They definitely do despawn. I farmed the entire place dry to get the Drakekeeper and Dragon Warrior gear and they stopped respawning like any other area, other than the Undead Shrine graves.Do enemies never despawn in the Dragon Shrine? I have died a lot in that zone and the run to the boss is still a pain in the ass.
But its like 2 rooms (if that, considering one room is just 1 enemy and a trap, and you can easily run past everyone), why have that bonfire and not a second bonfire at No Mans Warf?
Ok that's a relief.They definitely do despawn. I farmed the entire place dry to get the Drakekeeper and Dragon Warrior gear and they stopped respawning like any other area, other than the Undead Shrine graves.
Well, I didn't struggle too much in that area, but I have to agree with those who say it's fucking annoying, all things considered.
It's especially bad for the constant risk to fall into deep waters on top of enemy displacement.
Spend a certain amount of money on infusions. (I never once bought a single thing from him, nor did I use him for upgrades or repairs)Does anyone definitively know how the Flame, dear Flame Blacksmith guy's achievement is triggered? Seeing a lot of conflicting information around the net.
Hey. From Software.
just bumping this cos i'm super curious of having been able to save myself such a torment
can you literally get through brighstone cove without fighting a single spider?
Seriously, dude needs to cut down on the caffeine if he can't stay in REM sleep cycle for more than ten minutes or w/e the time limit is.
Ok, first boss wasn't bad. 2nd is posing quite a problem. Anyone else having/had trouble with?the Pursuer
So, I got the Dull Ember last night, went and put lightning on my 1h mace +7, using a str/fth build. I was at the Belfry Sol bonfire, so figured I'd test it on the bell keepers. No lightning enchant, 4 swings to kill them, with lightning enchant 5 swings, that doesn't seem right? Maybe I'm just not understanding infusing. I know some mobs are more susceptible to elements over others, but wouldn't think the weapon would suddenly be worse for others.
So, I got the Dull Ember last night, went and put lightning on my 1h mace +7, using a str/fth build. I was at the Belfry Sol bonfire, so figured I'd test it on the bell keepers. No lightning enchant, 4 swings to kill them, with lightning enchant 5 swings, that doesn't seem right? Maybe I'm just not understanding infusing. I know some mobs are more susceptible to elements over others, but wouldn't think the weapon would suddenly be worse for others.
Ok, first boss wasn't bad. 2nd is posing quite a problem. Anyone else having/had trouble with?the Pursuer
So, I got the Dull Ember last night, went and put lightning on my 1h mace +7, using a str/fth build. I was at the Belfry Sol bonfire, so figured I'd test it on the bell keepers. No lightning enchant, 4 swings to kill them, with lightning enchant 5 swings, that doesn't seem right? Maybe I'm just not understanding infusing. I know some mobs are more susceptible to elements over others, but wouldn't think the weapon would suddenly be worse for others.
Ok, first boss wasn't bad. 2nd is posing quite a problem. Anyone else having/had trouble with?the Pursuer
You might do.I have the feeling I'm going to regret infusing my Bastard Sword +10 with lightning when I get to the Mirror Knight.
The moveset is nice don't use it if you've got sin though.Whats everyones opinion of the Lost Sinner Sword? Aesthetically I love it, and it's nice that it's low weight for an UGS, but beyond that it seems really bad. I'm just hoping there's something I'm overlooking to make it worth the dragon bones.![]()
That one area in (location spoiler).. by the gods, it's the worst area I've ever encountered.Drangleic Castle
Remember beanpoles? They're back, in pog form.
(boss strategy spoilers)I survived him without (too) much difficulty by learning his attack pattern and dodging. Fortunately he doesn't use two weapons, so there's generally a safe zone for all of his attacks.
Also keep in mind that sometimes it's best to stay away from him for a bit.
Ok, first boss wasn't bad. 2nd is posing quite a problem. Anyone else having/had trouble with?the Pursuer
But its like 2 rooms (if that, considering one room is just 1 enemy and a trap, and you can easily run past everyone), why have that bonfire and not a second bonfire at No Mans Warf?
I have the feeling I'm going to regret infusing my Bastard Sword +10 with lightning when I get to the Mirror Knight.
How much did they nerf Shrine of Amana? I still had a pretty rough time there as melee only.
oh that's disappointingno just for that room you won't but the rest of the game yes since there's some right before the boss area
(location spoilers)Not sure what you mean. The hardest room in Drangleic for me is the one with all of the archers in NG+ and beyond.
How much did they nerf Shrine of Amana? I still had a pretty rough time there as melee only.
I have the feeling I'm going to regret infusing my Bastard Sword +10 with lightning when I get to the Mirror Knight.
Welp, I've just freed that dude in Aida's Keep.
a mess
Yeah... I did too.
Is it possible toBonfire Ascetic somewhere in there in order to reset that? Id love to do the quest line... and I didnt even find him before I pulled the lever. I thought the game was trying to trick me.
