fight really cautious, tried to block and counterattack, but he was destroying me, after three times, I said screw it and just went on the attack and just rolled away, only got hit one by his
I exclusively killed them with arrows thinking they would destroy me if they got close... Then I realised that apart from the toxic attack they are non-threatening... Still amazingly freakish design
I don't know what you mean. I finished the game, got the ending of that particular questline, then I figured I might remove the darksign and see if I get another ending, that's it.
I don't remember from the other Souls games, but are invasions/summoning restriced by SL and NG level? IE if I am on NG+, but within the correct SL range can I summon/invade someone who is only on NG?
I don't remember from the other Souls games, but are invasions/summoning restriced by SL and NG level? IE if I am on NG+, but within the correct SL range can I summon/invade someone who is only on NG?
I don't remember from the other Souls games, but are invasions/summoning restriced by SL and NG level? IE if I am on NG+, but within the correct SL range can I summon/invade someone who is only on NG?
They're restricted by a combination of Soul Level and Weapon Upgrade level. Of course if you're using passwords to play with a friend you can get scaled down automatically.
I don't know what you mean. I finished the game, got the ending of that particular questline, then I figured I might remove the darksign and see if I get another ending, that's it.
Need the soul for a spell though I think. Half the problem is the cruddy hit detection for the neck of the thing. Half my attacks cut through with no registration. Honestly this fight should probably be retooled, it's that bad.
Here is mine, in order of fighting: (Edit: these numbers are my attempts, not my number of deaths!)
1. Iudex Gundyr 2
2. Vordt of the Boreal Valley 3
3. Cursed-Rotted Greatwood Tree 1
4. Crystal Sage 2
5. Abyss Walkers ~10
6. Deacons of the Deep 2
7. High Lord Wolnir 2
8. Old Demon King 2
9. Pontiff Sulyvahn 2
10. Aldrich, Devourer of Gods 2
11. Yhorm the Giant 1
12. Dancer of the Boreal Valley 1
13. Dragonslayer Armor 2
14. Oceiros, the Consumed King 1
15. Champion Gundyr 1
16. Ancient Wyvern 1
17. The Nameless King ~10
18. Lorian and Lothric ~10
19. Soul of Cinders ~10
Those that say ~10 are an estimate 'cause I tend to lose count after attempt #5 or so. I think it's roughly between 7 and 12 for each of these, more or less. On some of those attempts I just messed up too fast and died almost instantly, haha (like attempt #2 at the second boss, which I tend to not count... xD because when I did beat him I used only 1 estus and was never in much danger, just kicked his ass). For
Deacons of the Deep
, my first death was by curse, which showed me that playing this boss like a typical Souls boss was a bad idea. You need to play this boss like a DPS race and then it's super brain-dead easy. LOL.
As you can see most bosses took 1 or 2 attempts, with a small handful requiring several attempts. Pretty much like... every Souls game ever? You know what, I'm totally OK with this kind of difficulty. Not every boss needs to be soul-crushingly hard, and with my experience in Souls games I'd say getting 1 or 2 attempts for most bosses is pretty normal.
I know right? Before you get your STR high enough for it to really start shining though, the raw Astora's Straight Sword beats every single other weapon in the game for PvE, and it's also extremely good in PvP in the early to mid levels as well, since the damage on it is so high that you can just focus your stats elsewhere.
They really need to fix poise, as well as the damage of the larger, heavier and much slower weapons. Hyper armor is nowhere near worth the trade-off, especially when you aren't actually doing that much more damage per hit. They are absolute trash in PvE compared to straight swords too.
phase 1 cam made me aggressive. i also had trouble with depth perception in that fight., wiffed too many attacks. my performace suffered in phase 2 because i just couldn't fight with a clear head anymore. phase 2 is honest, but a bitch.
As you can see most bosses took 1 or 2 attempts, with a small handful requiring several attempts. Pretty much like... every Souls game ever? You know what, I'm totally OK with this kind of difficulty. Not every boss needs to be soul-crushingly hard, and with my experience in Souls games I'd say getting 1 or 2 attempts for most bosses is pretty normal.
I agree. I know some people are disappointed with the difficulty but you can't just ramp it up on every new game and call it a day, because you'd be alienating any new players. The games should be fair to everyone, not only those of us who have hundreds of hours in the series. I believe the game did a good job at it, with the bosses in the second half being clearly harder than those in the first half. That gives new players the chance to get a hold of things, and by the time you reach
the game is like "okay? you got it? let's get serious now."
That info is pretty interesting IMO. I usually die to "easy" bosses in Souls games, so it's cool to see how others do.
Iudex Gundyr: 0
Vordt of the Boreal Valley: 0
Curse-rotted Greatwood: 1
Crystal Sage: 0
Deacons of the Deep: 0
Abyss Watchers: 3?
High Lord Wolnir: 1
Pontiff Sulyvahn: 0
Old Demon King: I think I got caught in an AOE for 1 death...hmm
Aldrich, Devourer of Gods: 0
Yhorm the Giant: 0, but I boned out twice since I didn't know you had to hold L2 to charge it
Dancer of the Boreal Valley: 0
Dragonslayer Armour: 0
Oceiros, The Consumed King: 0
Champion Gundyr: 3
Lothric, Younger Prince: 2-3
Soul of Cinder: 0
Ancient Wyvern: 0
Nameless King: 4-5, shit memory I guess
Damn Longsword rocks, and zero magic meant good physical stats.