far roll which is slightly better than regular non-fat roll
"That thing was too big to be called a sword. Too big, too thick, too heavy, and too rough, it was more like a large hunk of iron..."
Better than the movie coming out.
rehashed locations that don't get even close to capturing the escence of the original ()The Gutter
Damn it I keep seeing that dragon slayer but I never found it yet.
I even named my first character after Guts (spelled it Gatsu).
I'm playing Knight, any tips on what stats should I focus on?
found in No man's Wharf or bought from Vengarl in the Resident Evil 4 Woods
Still having summoning problems. I can see bloodstains and messages, but when I put my sign down, I get "summoning canceled" error messages. Same when I try to bell invade. It's getting annoying and makes me not want to play. I had this periodically but it would go away, but it's been happening all day to me. I've restarted the game, Steam, my computer, verified integrity of game cache, but nothing. I also get a lot of "lost connection to Steam" messages even though Steam is a-ok. I co-oped and sunbro'd like crazy yesterday but now it's gone.
Strangely, I have a problem with the online features of the game: I can read messages left by others, I can see ghosts, I can be invaded in Belfry Luna, I can summon the help of others when I am in human form, but everytime I try to invade someone or to help someone, I get stuck for 5 minutes at the loading screen and then I get a message that the online connection failed and timed out.
Did it ever work for you? Have you disconnected a lot from multiplayer sessions? The game allegedly blocks out coop and your ability to invade if you disconnect too much, but you can still be invaded.
I have tried 3-4 times and it never worked. I suspect something to do with Windows7 firewall, but I cannot find any relevant piece of info online.
Only put the bare minimum points STR and DEX depending on what weapons you want to use. I heard weapon stat scaling is pointless in this game.
Not sure about how much faith and intelligence scaling but if you want to use miracles or sorcery then pump points into those stats or just enough to use the spells you want to use.
If you gonna dodge a lot then put points in Adaptability. More ADP = more iframes in dodges.
Vigor puts points into HP the most so put as much as you are comfortable with
Put the bare minimum of points into Attunenemt if you have an idea of how many spells you want. Or you can 7use the rings that give you free spell slots.
Endurance should be at 20 points minimum as you should always have the plenty of stamina . Any points after 20 END only gives you 1 stamina point instead of 2.
Vitality is only for your equip load. Just put the bare minimum for what kind of armour and weapons you will wear. The bare minimum being under 70% equip load.
So I managed to get thein the Teostra.Ancient Dragon soul
Can I get a hint on where do I go next?
Is there anything exclusive to NG++ or rather, stuff that only appears in NG+ and is subsequently overwritten in NG++?
'Partly'.Vengarl is an actual NPC???
I dont understand the last boss, is it supposed to be a dps race or am I missing something?
Is there another way to cancel the penalty of the health bar or only the use of Human Effigies?
Do you mean?Nashandra
Destroy at least two of the spawning curse spheres. Once you stop losing HP due to curse, the fight gets much easier.
Edit: Seems I was too late. Congratulation, now the real Dark Souls beginns.
How am I seeing summoners (as in I'm summoned to help kill their boss) using lightning spear as soon as thein the bastille?3 sentinels
I've seen complaints that this game is linear and its complete nonsense. I'm never short of new areas to explore and I can attack the major bosses in any order.