I'm going to give some random NK tips as I've done him a bunch of times now.
- Just be patient with the summon signs, stand in the middle of where the lever is and dash to the next sign when it comes up, you'll eventually beat everyone else to one.
- Play unlocked target when he's on the drake, otherwise I found that NK himself would be out of view and his melee attacks may catch you off guard. Keep an eye on him, he sort of leans forward when he's about to melee you from the bird. His attacks can be super fast. Keep your distance and go for a hit on the bird's head now and then. Get the crit attack when it comes up obv. Lock onto him when he's flying fast around you though, you've got a little lightning bolt to dodge and he'll usually finish with a divebomb that hurts.
- Run far away from the drake as fast as you can when he flies into the air for the big FIRE attack. The fire sort of tracks one player.
- Learn the tell for when the drake blasts the long stream of fire on the ground. He curves his head to his left in a particular way (your right). You'll want to see it coming because being hit by this can be devastating, and it leaves the head completely open for multiple hits.
- Crit attack NK himself when he drops to one knee in pain, I noticed lots of other players missing this. You have to be right up in his face for it to register.
- Put the shield away and start learning moves, all are simple to dodge. Two hand that weapon and get a hit, sometimes two before getting out of dodge. If he's tracking someone else, wail on him from the back but don't get greedy.
- His grab move is bullshit and the main reason why you should just get a hit (more if you're a quick weapon) before pulling the fuck out.
- When he flies high in the air, he'll pause for a few seconds before homing down to where you are. Learn the timing on this one.
- When he starts throwing lightning shit around and is preparing for a lightning strike, just keep sidestepping like a motherfucker and you'll probably be alright.