I tried to get rid of the darksign at the end game.
It was gonna cost 400k. lel.
Can someone explain the significance of the areabehind a illusory wall, after the silver knight archers on the rooftops directly outside of the Pontiff Sulyvahn boss fight? There's a full brass set and a bunch of "prepare for sadness" messages.
I feel like this has something to do with Dark Souls 1, but I'm only at Sen's Fortress in that as I had just gotten into Dark Souls about a month ago lol.
Why even try? Doesn't going to the next cycle remove it anyway?
Can someone explain the significance of the areabehind a illusory wall, after the silver knight archers on the rooftops directly outside of the Pontiff Sulyvahn boss fight? There's a full brass set and a bunch of "prepare for sadness" messages.
I feel like this has something to do with Dark Souls 1, but I'm only at Sen's Fortress in that as I had just gotten into Dark Souls about a month ago lol.
Can someone explain the significance of the areabehind a illusory wall, after the silver knight archers on the rooftops directly outside of the Pontiff Sulyvahn boss fight? There's a full brass set and a bunch of "prepare for sadness" messages.
I feel like this has something to do with Dark Souls 1, but I'm only at Sen's Fortress in that as I had just gotten into Dark Souls about a month ago lol.
Yes, it has something to do with DS1
Yah it's kinda integral to part of Dark Souls 1
It's a secret location in Dark Souls 3 just like it was a secret location in Dark Souls 1. That area has massive significance in the lore of DS1.
I found this detailed PvP post on gamefaqs and posted it this morning, but it for buried at the bottom of the page. I was going to get some advice on these weapons. I already respected to try out the rapier/astoras great sword/lothric straight sword.
Can someone explain the significance of the areabehind a illusory wall, after the silver knight archers on the rooftops directly outside of the Pontiff Sulyvahn boss fight? There's a full brass set and a bunch of "prepare for sadness" messages.
I feel like this has something to do with Dark Souls 1, but I'm only at Sen's Fortress in that as I had just gotten into Dark Souls about a month ago lol.
Can't say any of the generic forest levels have really stood out in any game, regardless of how well designe: the layout may be.
I tried to get rid of the darksign at the end game.
It was gonna cost 400k. lel.
sooo is it just me or is when useing up an item on your bar shoulnt it auto un equip..
its reallly fucking annoying have an item there with a 0......
i could have sworn it did in BB and the other DS games..
I don't think it goes away at New Game. I probably shoulda went for Usurper ending last haha
i thought giving thelevel girl the fire keeper soul lets you get rid of it?
sooo is it just me or is when useing up an item on your bar shoulnt it auto un equip..
its reallly fucking annoying have an item there with a 0......
i could have sworn it did in BB and the other DS games..
i thought giving thelevel girl the fire keeper soul lets you get rid of it?
It did. I prefer the new system
Same lol. I don't trust anything free in these games.There is no such thing as a free lunch
Think the hollowing carries over, but not the sigils. Basically take a purging stone with you to the next cycle and use it then.
It does. For how many levels it would cost at the time of you trying to get it cured.
It does but you have to pay
they need to patch it then its really annoying having to go into item page to press sqaure on the 0 numbered item... silly....��
What?To unlock Yuria really.
Now I'm looking at a 60k soul cost. I'm just hoarding soul items and things I'd normally sell, but I know I'll never be able to just hold enough souls for five levels unless I grind for hours.
It's so you don't have to find it in the menu again when you buy new ones
If i equip two types of arrows how can i switch between them
Are some of the covenants really slow to rank up or am I doing something wrong? It took me like 30+ minutes to get summoned as an Aand the deacons seem to have like 5% (probably less) drop rate for the item.ldrich faithful
Also, good weapons to deal with turtles in PVP? I know shotel partially hits around shields, are there other weapons with similar abilities?
Are some of the covenants really slow to rank up or am I doing something wrong? It took me like 30+ minutes to get summoned as an Aand the deacons seem to have about 5% (probably less) drop rate for the item.ldrich faithful
Also, good weapons to deal with turtles in PVP? I know shotel partially hits around shields, are there other weapons with similar abilities?
So I'm just now getting around to this. Finished my first boss. What should I be shooting for to make a quick rolling "barbarian" type? Focus on Endurance and Vitality with Strength? I want to have a lot of heavy armor to look cool, heavy weapons, but I want to move around quickly.
30-70% is the same, and each point of Vitality is the same. Some points, sure, but Vigor to 25, then a bunch of STR and END with some VIT mixed in.
So I'm just now getting around to this. Finished my first boss. What should I be shooting for to make a quick rolling "barbarian" type? Focus on Endurance and Vitality with Strength? I want to have a lot of heavy armor to look cool, heavy weapons, but I want to move around quickly.
3 or 4 games in of this shit
and still most of my hits ain't hitting connecting at all in PVP, despite hearing the "sound" of it landing on them
wow, the more things change the more they stay the same
End, vitality and str is a good choice for making a barbarian type. I would also recommend some vigor at least so you can equip these heavy armor while keeping under 70% so you can still fast roll (you also get a few rings that will help you reduce your equip load)
If you have no intention at all to use spells and rely on pure damage and armor, you can ignore int, faith and luck . Dex is a plus if you wish to go quality build (as in, use weapons who scale with both STR and DEX)
But yeah, Vit, End STR and a bit of Vig will be your priorities
So is everyone going to be running around with a Dark Sword and some combination of the Fallen Knight Set now? Gross.
There is no such thing as a free lunch
lol im 99 hollowing...
forever ugly...😤
So is everyone going to be running around with a Dark Sword and some combination of the Fallen Knight Set now? Gross.
So is everyone going to be running around with a Dark Sword and some combination of the Fallen Knight Set now? Gross.
Likely means client-side the hit connected, but when the client checked back with the server your opponent actually shouldn't have been hit.
Multiplayer online 101.
Being around SL 125 in pvp i've seen some pretty varied stuff. Some people use dark sword but once you know the move set you can easily bait and/or parry.
My biggest sadness is the farron greatsword. Such a cool moveset. Such a useless weapon![]()
i guess but its annoying once you have a bunch of different soul items.. but i usually only have my sunnyD on my bar... i only rarely put other items on when pvping or sun broing. im just used to the older games i guess.. i do loooovvve the UI in this game though.
So is everyone going to be running around with a Dark Sword and some combination of the Fallen Knight Set now? Gross.
If your SunnyD is in slot 1, hold down on the dpad. It will automatically switch to item 1i guess but its annoying once you have a bunch of different soul items.. but i usually only have my sunnyD on my bar... i only rarely put other items on when pvping or sun broing. im just used to the older games i guess.. i do loooovvve the UI in this game though.