Thursday War
Make sure you have it on the large throne at the centre as well.

I'll be right back.
Make sure you have it on the large throne at the centre as well.
What system?
Edit. Looks like servers are down.
Anri quest help please.
Ok so I didnt know we needed to draw out our true strength in order to get the best ending so Yoel died. Fine. Ive defeated Yhorm an went back to the catacombs after killing Horace and told Anri that Horace was at Smouldering Lake. She gave me the ring.
I then find her at the Chapel and talk to her and get a gesture. Does anyone know where Anri will be now? I went back to where I fought Horace and found a grave that Im assuming Anri made.
what??? she's not going anywhere
I gave her some eyeballs but she didn't like them so I killed her and I think that's why she's not giving me the cutscene
Yep. Season pass mentions 2 DLC. The first dlc should be release in the fall.Was it confirmed that there will be 2 DLC for this game?
So is there an actual "best" or true ending or is it all a matter of taste here?
Wow, if this patch fixes theglitch forSwordsmanboss, man am I ever glad I started two new characters last night just make sure I got access before any stupid patches start taking it away. Got about 20 chunks 15 minutes after start up of each character! .....and wait for it.... Reddancer......both characters are called minimaximus.....hyper mode here I come!!!!tearstone
Still largely up to interpretation, but the different endings have different degrees of tone, I guess. One ends on a rather somber tone. One on a middling. And one on a rather awesome end. (At least in my opinion)
So from the beginning ofBeen trying to figure out how to get there.Anor Londoyou can see a bonfire at the top of a tower connected to the Church of Yorshka.
Rad. Think they will bring back more DS1 locations likeYep. Season pass mentions 2 DLC. The first dlc should be release in the fall.
question about Undead Settlement...
what is the requirement to get the Giant firing arrows to become your friend? you need one of those white branches in your inventory or is there something else that triggers him becoming friendly?
question about Undead Settlement...
what is the requirement to get the Giant firing arrows to become your friend? you need one of those white branches in your inventory or is there something else that triggers him becoming friendly?
OMG. So many fucking garbage summons at the. I summon two, for whatever fucking reason one never enters or I get a "has gone home" message. If by some miracle I actually get them into the fight they die in the first minute or less. I tried ten times and finally said fuck this and quit for now.Dancer of Boreal Valley
And whose bright idea was it to transport me directly from one boss fight into another, straight fromto this. 65K in souls locked into the fucking boss fight until I can find some competent people to help. UGH.Yhorm
If you kill theWould you care to explain this? Feel free to PM.
I am in desperate need of chunks.
OMG. So many fucking garbage summons at the. I summon two, for whatever fucking reason one never enters or I get a "has gone home" message. If by some miracle I actually get them into the fight they die in the first minute or less. I tried ten times and finally said fuck this and quit for now.Dancer of Boreal Valley
And whose bright idea was it to transport me directly from one boss fight into another, straight fromto this. 65K in souls locked into the fucking boss fight until I can find some competent people to help. UGH.Yhorm
Chaos blade has S dex scaling when upgraded.
I'll be right back.
Pretty sure it's just not you getting to them fast enough, usually around boss areas there's plenty of people looking for help.
*casually reading Fextralife wiki*
"The are you are now in has the hardest boss in the game"
Another time then
Man you had the Giant Dad in Dark Souls, Then the impossible to grind Monastery Scimitar in 2 and now you have the Estoc in 3. Why bother after that?
Fuck that duel-welding Katana, The Estoc is the PvP/PvE meta.
Shame the servers are down. Just joined mound makers and it is a BLAST to invade as a mad dark spirit. Almost every invasion is 2v4 and it's amazing chaos. Got 4 vertebra shackles before the servers went down.
Also, the Lothric Knight Sword is amazing - that 110 crit damage + hornet ring = lots of 1 shot kill ripostes. Also the slightly longer reach on it is great for that thrusting moveset. Catch lots of people on the end of their rolls.
Knightslayer's Ring, Hornet Ring, Lloyd's Sword Ring and Chloranthy. Great combo for an aggressive playstyle. Hosts tend to panic and turtle when I rush in and start swinging at them, leading to lots of guard breaks with Knightslayer's ring.
