Fuck, the sheer amount of mimics in this game towers over the previous 2 games by miles.
Me too. I'm too afraid to do anything before I google it first or ask in the thread haha
Ok. Online activity seems to be going down :/
I though plenty of people wanted helpAbyss Watchers...
Heh, can't agree. I just beat DS3 and already started a new character and can't wait for the DLC. These games never get old to me...
The magic and fear and excitement of your first souls/bloodborne game will never be matched. I can't help but see right through the formula, still love them though.
I just got some duel katanas. This should be fun
Undead Settlement is a maze. Time to take a break and come back with fresh eyes. I'm going to clear out the area slowly.
Is that what people do? Do you usually clear out an area and explore or just run through first to get as far as you can before dying?
It seems getting rid of five Dark Sigils is gonna be more complicated than I thought.
Why would you want to do that?It seems getting rid of five Dark Sigils is gonna be more complicated than I thought.
You have to do a flicking motion. Don't press the stick up like normal, flick it and time your R1 with the flick.
It feels different then the older games, but once you get it down you should be able to do it consistently.
I don't want this game to end! /sadface
Guys I am fucking LOST AS HELL
I just beatI beatYhorm the Giantbefore I went to work. He was easy as fuck. lolHigh Lord Wolnir
I'm lost on where to go now. Can someone or people point me in the direction?
No Dark Sword first try but I got the full Dark Wraith armor set lol
Do they not respawn in the swamp?
Holy fuck. I invaded as a mound-maker in Undead Settlement. The host had a white with him and they refused to figh me one on one. So I hid behind some enemies. Suddenly THREE fucking blue sentinels came in at once. And it turned into a 5v1. I didn't even think that was possible. Holy fuck that was weird.
Y'all need to get in on some invasion action. You get to see the craziest shit
Holy fuck. I invaded as a mound-maker in Undead Settlement. The host had a white with him and they refused to figh me one on one. So I hid behind some enemies. Suddenly THREE fucking blue sentinels came in at once. And it turned into a 5v1. I didn't even think that was possible. Holy fuck that was weird.
Y'all need to get in on some invasion action. You get to see the craziest shit
Mm, got Dark Sword third try. Woot. Now to see if I like it.
Bloodborne true ending was cool as fuckGo theending. I don't knowusurpation of firewhy but I always expect more from the endings in these games, I should know better by now.
What enemy is the Dark Wraith? I want to start farming Pale Tongues but I can't figure out which enemy it is.
Bloodborne true ending was cool as fuck
What enemy is the Dark Wraith? I want to start farming Pale Tongues but I can't figure out which enemy it is.
Why would you want to do that?
I wanted to early on, but now I can't believe I even considered it.
To unlock Yuria really.
Now I'm looking at a 60k soul cost. I'm just hoarding soul items and things I'd normally sell, but I know I'll never be able to just hold enough souls for five levels unless I grind for hours.
Drop from Darkwraiths.Where can you get it?
The 2 dudes with crazy black mob hair outside the Abyss Watchers that fight the mushroom faces.
I think its the bonfire before the Abyss Watchers![]()
Found an in depth post on gamefaqs detailing some good PvP weapons
I have been PvPing all the time, since level 15. There is a lot to PvP right now, and there are more good PvP weapons than in DS2 imo. I have my own favourite tools for PvP, however I am very good in PvP so some weapons many of you here consider good, I consider a trash for PvP. If we talk about high level PvP with no-target fighting, using blind spots, parry baits, often parries than we have weapons that are no longer good:
- Dark Sword, Sunlight Sword, straight sword without thrusts. It is so EASY to parry it, parry bait it and poke them that I sigh every time I see another DS
- Farron GS- I will say only that Rapier, Estoc, spear, anything fast with range destroys Farron GS (and most heavy weapons). Even katana is good counter, you just have to either parry them or time attack while they are in animation recovery from first spin (window is tigh but once you get it- gg)
- Heavy swing weapons without range- easy to destroy
- Spear/halberd thrust spammers- easy to dodge and parry, very predictable
Now, If we talk about higher level PvP those are my top favourite weapons SO FAR:
- Rapier- it is always meta and will be, range, speed, stunlock, poke, parry baits, main-hand or off-hand. I have it in slot for Farron/Straight swords R1 spammers and heavy weapon users.
- Lothric straight sword- absolutely beast- unparryable Arts (like in all SS), thrust attacks with good range in R2 (and fast), fast R1 attacks like standard SS, rolling thrust and 110 critical damage shared with rapier and veeeeery few weapons in game. Two handed thrusts. Leo ring and Hornet ring works wonder for it and after parry it will do TON of dmg thanks to 110 CD.
- Carthus Shotel - absolutely great weapon for Shield Turtles and parry spammers. It deals damage through shields (like all Shotels) and its weapon art is unparryable (like with all curved swords except for dancer swords), making it great for parry spammers. You see guy that hide behind shield or try to parry you all the time. Take out shotel and keep hitting him with L2 + R2. It R2 in weapon art will make wide swing attack with gap closer- you can catch everything around you in 180 degree and you gap close to rolling back guy
- Astora greatsword- man....this baby....this baby.... Thrusts with R2 and then pancake with following R2. Wide swings to use blind spots, two-handed and one-handed thrust, HUGE range, fast chasing attack and BEST- Great Lance weapon art. Absolutely beast! Only minus- its art can be parried.
- Estoc, Sellsword twinblades, Old Wolft Greatsword/curved greatswords, great scythe are also great. Same is with long heavy strength weapons (especially Black Knight Great axe Art is great). Duel Maces are not bad, but easy to predict and poke with Rapier.
Uchigatana and washing pole are also not bad, I would put them in my personal tier 2-3. They are however easy to parry and their arts are parryble.
All my favorite weapons so far work great with Leo Ring (Lothric- thrusts, rapier- thrusts, Astora- thrusts), Flynn ring and hornet (Lothric and Rapier 110 crit dmg). And shotels thanks to their unparry arts and ignoring shield- are great in DS3.
I use quality build 40/40 (but plan to get more Dex for sharp rapier better dmg). Add to it if you can min-max 30 faith for Lightning Blade or Dark Moonblade buff and dmg skyrocket.
There is still STR weapons that I did not test but as far as DEX weapons and quality weapons go- those I mendtioned are imo best in higher lvl PvP.
All above is my opinion and experience
To unlock Yuria really.
Why would you want to do that?
I wanted to early on, but now I can't believe I even considered it.