Gavlan wheel? Gavlan deal!
Gavlan wheel? Gavlan deal!
Those are tombstones.Any hints behind this in Huntsman's?
Currently exploring Iron Keep, great place to farm souls, these guys go down easily (at least with the mace I'm using) and are worth 700 each.
I'm guessing I'm about half-way through the game.
so can somebody straight up tell me what the parry timing like is in this game? in the first DS you had to parry right when the weapon started coming forward, but I can't seem to ever EVER get the timing right in DS2.
Talking PVE, I don't care about PVP really.
Ok, i'm level 90, am i too overleveled to do come coop in NG? I still have plenty of areas to see, too.
I figured i could help someone with the Smeltered Demon, to practice it a bit.
I'm a sunbro, btw.
Wait, when we're referring to NG.
Is that the first or second game...?
which area were you trying to do anyways? Because Bonfire ascetics are supposed to work. I have only used one in front of the boss in Iron Keep, and it made the mobs in that particular area stronger and the boss respawned stronger.
I'm level 140 and I still haven't completed the game.
I don't have have to wait too long to invade at Belfry Sol or to be being summoned as a shade for bosses, so I can't imagine you would have any problems.
Wait people say can"NG" to refer to their first run?
Madness ahead...
First. And don't feel bad, that confused me as well.Wait, when we're referring to NG.
Is that the first or second game...?
Ok, i'm level 90, am i too overleveled to do come coop in NG? I still have plenty of areas to see, too.
I figured i could help someone with the Smeltered Demon, to practice it a bit.
I'm a sunbro, btw.
shit I'm already getting tired of the game after 75 hours in the PC version.
Why wouldn't New Game refer to the first game? When you start the first time, it doesn't just say "Game".
I agree. They must have a some gameplay reason for not doing that, since I imagine it's just the same effort implementation-wise.I dunno even in NG I personally find it flawed. It should be souls used, not obtained.
Sorry, I just find it kinda hilarious that you feel this way. I understand your complaint and sympathize, it's just kinda a ridiculous statement to punctuate your argument.
Lag? Up to this point I noticed some lag in some fights, but nothing major, not that frequent and anyway miles better than DkS1. Of course if some player gets massive lag in a particular fight for some circumstantial reason and then puts the recorded video on youtube, everyone is going to take that particular bad case, among with some others, as the standard PVP experience in DkS2, but that's simply not the case.
Broken spells/weapons and systems? What? That's the hyperbole. DkS2 is more balanced and more varied than DkS1, in which there were like 3 or 4 strategies that made you always win, and everyone used the same weapons. One massive unbalance, the MLGS buffing, has been patched. Are you referring to the backstep/parry glitch? I've seen the videos, it's certainly there and should be patched, and it will be, but it's nothing major, it's not going to break PVP for the majority of people.
Well that's all kinds of fun. Doing a couple ascetic runs on the heide knights to get all the armor pieces, and get invaded. Dude kindly gestures to let me finish off the knight while he waits, then we start fighting. He's carrying a massive hammer and simply waiting to break my guard and smash me into the ground in one hit, which he eventually does. Where's the fun in that? I can't really fault the guy for playing that way, but it does seem awfully silly.
This game looks so damn good but the status effect from the stamina ring is so damn ugly, such an obvious 2d plane.
I heard a lot about how difficult the pursuer was. Is it actually one of the harder bosses?
I heard a lot about how difficult the pursuer was. Is it actually one of the harder bosses?
Well that's all kinds of fun. Doing a couple ascetic runs on the heide knights to get all the armor pieces, and get invaded. Dude kindly gestures to let me finish off the knight while he waits, then we start fighting. He's carrying a massive hammer and simply waiting to break my guard and smash me into the ground in one hit, which he eventually does. Where's the fun in that? I can't really fault the guy for playing that way, but it does seem awfully silly.
Where's the fun in not beating someone to death with a giant hammer?Where's the fun in that? I can't really fault the guy for playing that way, but it does seem awfully silly.
okay, just wanted to check. I died about 10 times more against the rat swarm
I heard a lot about how difficult the pursuer was. Is it actually one of the harder bosses?
Because it's fun to smash people into the ground with a giant hammer. Give it a try sometime.
Where's the fun in not beating someone to death with a giant hammer?
Yeah, one of the hardest bosses to solo but one of the easier ones to co-op. Ballistas can almost one shot him
I've done that it does get even more fun. Dual raw malformed skulls drool...Only way it can get more fun is if he had two giant hammers.
Because it's fun to smash people into the ground with a giant hammer. Give it a try sometime.
That he was willing to let you finish fighting the A.I. is more of a break than you'll get from most anyone else.
I heard a lot about how difficult the pursuer was. Is it actually one of the harder bosses?
Sorry, I just find it kinda hilarious that you feel this way. I understand your complaint and sympathize, it's just kinda a ridiculous statement to punctuate your argument.
That he was willing to let you finish fighting the A.I. is more of a break than you'll get from most anyone else.
That he was willing to let you finish fighting the A.I. is more of a break than you'll get from most anyone else.
Not really. He's hard for newbies but once you learn his moveset, you can pretty much kill him without really taking a scratch.
The Pursuer on the encounter inwas the hardest boss for me so far, because of his crazy sorcery resistance. Required me to use Miracles to beat him in the end, how disgusting.Iron Keep
This game looks so damn good but the status effect from the stamina ring is so damn ugly, such an obvious 2d plane.
Which just makes it seem more pointless to me. It's a fair amount of his/her own time they're wasting just to kill a person in one hit and move on.
Again, not saying he's wrong for playing the game the way he wants (and the way it's open to be played), but I had way more fun in probably hundreds of DW invasions in DS1 doing stuff that made the fight more interesting than just *smash*, I win.