Durability bug
Dark Souls II would damage your weapons based on your framerate. SotFS will just apply the damage twice regardless. Let's not do that.
[ DarkSoulsII.exe+1F4830 ]
[... snip ...]
.text:00000001401F4927 movss xmm2, dword ptr [rax+154h]
.text:00000001401F492F [1] jmp short ComputeWeaponDurabilityDamage
[... snip ...]
.text:00000001401F4939 [2] ComputeWeaponDurabilityDamage:
.text:00000001401F4939 mov rax, [rdi+8]
.text:00000001401F493D lea edx, [rsi-2]
.text:00000001401F4940 xor r9d, r9d
.text:00000001401F4943 mov rcx, [rax+0B8h]
.text:00000001401F494A movss xmm0, dword ptr [rcx+414h]
.text:00000001401F4952 mov rcx, rdi
.text:00000001401F4955 [3] mulss xmm0, dword ptr [rbp+18h]
.text:00000001401F495A [4] mulss xmm2, xmm0
.text:00000001401F495E [5] xorps xmm2, cs:xmmword_1410A46C0
.text:00000001401F4965 [6] call ApplyDurabilityDamage
here lies the routine responsible for some of the durability damage management. Looking further down @ 1F492F[1] you can see a jmp short to 1F4939[2] that's where the weapon durability damage is applied. Here, the game will compute the damage[3][4][5] and call the routine[6] to apply said damage.
[ DarkSoulsII.exe+1F4D80 ]
.text:00000001401F4D80 [7] mov [rsp+10h], rbx
.text:00000001401F4D85 [8] mov [rsp+18h], rbp
[... snip ...]
.text:00000001401F4DE2 movzx r8d, bpl
.text:00000001401F4DE6 mov edx, esi
.text:00000001401F4DE8 mov rcx, rdi
.text:00000001401F4DEB call GetCurrentDurability [ @ +348A00 ]
[... snip ...]
.text:00000001401F4E18 mov edx, ebx
.text:00000001401F4E1A mov rcx, rdi
.text:00000001401F4E1D movaps xmm6, xmm0
.text:00000001401F4E20 call GetMaxDurability [ @ +342560 ]
[... snip ...]
.text:00000001401F4E30 addss xmm6, xmm8 ; apply damage
[... snip ...]
.text:00000001401F4E64 loc_1401F4E64:
.text:00000001401F4E64 movss xmm2, dword ptr [rax] ; save new durability
.text:00000001401F4E68 lea rcx, [rsp+88h+var_60]
.text:00000001401F4E6D mov edx, esi
.text:00000001401F4E6F call SetNewDurability [ @ +151E90]
We'll hook this baby here at its first 5 bytes[7], and jump to our custom naked function (in _Durability.asm), which will handle the halving of the damage (stored in the xmm2 registry, set by the previous function at +1F495E). This is necessary since inline assembly is not possible in MSVC_x64 and I seem to be too dumb to invoke a __fastcall without trashing the shit out of every single register x86_64 has to offer. Thanks, Microsoft.
We'll just get xmm2, halve it and jump back to the trampoline function created by MinHook, where the 5 bytes we overwritten beforehand are stored, then we'll jump into Dark Souls II again and let the game go by its business[8].