Just beat themirror knight
There's a few doors which need that king thing which I don't have though obviously. A few more hours of gameplay at least I hope!
Got more to go
Just beat themirror knight
There's a few doors which need that king thing which I don't have though obviously. A few more hours of gameplay at least I hope!
All right, I see.Just beat themirror knight
There's a few doors which need that king thing which I don't have though obviously. A few more hours of gameplay at least I hope!
There was a message in the ground from another player, saying that by doing it I'd get a ring. It was pretty easy actually, just 3 or 4 sword attacks, didn't realize I might need something from her.
What should I bring my vig up to? I want to be a tanky melee character. I have it at 30 right now and I'm sitting at exactly 70% (still can do fast roll). I want to keep the roll but build up the tankiness.
Yeah fire did the trick. That and going below 40% equip load. Also,I somehow beat the Darklurker on my first try. I knew nothing going in other than. Which I didn't even use. When he"fire"it was just a bunch of panic and me rolling and spamming estus until I couldsplitavoid the beam on one and get the other to be baiting into swinging the sword and then just trying to kill them fast,
I don't think you'll have any problem.So how demanding is this game? I have a pretty good laptop (680m, 3630qm, 16GB ram). Should I be able to max it out?
Nope,Freja is a spider.
In all seriousness, what you asked about is not a bug either.
So weird. Why bother having three out of place souls depicted by their art and the fourth one not?Nope.
So weird. Why bother having three out of place souls depicted by their art and the fourth one not?
Whats the point of the hidden bonfire in Earthen Peak? (other than letting you skip a few enemies to the boss, but the second bonfire was close enough)
nailed it.
Any way to get Lucatiel's set without killing her? I want to be a rapier-wielding musketeer.
But its like 2 rooms (if that, considering one room is just 1 enemy and a trap, and you can run easily run past everyone), why have that bonfire and not a second bonfire at No Mans Warf?
Any way to get Lucatiel's set without killing her? I want to be a rapier-wielding musketeer.
I don't like the placement nearly as much as I did for DS1. Feels like I was basically tripping over bonfires here, whereas it was always a huge relief in DS1.
Man what is it with the bonfires in this game, like why does Hunstman Copse have so many? Especially after you basically create a shortcut between two of them
It's funny, most people I know who are jumping into the series with this game think the distance between bonfires is too great and unfair.
Personally, as much as I liked the tension that was built up from having fewer bonfires, I appreciate the ability to get around easily once I've beaten the game and know where everything is anyway.
A little bit of murder hurts few you will sin but not enough to be invaded by the blue sentinels. Plus you can spend 10K with Melntia and get the +1 ring really easy.Late Game, Kill an NPC, Area I haven't been to yet (late game?).
Summon her and have her survive for at least 3 of the 4 boss fights she is available for, otherwise you have to murder the poor dear.Any way to get Lucatiel's set without killing her? I want to be a rapier-wielding musketeer.
yes, follow her questline.
I believeresults in her giving the gear to you.completing her questline
Summon her and have her survive for at least 3 of the 4 boss fights she is available for, otherwise you have to murder the poor dear.
Ascetics can be used (i.e. kill the Rotten 3 times = done).
Damn, I shouldn't have ignore co-op. Now, that I have finished the game and done everything sitting on 4 million souls, going to take forever to get enough medals for the sunlight spear.
Lucatiel uses a Mirrah greatsword...Yessssssss. Parrying dagger and rapier here I come. It will make the game more difficult since I'm used to using a shield but WHATEVER.
Raise ADP till agility is about 100.How would I go about getting my roll as good as the fast roll from DS1?
Well with your typical "modern" game, there is a checkpoint save at the boss, so I can understand that. Playing Souls does change your perspective on things.It's funny, most people I know who are jumping into the series with this game think the distance between bonfires is too great and unfair.
I was getting summons for Ruin Sentinels NG+ pretty much non-stop.Damn, I shouldn't have ignore co-op. Now, that I have finished the game and done everything sitting on 4 million souls, going to take forever to get enough medals for the sunlight spear.
It is indeed huge. I'm suprised that it is this long despite it being my third souls game.
> has to do stuff for uni
> all he can think about is ds2
Hey guys - Screw theofShrine, or whatever it's called. This place is annoying and dull with 40 Dex and a +10 Shortbow. I can't imagine what it's like with a melee build.Alma
How would I go about getting my roll as good as the fast roll from DS1?
That section of Amana felt like a troll of the highest order.There is an NPC summon in the second hut. She is an absolute TANK. Just let her take aggro while you do the wetwork. The group of mobs just before the third bonfire is the absolute worst.
Well, I didn't struggle too much in that area, but I have to agree with those who say it's fucking annoying, all things considered.A bow basically trivilises the entirity of that zone.
Especially when you can one-shot the lurkers.
That section of Amana felt like a troll of the highest order.
Oh ok, let's put four caster mobs all the way across the water, which I cannot cross except at a snail's pace. Meanwhile, right behind one of the casters are two paladin mobs which aggro when you attack said caster, and they run across the water like they're freakin' Jesus. While I'm crawling my way up to the casters, I have enemies lurking underwater waiting to pounce on me and make my life even more hell.
I don't know which approach is more irritating, trying to take them on head-on. Or spending the time to cheese it with ranged attacks.
I don't like the placement nearly as much as I did for DS1. Feels like I was basically tripping over bonfires here, whereas it was always a huge relief in DS1.
But then again, I got over my fear of dying/losing souls already at the beginning of DS2, so maybe I just stopped valuing bonfires that much.
just bumping this cos i'm super curious of having been able to save myself such a tormentThat's the door in Brightstone Cove right? Where you get mobbed by spiders? If you don't open the chest in that room (it contains heavy bolts), the spiders stay in their holes and you can walk to the boss door unmolested.