Yeah... That doesn't help. I tried to put stuff on the throne but it wasn't a lord of cinder like I thought it was so... I'm still in the dark here.
Who are you missing?
Yeah... That doesn't help. I tried to put stuff on the throne but it wasn't a lord of cinder like I thought it was so... I'm still in the dark here.
Yeah... That doesn't help. I tried to put stuff on the throne but it wasn't a lord of cinder like I thought it was so... I'm still in the dark here.
am I the only one who does this every time I summon
It is, the top middle throne.
That throne is finicky, you can't be directly in front of it, but down and away off the raised area.
Okay, so I'm looking at a couple of weapons to replace my Dark Sword just because it is boring and I hate it. Would any of these even come close to its power/efficiency?
Onikiri and Ubadachi
Washing Pole
Astora Greatsword
Lothric Knight Greatsword
Boss Greatswords (Wolf Knight, Farron, Profaned)
My stats are building toward quality fyi (35 STR 32 Dex)
I sometimes do the Patches Squat gesture in front of someone
And whose bright idea was it to transport me directly from one boss fight into another, straight fromto this. 65K in souls locked into the fucking boss fight until I can find some competent people to help. UGH.Yhorm
OMG. So many fucking garbage summons at the. I summon two, for whatever fucking reason one never enters or I get a "has gone home" message. If by some miracle I actually get them into the fight they die in the first minute or less. I tried ten times and finally said fuck this and quit for now.Dancer of Boreal Valley
And whose bright idea was it to transport me directly from one boss fight into another, straight fromto this. 65K in souls locked into the fucking boss fight until I can find some competent people to help. UGH.Yhorm
OMG. So many fucking garbage summons at the. I summon two, for whatever fucking reason one never enters or I get a "has gone home" message. If by some miracle I actually get them into the fight they die in the first minute or less. I tried ten times and finally said fuck this and quit for now.Dancer of Boreal Valley
And whose bright idea was it to transport me directly from one boss fight into another, straight fromto this. 65K in souls locked into the fucking boss fight until I can find some competent people to help. UGH.Yhorm
Hope we get a dedicated PvP spot at some point. That would be awesome.
OMG. So many fucking garbage summons at the. I summon two, for whatever fucking reason one never enters or I get a "has gone home" message. If by some miracle I actually get them into the fight they die in the first minute or less. I tried ten times and finally said fuck this and quit for now.Dancer of Boreal Valley
And whose bright idea was it to transport me directly from one boss fight into another, straight fromto this. 65K in souls locked into the fucking boss fight until I can find some competent people to help. UGH.Yhorm
Anri quest help please.
Ok so I didnt know we needed to draw out our true strength in order to get the best ending so Yoel died. Fine. Ive defeated Yhorm an went back to the catacombs after killing Horace and told Anri that Horace was at Smouldering Lake. She gave me the ring.
I then find her at the Chapel and talk to her and get a gesture. Does anyone know where Anri will be now? I went back to where I fought Horace and found a grave that Im assuming Anri made.
That would be nice. For now the area after Pontiff is pretty good for fight clubs.
...? It's like a short, clear run from the elevator to the right before the boss room.the fucking walk to the Prince is more annoying than the fucking boss itself
fuck those knights seriously
Anyone want to help me beat NK? I'm level 84 ng
Do you have one of those rings that stops you from losing souls when you die?
grab souls and bone out? You should get enough time if you run into a corner behind those spiral stairs.
Server is completely down on PS4
I literally just killed a boss seconds before the disconnect too. Any idea how long this is supposed to last?
Can't log onto the server right now, anyone else having issues?
but its like already 6 o'clock PDT. or was that just like the range of when they might start the maintenance .
One small nitpick: I'm not a fan of how quest npcs you meet in the world just disapperate at the end of a conversation. Feels less organic than just leaving and coming back to find them having moved on.
ok so I have everything in the four altars except for the one where that dude is sitting and I'm not getting a cut scene from the firekeeper???????
You should see the firekeeper walk to the middle fire. Talk to her.
what??? she's not going anywhere
I gave her some eyeballs but she didn't like them so I killed her and I think that's why she's not giving me the cutscene
So I seem to constantly have "Unable to Summon". I ended up having to solo almost every boss in the game. Anyone know what could fix this?
Man Dwayne Johnson was a chump. I expected more of a challenge.