Honorable duels are fun and all, and I still join fightclubs on some characters, but I think I've fallen in love with the Mound Makers covenant.
Awesome end. Explain
Yeah I think I'm going to go hunt that down. The fact that it's a Katana, and depletes health is perfect for me as I had just perfected my Chikage build in Bloodborne before Ds3 came out.
Can't get online. Anyone else having problems? PS4. My PSN+ shouldn't be over as i just got it this month.
You must have some equipment that adds a little bit. If the weapon or armor is cursed, it will have a small status effect. The same thing happens when you put on rings that have status defenses.Had an odd glitch keep happening tonight. Every time I fast traveled, it would show me as having poison, curse, etc. for a second or two, then go away.
Server maintenance.
i hear it has shit base damage though. The Scythe that has S scaling with dex is shitty as fuck in damage.
Had an odd glitch keep happening tonight. Every time I fast traveled, it would show me as having poison, curse, etc. for a second or two, then go away.
Had an odd glitch keep happening tonight. Every time I fast traveled, it would show me as having poison, curse, etc. for a second or two, then go away.
(Ending Spoilers obviously)This was my interpretation of the endings at least.I'll first list the other endings for comparison.
1.) Link the fire. This is the ending you're told to do through a bit of the game. It's the easiest to get, and it ends the most depressingly once you think about it. You link the first fire to your soul, but there is little fanfare. You clearly haven't extended the age of fire for very long. You've done very little, things are unlikely to change from the hell that you've had to brave to get here.
2.) End of Fire. This is slightly better as it presents a hope at something different. It seems to imply that this whole situation s a cycle of trying to snuff the flame and trying to rekindle it, so in the end, it may not matter, but hey, maybe this time it's different and things go well.
3.) Usurp the Fire. This quest involves multiple quests and is the hardest of the three. Here, you take the first flame, and rather than trying to extend it or snuff it out, you take it for yourself and take that power. I felt it was implied, that instead of leaving it to chance or the cyclical bs that has been plaguing the Dark Souls world, you get the power to make the decision. You are now in control of the fate of this world and the inhabitants. You start the "True Age of Man." You also walk out of the place like a badass with people bowing to you as their savior.
ok so I have everything in the four altars except for the one where that dude is sitting and I'm not getting a cut scene from the firekeeper???????
No one knows?Can someone explain this to me?
I have 28 STR, 40 DEX.
Weapon with no infusion: (C STR, C DEX) 200 + 148
Weapon with sharp infusion: (D STR, B DEX) 185 + 183
Weapon with refined infusion: (B STR, B DEX) 180 + 180 <- Why is this lower than sharp? Diminishing returns?
Welp i think only 1 and 2 are open to me now.
So ill go 2 and go for the 3rd in NG+ cause yeah that sounds dope.
Unless somehow 3 is still open to me now.
Ive been everywhere and killed every boss except the last.
I havent spoken to that NPC who lvls you even once.
Highest damage katana (AR413) when fully upgraded with 18 str / 40 dex.
If you kill thein the church oppositeladyand walk in behind her theVordtfight starts. This isn't a glitch and is intended. It's almost impossible to beatdancerat low level even with decent help, but if you hire thedancer(location to the right ofswordsmandoor must have killed him inVordt) then he comes in to help. He will die the first go but if you quit out after he dies and come back after hiring him a second time he is invincible to regular attacks and heals the minor damage he takes from the AOE...Sit back, get 40000 souls and access tofirelinkearly . . . you can go backward to the connecting levels as well.Lothric Castle
As I said, I might have been just in time doing two new characters last night as this patch may correct this glitch . . . it's pretty bad ()godly
i hear it has shit base damage though. The Scythe that has S scaling with dex is shitty as fuck in damage.
i hear it has shit base damage though. The Scythe that has S scaling with dex is shitty as fuck in damage.
Holy shit.
Should have tried this.
I see.
So then both weapons that S scale are shit. Fuck me why did I bother with a dex build...