(location spoilers)
It's a small room with six locked doors, filled with stone soldier spearmen and the sentry(?) bosses from Lost Bastille - the beanpoles! The sentries wildly aggro and you need to clear the whole room (~12 (later 6) spearmen and ~5 sentries) to get to to the backmost rooms. Nothing in the area was worthwhile (except for a Titanite Slab one of the spearmen dropped) but I couldn't be certain until I cleared it.
Since I never really used strike weapons, I ended up using a stock Blacksmith's Hammer to take everything down. My Falchion + 10 doesn't have the durability for such a lengthy period of combat.
If you got the large/great club as backup, just upgrade it as much as you can and you'll pound him into oblivion.
(location spoilers)
It's a small room with six locked doors, filled with stone soldier spearmen and the sentry(?) bosses from Lost Bastille - the beanpoles! The sentries wildly aggro and you need to clear the whole room (~12 (later 6) spearmen and ~5 sentries) to get to to the backmost rooms. Nothing in the area was worthwhile (except for a Titanite Slab one of the spearmen dropped) but I couldn't be certain until I cleared it.
Notice the sound effect as the Alonne knights in Iron Keep die too, a clue to the lore here.
The Mages homing arrows do less damage and they aren't heat seeking missiles like before.
Lucatiel uses a Mirrah greatsword...
Are you sure about the bonus damage on those weapons? The drakesword has pretty good scaling at C/C, so you should be getting way more damage than +53 if you're STR and DEX are at 40.I was playing around with stats and I figured out a really fun build
Drakekeeper's Sword and Great Scythe, no buffs or magic, just cold hard pain. The sword is really fast and alternating swings between the two weapons is even faster. The Scythe is excellent at catching people as they roll away.
The stats are kind of silly though due to the awful scaling. I have 16 STR and DEX (STR for the Drakekeeper's Sword, DEX for the emergency Long Bow) which fit in with the minimum required stats for all the weapons I'm using. At 40 STR and DEX the sword and scythe only gained 53 and 51 damage respectively. I decided to keep STR and DEX low and just use the Ring of Blades +2 (flat 50 damage bonus to all weapons) to gain that extra damage. Then that left me with heaps of points to dump into VIG, END, ADP and some in VIT.
It may not do as much damage as buff builds but it's super fun to play; I joined the Bell Keepers this evening and have been having a great time.
Shrine of Amana is super easy now and easily doable with melee only....except for the final area before the boss.
That shit is super hard.
Does DS2 have some kind of "farming detection"? I don't mean enemies having a limited number of spawns. What happened is that I was trying to complete a particular armor set for almost an hour, and when I killed the last enemy on the very last possible run it dropped not just one but 2 pieces, completing the set for me -- that was after at least 80 kills with only 2 single piece drops. Maybe it was just a really nice coincidence, or maybe someone really coded a "give the poor guy his armor already" trigger?
Does DS2 have some kind of "farming detection"? I don't mean enemies having a limited number of spawns. What happened is that I was trying to complete a particular armor set for almost an hour, and when I killed the last enemy on the very last possible run it dropped not just one but 2 pieces, completing the set for me -- that was after at least 80 kills with only 2 single piece drops. Maybe it was just a really nice coincidence, or maybe someone really coded a "give the poor guy his armor already" trigger?
Does DS2 have some kind of "farming detection"? I don't mean enemies having a limited number of spawns. What happened is that I was trying to complete a particular armor set for almost an hour, and when I killed the last enemy on the very last possible run it dropped not just one but 2 pieces, completing the set for me -- that was after at least 80 kills with only 2 single piece drops. Maybe it was just a really nice coincidence, or maybe someone really coded a "give the poor guy his armor already" trigger?
Does DS2 have some kind of "farming detection"? I don't mean enemies having a limited number of spawns. What happened is that I was trying to complete a particular armor set for almost an hour, and when I killed the last enemy on the very last possible run it dropped not just one but 2 pieces, completing the set for me -- that was after at least 80 kills with only 2 single piece drops. Maybe it was just a really nice coincidence, or maybe someone really coded a "give the poor guy his armor already" trigger?
Does DS2 have some kind of "farming detection"? I don't mean enemies having a limited number of spawns. What happened is that I was trying to complete a particular armor set for almost an hour, and when I killed the last enemy on the very last possible run it dropped not just one but 2 pieces, completing the set for me -- that was after at least 80 kills with only 2 single piece drops. Maybe it was just a really nice coincidence, or maybe someone really coded a "give the poor guy his armor already" trigger?
Does DS2 have some kind of "farming detection"? I don't mean enemies having a limited number of spawns. What happened is that I was trying to complete a particular armor set for almost an hour, and when I killed the last enemy on the very last possible run it dropped not just one but 2 pieces, completing the set for me -- that was after at least 80 kills with only 2 single piece drops. Maybe it was just a really nice coincidence, or maybe someone really coded a "give the poor guy his armor already" trigger?