Initial impression is very mixed. The game does feel different from Dark Souls - a little sticker, a little slower? First thing I did was die again and again to that big, white creature at the very beginning. I approached it expecting to roll circles around it, but I pressed the roll button, what I expected to happen didn't happen, and I was staggered or something to my death. Decided to try killing him until I got used to the new controls, but gave up after around 6 deaths.
Somewhere past Majula, I found myself in an area with more big enemies, this time armored and with large weapons. First one was easy enough to kill, but the second one would always eventually get me. Decided to explore elsewhere, because clearly I wasn't following the path of least resistance, and found myself at the much more manageable Forest of Giants...where I died another handful of times before turning off the game.
And I'm just now realizing, after doing some reading, that you're supposed to
use human effigies to reverse hollowing. I tried burning them, but it'd say I couldn't use them - in retrospect, that's because I got kicked to offline mode at some point. Anyway, all in all, being at 50% health or less wasn't helping matters (not to mention having almost no healing capabilities, since the only thing I have that rejuvenates along with my character is a single estus flask).
I don't know. The setting isn't really doing much for me so far, either, although Majula is certainly beautiful. In general, the whole intro was much better paced in the first Dark Souls, I feel. I got bored a little quickly.
So Dark Souls 2 has yet to click with me. I'm still getting used to how different the game feels, along with the new combat mechanics (parry and backstab seem to be totally different this time around, along with the human-hollow dynamic). Just walking from point A to B feels somewhat jarring for some reason.
Lowest point: falling to my death because of a strange platforming segment in the tutorial section, and then another time because apparently I couldn't fall more than nine feet without dying. I really feel it was much, much harder to die this way in the first Dark Souls.
Definitely wasn't expecting to feel this way from the outset. I guess right now I'm at a stage where not being in the rhythm of the game is really throwing my experience off.