The quickness of drinking estus flasks during pvp is absolutely unbearable. I cant stand it. They can literally drink it right in your face. I use the item that stops it and it lasts what? 20 secs. Its super annoying
The longsword has a pretty good movement. Dark sword isn't necessarily superior, imo.
This is something I'm okay with. Didn't like the system of BB where armor really didn't matter at all so just wear anything that looks good.
Could you link the thread?
i hope the ps4 community straightens up ... i tryed for some easy sun bro medals on the dancer boss..
killmenow.. overall 27 trys only got 4 medals �� that boss is not hard.. we had a 4 man group and the host still died...
What level were you? I joined them right afterand I literally couldn't remove the covenant item fast enough before I was summoned againPontiff
For sure, still seem to be doing well even when I get stuck in 1-on-1 battles. In DS1 and 2 I was happy if I won 50% of battles. Not sure what is different in this one, but there does seem to be a lot less glitchy back-stabbing going on.In co-op you're going to beat the invader most times regardless of your weapon
It's ugly as sin. It's the worst kind of generic, edgy, "dark" armour set. I've found heaps of way more interesting and aesthetically pleasing combinations.It goes with everything. Not just the set itself but it matches a lot of helmets and weapons, as well as skin color. My dark skinned guy and light skinned guy both look equally good in Fallen Knight but the other sets look better or worse depending on how much contrast you think is acceptable.
It doesn't clip as much as some of the bulkier sets too, and that's important as well. I gave this a lot of thought!
So is Athe easiest boss? Literally the first time I've beaten a Souls boss on the first run, and I only used two estus flasks.ldrich
That's how Souls games have always been, your contribution from different armor sets is generally approaching negligible.
sooo is it just me or is when useing up an item on your bar shoulnt it auto un equip..
its reallly fucking annoying have an item there with a 0......
i could have sworn it did in BB and the other DS games..
Question.. if I use a purging stone,Hollowing is cured by one of the 4500 soul purging stones bought from Yuria. Sigils, the thing that gives hollowing on deaths, is cured by paying the fire maiden how much those levels cost at the time you are curing them (or it might be your next level x 5). Hollowing will carry over to your next game, while sigils are a key item and do not. Think there is another way to cure hollowing from talking to a certain statue that scales with level, but the purging stones are a flat rate.
Selfie with my new best friend. Spoilers for mid-game area.
You did thefight wrong.Princes![]()
Yes, Purging Stone is a temporary solution. Yuria also sellsQuestion.. if I use a purging stone,but still have the dark sigils, will I re-hollow after dying a bunch of times?
I really hate looking so ugly, but I'm interested to see what happens with those sigils. Also, I only have 5 (I missed this quest completely in my first playthrough) and the dude died and Yuria appeared. How do I get the next 3?
The biggest spoiler here isthe armour! Haha. I went :O!! when I saw the dark handmaiden selling it...
It really doesn't.
I know I can, but I never managed to get behind enough to do that.kill the Younger one on his back
Selfie with my new best friend. Spoilers for mid-game area. **And armor**
Hypothetically, if I wanted to switch to a faith build for pvp, should I just go like 30 faith and 14 attunement? That would give me access to sunlight blade and maybe one more spell like sacred oath or something along those lines.
Eep, what is the name of that monster?
Ah ok. Doesn't really sound worth it to me then, I'll just stick with dex/luck versus investing so much just for a lightning weapon.Because of how defense works in this game, I'm really not sure that any of the weapon buffs are worth it for pvp. Sunlight blade will probably add ~ 100 damage to your weapon. Most people are going to have a defense value which completely mitigates maybe 50 of that damage. Then they are going to absorb another 25% of your attack, leaving you with the ability to do maybe 35 extra damage. Hard to believe that 35 extra damage is worth a 30 point commitment in faith. I don't know how significant the buff from sacred oath is, so I can't really comment on that. But generally speaking, you'd probably be best going "all in" on faith, rather than putting any points in attunement. Take it to softcap at 40, and infuse your weapon with lightning. That way most of your damage will be focused in lightning, and the enemy's defense will mitigate a smaller portion of your damage.
Question.. if I use a purging stone,but still have the dark sigils, will I re-hollow after dying a bunch of times?
I really hate looking so ugly, but I'm interested to see what happens with those sigils. Also, I only have 5 (I missed this quest completely in my first playthrough) and the dude died and Yuria appeared. How do I get the next 3?
Eep, what is the name of that monster?
I don't understand, that monster was not there when I went there first time. Is it NG+ placement?Selfie with my new best friend. Spoilers for mid-game area. **And armor**
Eep, what is the name of that monster?
Eep, what is the name of that monster?
It has an item that's useful at about 18-20 VIG and up. I did it early and would recommend.So the Tower Key. Buy it early, mid, or late game?
I don't understand, that monster was not there when I went there first time. Is it NG+ placement?
I don't understand, that monster was not there when I went there first time. Is it NG+ placement?
Hypothetically, if I wanted to switch to a faith build for pvp, should I just go like 30 faith and 14 attunement? That would give me access to sunlight blade and maybe one more spell like sacred oath or something along those lines.
i hope the ps4 community straightens up ... i tryed for some easy sun bro medals on the dancer boss..
killmenow.. overall 27 trys only got 4 medals �� that boss is not hard.. we had a 4 man group and the host still died...
Nope, I got him earlier. I assume he was just lured down to the bonfire from the doorway.I don't understand, that monster was not there when I went there first time. Is it NG+ placement?
I keep reading posts about the Dark Sword. Honest to god, first two times I killed that first Darkwraith I got a dark sword and then each time after I got an armour piece (in order, too). I thought that was a programmed drop order, but is that not the case?
Nope, I got him earlier. I assume he was just lured down to the bonfire from the doorway.
Yassss. I will have a Refined version once I finish levelling my quality build.OH GOD THE ASTORA GS ART IS HILARIOUS IN PVP
i got the medals in no time playing dancer on ps4. i probably died 3x too. she isn't that bad for medals. only had one host summoning 3 guys. that was weird.
my fav setup is just host + helper. very personal and fun.
Yes, 27. Once you get to 1000 health it tanks to 19 health per point or something, not really worth it.Using dark sword + 10 and think I should reallocate some stuff. Isn't 27 soft cap for vig? What do you guys think I should reallocate? Current setup:
If I summon for a boss fight, is their a negative impact on what I get for defeating it?
If I summon for a boss fight, is their a negative impact on what I get for defeating it?
Summoning help for the Nis no joke. 20 minutes and wasn't able to get a single person summoned.ameless King
I decided to put my own sign down to practice on him and it literally takes 1 second for someone to summon you every time. Happened 3 times in a row.
It becomes available, but it's admittedly hard to unlock because the item you need is on a corpse in a totally obscure, optional part of the game.
Only on your pride.If I summon for a boss fight, is their a negative impact on what I get for defeating it?