Damnit, can't get my X360 wireless controller to work with this - the game recognizes it but nothing happens.
Weird. I was playing with mine this morning.
Damnit, can't get my X360 wireless controller to work with this - the game recognizes it but nothing happens.
Damnit, can't get my X360 wireless controller to work with this - the game recognizes it but nothing happens.
It's in the games install folder, the comic, artbook and soundtrack.
Remove all other controllers, including any bluetooth dongles that have previously had controllers connected to them.
Goddamn, sword broke! Where can I repair?
You can change it back to the old way in options but I'm not sure why you'd want to. L3 is such a good jump button, I never miss my jumps anymore.Oh god that was it. Thanks. Kind of an unintuitive way to jump :/
You have to explore the forest.Reach the cardinal tower bonfire. Buy the key from the merchant for 1000 souls. Teleport back to majula and open the door for the blacksmith, who will gladly repair your gear
is handing me my ass, can't seem to get any hits on him, he's incredibly fast and I seem to be incredibly slow.The Old Dragonslayer
Goddamn, sword broke! Where can I repair?
I don't know what to do, it seems like no one else has this problem and the game looks ugly as hell at 720p.
You can change it back to the old way in options but I'm not sure why you'd want to. L3 is such a good jump button, I never miss my jumps anymore.
Summon a faith caster for lightning spear cheese fest if you have no honor ... Otherwise, most players will probably be slower than him. Take things really slow. One hit at a time, always having extra stamina to deal with his combos.
no the HDMI issue is pretty widespread and happens to most if not everybody playing with HDMI. I recall somebody else saying they had the 720p issue. I tried seeing what the game looks like in 720p and yuck. It's fuzzy as all hell
Playing on my samsung tv through HDMI in 1080P without problems here.
Without the audio issue? If so congrats, you're lucky. I had to play with headphones because the HDMI audio doesn't work. Though strangely enough it worked for the opening video.
Damn, I'm really having trouble holding off and waiting for it to go on sale, so tempted to go now and get the Black Armour Edition. Gaf help me out here XD
It was on a ton of sales!
This 25% off code on GMG might still work
Seriously, Deprived really is "hard mode" now, at least at the start. It really wasn't in Dark Souls 1 but now you have to really scramble:
oh thank god, im not alone. Seriously thinking of starting over and going sorc since I want to be a spellcaster anyways
What was the point ofanwyay?lighting the torches on the way to Majula
If you hold down B, you can press down on the left stick to slide down, and up on the left stick to sort of "sprint" up it.
Also, there was a point that I was on a ladder with an enemy beneath me, jumped off it and plunged my axe into his skull, flattening him. That was preeeetty satisfying.
For you 120hz users who are bummed out about lack of 120fps support, I really, really recommend you try out 3D. It looks super fuckin tight.
Dynamic shadows are at wrong depth, so I disabled those and I disabled DoF, since real 3D doesn't need it. It looks damned incredible.
1440p, SMAA, VSSAO2, SweetFx
For you 120hz users who are bummed out about lack of 120fps support, I really, really recommend you try out 3D. It looks super fuckin tight.
Dynamic shadows are at wrong depth, so I disabled those and I disabled DoF, since real 3D doesn't need it. It looks damned incredible.
1440p, SMAA, VSSAO2, SweetFx
guys , where the DLC weapons ?
You get them after creating your character (name/class/etc)
What's the point of the bonfire insoldier's rest? It just seems like a dead end.
you mean the "GIFT" thing ?
if i chose something else , can i return to get them ?
Does it require a special monitor to support 3D, or is it an effect that any 120fps monitor can do. Where is it enabled?
So, did I miss a tutorial? Because I have no idea how to equip a torch (can't seem to put it as a left hand weapon which I assumed was the way to use it) and had to work out the lock-on/attach buttons by myself.
is there any mod for this game ?
i want to improve the anti aliasing
anyone saw this ?
This version is so great, I love it.
A couple of screens I took:
Tried it, indeed it looks cool.For you 120hz users who are bummed out about lack of 120fps support, I really, really recommend you try out 3D. It looks super fuckin tight.
Dynamic shadows are at wrong depth, so I disabled those and I disabled DoF, since real 3D doesn't need it. It looks damned incredible.
1440p, SMAA, VSSAO2, SweetFx
(Those without 3D glasses, you can always cross your eyes to make the images overlap to get an idea of what the 3D looks like in game. Test example/instructions below)
I went through the same situation as you.
I ended up with 7 weapons, 6 completely broken and the final one being the shield.
I recommend you just sprint though the first area of the forest until you get to the second bonfire. There's a merchant there where you can buy the key to unlock the blacksmiths shop, and then you can repair weapons.
Once you can repair weapons things even out really quickly.
Also, If you rest at a bonfire before a weapon fully degrades, it gets restored to full durability.